Andres do Barro - Pois Eu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Andres do Barro - Pois Eu

Pois Eu
Pois Eu
Quixera ser de novo rapaz
I would like to be a young boy again
Que a xente quixérame ben
That people would love me
Xogar ao que quero xogar
Play what I want to play
E todos chamaranme Andrés
And everyone would call me Andrés
E logo pra falares de min
And then to talk about me
Ninguén lle importara saber
No one would care to know
Que eu quixera que deixaranme ser
That I wanted to be left alone
Do xeito que eu quero vivir
The way I want to live
Que as cousas que eu quero facer
That the things I want to do
Tiveran ledicia pra ti.
Would bring you joy.
Agora tanto tempo pasou
Now so much time has passed
Que xa non podo ser como son
That I can no longer be the way I am
Pois eu!
For me!
Quixera xa non máis falar
I would like to no longer talk
Quixera xa non máis pensar
I would like to no longer think
Nas cousas que fixen eu
About the things I have done
Pois eu!
For me!
Quixera xa non máis falar
I would like to no longer talk
Quixera xa non máis pensar
I would like to no longer think
Nas cousas do mundo meu
About the things of my world
Que pra ser o que eu vivín
That in order to be what I have lived
E as cousas que eu ollei
And the things that I looked at
E que ninguén se vai lembrar de min
And that no one will remember me
E que eu agora xa non sei
And that I now no longer know
O que é poder vivir
What it is to be able to live
O mundo xa non é pra min
The world is no longer for me
E que a vida como ven
And that life as it comes
Non pode ser así
Cannot be that way
Non quero máis ficar eiqui
I don't want to stay here anymore
E que eu o mundo vou tornar
And that I am going to change the world
Por ter a quen amar
To have someone to love
Agora poderei sorrir
Now I can smile
(Agora xa non vai estar de moda)
(Now it will no longer be in fashion)
Cantarei para vos contar
I will sing to tell you
Fun andando tanto tempo pola vida
I have been walking through life for so long
Sen ninguén que me quería
Without anyone who loved me
Sen ninguén que me falara
Without anyone who spoke to me
Sen ninguén que me escoitara
Without anyone who listened to me
Cando eu necesitaba
When I needed it
Quero alguen, mais non sei e quen é
I want someone, but I don't know who it is
O que teño non é meu
What I have is not mine
Máis quixera saber eu
But I would like to know
O que é miño xa é teu
What is mine is yours
O que vou querer
What I will want
Pois eu!
For me!
Quixera xa non máis falar
I would like to no longer talk
Quixera xa non máis pensar
I would like to no longer think
Nas cousas que fixen eu
About the things I have done
Pois eu!
For me!
Quixera xa non máis falar
I would like to no longer talk
Quixera xa non máis pensar
I would like to no longer think
Nas cousas do mundo meu
About the things of my world
Que tamén como ollei
That also as I looked
E as cousas que eu vivin
And the things that I lived
Ninguén se vai lembrar de min
No one will remember me
E que eu agora xa non sei
And that I now no longer know
O que é poder vivir
What it is to be able to live
O mundo xa non é pra min
The world is no longer for me
E que a vida como ven
And that life as it comes
Non pode ser así
Cannot be that way
Non quero máis ficar eiqui
I don't want to stay here anymore
E que eu o mundo vou tornar
And that I am going to change the world
Por ter a quen amar
To have someone to love
E logo poderei sorrir
And then I can smile
Quixera ser de novo rapaz
I would like to be a young boy again
Que a xente quixérame ben
That people would love me
Falar do que eu quero falar
Talk about what I want to talk about
E todos me chamaran Andrés
And everyone would call me Andrés
Quixera que deixárame ser
I wish they would let me be
Do xeito que eu quero vivir
The way I want to live
Que alguén se pramiara pra min
That someone would reward me
E quixera ser de novo rapaz
And I would like to be a young boy again

Writer(s): Andres Lapique Dobarro, Paula Lopez Adamez

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