Andrew Lloyd Webber feat. "The Phantom Of The Opera" 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast, Luis René Aguirre, Luis Miguel Lombana, Tatiana Marouchtchak, Tere Cabrera, Laura Morelos, Javier Cortés & Juan Navarro - La Oficina De Los Gerentes / Prima Donna - Global Edition / 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera" - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Andrew Lloyd Webber feat. "The Phantom Of The Opera" 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast, Luis René Aguirre, Luis Miguel Lombana, Tatiana Marouchtchak, Tere Cabrera, Laura Morelos, Javier Cortés & Juan Navarro - La Oficina De Los Gerentes / Prima Donna - Global Edition / 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"

La Oficina De Los Gerentes / Prima Donna - Global Edition / 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
The Managers' Office / Prima Donna - Global Edition / 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
"Se estrenó y a un misterio fui"
"It premiered and I became a mystery"
Dice: "Vuelo de una Soprano vi"
"I saw the flight of a Soprano", he says
"Confusión policial causó"
"It caused police confusion"
Y esta "Confusión" dudas levantó
And this "Confusion" raised doubts
Víctima de este pasquín
Victim of this rag
Fue Carlotta, hoy Christine
Was Carlotta, today Christine
Mil entradas hoy vendí
A thousand tickets I sold today
Oro vale un chisme así
Gold is worth gossip like this
"Diva ofrece su renuncia"
"Diva offers her resignation"
"Luego la suplente huyó"
"Then the substitute fled"
Si el reparto faltó y la ovación sonó
If the cast was missing and the ovation sounded
Al diablo Gluck y Handel
To hell with Gluck and Handel
Con escándalos el éxito llegó
With scandals, success came
Nos podrían dejar
They could leave us
Esto es pésimo
This is lousy
No hay porqué gritar
There is no reason to shout
Es publicidad
It's advertising
Que ganancias da
That brings profits
Es publicidad
It's advertising
No hay reparto ya
There is no cast anymore
Pero, André, ya la fila vi
But, André, I already saw the line
Oh! También te llegó a ti
Oh! It also reached you
"Oh André, ¡qué preciosa gala!"
"Oh André, what a beautiful gala!"
"Christine el éxito logró"
"Christine achieved success"
"Si Carlotta se fue"
"If Carlotta left"
"Yo no lo noté"
"I didn't notice"
"Además, el coro fue estupendo"
"Also, the chorus was great"
"Pero horrendo el ballet me pareció"
"But the ballet seemed horrendous to me"
"Y Firmin, un recordatorio"
"And Firmin, a reminder"
"Mi sueldo debe usted pagar"
"You must pay my salary"
"Al espectro emitir y así remitir"
"To the specter, issue and thus remit"
"Sigue atrás"
"Follow behind"
"Nadie quiere deudas es mejor que me obedezca sin chistar"
"Nobody wants debts, it's better that you obey me without question"
-¿Quién se atreve a mandar esto?
-Who dares to send this?
-¿Alguien de pueril visión?
-Someone with a childish vision?
"F.O." firma él
"O.G." he signs
¿Quién es, por Luzbel?
Who is he, by Lucifer?
Fantasma de la Ópera
Phantom of the Opera
Él abusa de nosotros
He abuses us
Además quiere dinero
He also wants money
Un espectro muy curioso
A very curious specter
-Hasta resultó ambicioso
-He even turned out to be ambitious
-Nada claro, es un loco sin razón
-Nothing clear, he's a madman without reason
¿En dónde?
¿Busca a Carlotta?
Looking for Carlotta?
¿Dónde está Christine?
Where is Christine?
¿En dónde?
¿Cómo saber?
How to know?
Conteste pronto
Answer soon
Lo tomo de la nota que envió
I take it from the note he sent
¿Qué es este lío?
What is this mess?
¡Por Dios, no!
Oh God, no!
No acuse así
Don't accuse like that
¿No está aquí entonces?
She's not here then?
¡Por Dios, no!
Oh God, no!
¿En dónde está?
Where is she?
Ya no discutan
Stop arguing
Esto es lo que usted escribió
This is what you wrote
¿Y usted cree que lo escribido hice yo?
And you think I wrote what was written?
"Ya no teman por Christine"
"Fear no more for Christine"
"El Ángel de Música la va proteger"
"The Angel of Music will protect her"
"No intenten verla aquí otra vez"
"Don't try to see her here again"
Si ustedes no lo escribieron
If you didn't write it
¿Quién fue?
Who was it?
¿En dónde?
Ya regresó
He's back
Señor, qué importa
Sir, what does it matter
-Un re-encuentro
-A re-encounter
¿Qué ocurre aquí?
What is happening here?
Tengo su carta
I have your letter
Que gran resentimiento causó
That caused great resentment
¿Acaso es suya?
Is it yours?
¡Por Dios, no!
Oh God, no!
No lo haría él
He wouldn't do it
-¿No la mandó usted?
-Didn't you send it?
¡Por Dios, no!
Oh God, no!
¿Qué pasa aquí?
What's going on here?
Confiese y diga que esta nota usted no la envió
Confess and say that you did not send this note
¿Y qué se supone que yo le envié?
And what am I supposed to have sent?
"Sus días en la Ópera popular se acaban"
"Your days at the popular Opera are over"
"Christine Daaé canta por la noche en su lugar"
"Christine Daaé sings tonight in your place"
"Y tendrá una gran desgracia"
"And you will have a great misfortune"
"Si la intentan sustituir"
"If you try to replace her"
-Ya son demasiadas notas
-That's too many notes
-Y casi todas de Christine
-And almost all of them about Christine
-Solo se oye Daaé
-All you hear is Daaé
-Y ya me cansé
-And I'm tired of it
Christine ya regresó
Christine is back
Pues entonces esta junta terminó
Well then this meeting is over
¿Dónde exactamente está?
Where exactly is she?
A casa fue
She went home
Y es lo mejor
And it's for the best
Fue a descansar
She went to rest
¿Puedo verla?
Can I see her?
No, monsieur, no verá a nadie
No, monsieur, she will see no one
-¿Cantará? ¿Cantará?
-Will she sing? Will she sing?
Una nota más
One more note
¿Puedo verla?
Can I see her?
"Caballeros, les he enviado varias notas en el tono más amable"
"Gentlemen, I have sent you several notes in the kindest tone"
"Detallando cómo se debe manejar mi teatro"
"Detailing how my theater should be run"
"Ustedes no han seguido mis instrucciones"
"You have not followed my instructions"
"Yo les daré una última oportunidad"
"I will give you one last chance"
Christine Daaé con ustedes fue
Christine Daaé was with you
Por su progreso muy ansioso estoy
I am very anxious for her progress
En la nueva producción de Il Muto
In the new production of Il Muto
El papel del paje lo hará Carlotta
Carlotta will play the role of the page
El de condesa asignarán a Christine
Christine will be assigned the role of Countess
El rol de Christine pide un encanto especial
The role of Christine requires a special charm
El rol de el paje es mudo lo que hace que sea mi reparto ideal
The role of the page is mute which makes it my ideal cast
Veré la función desde mi lugar acostumbrado en el palco número 5
I will watch the performance from my usual place in box number 5
Que deberá estar desocupado para
Which should be unoccupied for me
Si estas órdenes se ignoran
If these orders are ignored
"Un desastre inimaginable ocurrirá"
"An unimaginable disaster will occur"
"Me reitero, caballeros, como su obediente servidor, F.O."
"I repeat, gentlemen, as your obedient servant, O.G."
¿Y ahora qué?
Now what?
-Es todo un plan para Christine
-It's all a plan for Christine
El colmo es
The last straw is
Yo quién lo hizo
I know who did it
Vizconde es su amante
Viscount is her lover
¿Ah sí?
Oh yeah?
¿Pueden creerlo?
Can you believe it?
-¿Nadie me quiere?
-Nobody loves me?
-¡Bromeando está!
-You're kidding!
-¡Ya no los quiero!
-I don't love you anymore!
-No cambia nada
-Nothing changes
-¿Ya no me quieren?
-You don't love me anymore?
La diva es
The diva is
Y será siempre
And will always be
Un loco es
He's a madman
Nadie nos manda
Nobody bosses us around
Christine el paje interpretará
Christine will play the page
Que el mudo es
That he is mute
Carlotta el protagónico hará
Carlotta will play the lead role
No la merecen
They don't deserve her
-Solo lo dicen por calmarme
-They just say it to calm me down
-Calm her down
-Tan solo quieren complacerme
-They just want to please me
-Y darle
-And give her
No he de escucharlos
I will not listen to them
Pues grave insulto es
For it is a grave insult
Dios mío me has matado
My God you have killed me
-Padre mío! Dío!
-My father! God!
-Cuidado con mostrar desdén
-Be careful not to show disdain
-Me han molestado
-They have bothered me
-El ángel oye, el ángel ve
-The angel hears, the angel sees
-El ángel que Christine huye de
-The angel that Christine runs away from me
-Me avergonzaron
-They embarrassed me
-Disculpe porfavor
-Please excuse me
-Me han reemplazado
-They have replaced me
-Sí, signora, le rogamos
-Yes, signora, we beg you
-Quiero verla
-I want to see her
-Tus miedos su hora al fin tendrán, el ángel oye y lo sabrá
-Your fears will finally have their hour, the angel hears and will know
-Esto es un inmencionable, sin fundamento, inconcebible
-This is an unspeakable, unfounded, inconceivable
-¿A dónde fue?
-Where did she go?
-Son inhumanos
-They are inhumane
-Signora, acéptelo
-Signora, accept it
-Esto ha acabado
-This is over
-No será un ángel
-He will not be an angel
-Hay más sorpresas por llegar
-There are more surprises to come
La audiencia la ama
The audience loves her
Nosotros más
We love her more
¿Y no prefieren a su pequeñita ingenua?
And don't they prefer their naive little girl?
Signora, no
Signora, no
La aman a usted
They love you
Prima Donna, primera dama es
Prima Donna, first lady is
Mi alma con sed, se hinca ante usted y le implora
My soul, thirsty, kneels before you and implores you
Puede salir a gozar su ovación
You can go out and enjoy your ovation
Pues su público la adora
Because your audience adores you
Prima Donna, fascíneme otra vez
Prima Donna, fascinate me again
Su musa está
Your muse is
Formada ya en la taquilla
Already formed at the box office
¿Nos negaría este triunfo lograr?
Would you deny us this triumph?
Si, Prima Donna, canta
Yes, Prima Donna, sing
Christine habló de un ángel
Christine spoke of an angel
Prima Donna, resurge tu canción
Prima Donna, your song is reborn
Piense en su audiencia
Think of your audience
Pues frente a usted, más las audiencias te aclaman
Well, in front of you, more audiences acclaim you
-Los que la oyen creen que es la voz de un ángel
-Those who hear her believe it's the voice of an angel
-Ella lleva la voz de un ángel de música
-She carries the voice of an angel of music
-Piensa en su apoyo incondicional
-Think of their unconditional support
-¿Es este su Ángel de Música?
-Is this your Angel of Music?
-Tenemos Ópera
-We have Opera
-Si las candilejas, te aman
-If the footlights love you
-¿El fantasma es un ángel o un loco?
-Is the phantom an angel or a madman?
-Pues ya candilejas brillan con tu estrella
-For the footlights already shine with your star
-¡Estas divas serias son!
-These serious divas are!
-Prima Donna, canción que es inmortal
-Prima Donna, a song that is immortal
-Cuando canta es el cielo
-When she sings it's heaven
-Desde el cielo enciendo
-From heaven I light
-Y cantarás con un aplauso infinito
-And you will sing with an infinite applause
-El ángel de ópera
-The angel of opera
-Llantos, de un lunático es lo más normal que va a ocurrir
-Crying, from a lunatic, is the most normal thing that will happen
-Esto se repetirá, más o peor
-This will happen again, for better or worse
-Si alguien ve sus demandas negadas
-If someone sees their demands denied
-Y que sean sus demandas negadas
-And let their demands be denied
-¿Quién cree que una diva
-Who believes that a diva
-Salve a chica viva
-Save a living girl
-Que sin mas razón durmió con el patrón?
-Who slept with the boss for no reason?
-Christine hay que cuidarla
-Christine we have to take care of her
-Se va rechaza, revaluada, reelegida
-She leaves rejected, reevaluated, re-elected
-En dueto de amor, doncella y gran señor
-In a love duet, maiden and great lord
-Y aunque al secreto es fiel
-And although she is faithful to the secret
-Con ella estuvo él
-He was with her
-En una obra normal sería inusual
-In a normal play it would be unusual
-Más si cantada va
-But if it's sung
-Su juego acaba
-Your game is over
-Se acabó el juego
-The game is over
-Es que nunca ganarás
-Because you will never win
-Y en otro idioma está
-And it's in another language
-Mejor trama no habrá
-There will be no better plot
-En palco 5 un nuevo juego habrá
-In box 5 there will be a new game
-La audiencia aclamará
-The audience will cheer
-Es la perfecta ópera
-It's the perfect opera
-Pero en su obra está en esta ópera
-But in his play she is in this opera
-Prima Donna, el mundo está a tus pies
-Prima Donna, the world is at your feet
-Temo a lo que viene
-I fear what is to come
-Y la Nación tiene razón en quererte
-And the Nation is right to love you
-No se atrevan
-Don't you dare
-Hagan del foro
-Make the forum
-Sus luces brillar
-Your lights shine
-Si, Prima Donna, canta
-Yes, Prima Donna, sing
Así que es la guerra entre nosotros
So it's war between us
Si estas demandas no se cumplen
If these demands are not met
Un desastre inimaginable ocurrirá
An unimaginable disaster will occur

Writer(s): Andrew Lloyd Webber

Andrew Lloyd Webber feat. "The Phantom Of The Opera" 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast, Luis René Aguirre, Luis Miguel Lombana, Tatiana Marouchtchak, Tere Cabrera, Laura Morelos, Javier Cortés & Juan Navarro - The Phantom Of The Opera: Global Edition
The Phantom Of The Opera: Global Edition
date de sortie

1 La Guarida Del Fantasma - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
2 El Umbral Final / El Laberinto Subterraneo - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
3 Cuanto Yo Deseo Volverte A Ver - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
4 Durmiendo Me Canto - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
5 Musica En La Oscuridad - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
6 El Fantasma De La Opera - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
7 El Espejo - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
8 Nina Perdida - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
9 Todo Lo Que Pido De Ti - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
10 Piensa En Mi - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
11 Obertura - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
12 Prologo - Escenario De La Opera De Paris - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
13 Entreacto - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
14 Mascarada - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
15 Mascarada - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
16 Das Phantom der Oper - Das Unterirdische Labyrinth
17 Das Phantom der Oper - Maskenball
18 Das Phantom der Oper - Ballett Aus Il Muto
19 Die Musik der Dunkelheit - 1990 German Cast Recording Of “The Phantom Of The Opera”
20 Das Phantom der Oper
21 Das Phantom der Oper - Der Letzte Schritt
22 Das Phantom der Oper: Engel Der Muse
23 Könntest Du Doch Wieder Bei Mir Sein
24 Könntest du doch wieder bei mir sein - 1990 German Cast of The Phantom of the Opera
25 Das Phantom der Oper - Denk an mich
26 Mehr Will Ich Nicht Von Dir - 1990 German Cast of The Phantom of the Opera
27 Das Phantom der Oper - Mehr Will Ich Nicht Von Dir
28 La Oficina De Los Gerentes / Prima Donna - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
29 La Oficina De Los Gerentes / Prima Donna - Global Edition / 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
30 Learn To Be Lonely
31 The Phantom Of The Opera - London Cast Recording 2022
32 Overture
33 Entr'Acte - Act Two - Six Months Later - Live At The Royal Albert Hall, UK / 2011 / Edit
34 Das Phantom der Oper - Briefe / Primadonna
35 Das Phantom der Oper - Ouvertüre
36 Das Phantom der Oper - Hannibal
37 All I Ask Of You - Global Edition / Reprise / 1988 Japanese Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
38 The Phantom Of The Opera - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
39 Past The Point Of No Return - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
40 Past The Point Of No Return - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
41 Stąd Odwrotu Już Nie Ma - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
42 Noc Muzykę Gra - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
43 Upiór W Operze - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
44 The Mirror (Angel of Music) - 1988 Japanese Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
45 Noc Muzykę Gra - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
46 Think Of Me - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
47 Think Of Me - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
48 Tänk På Mig - 1989 Swedish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
49 Musikens Ängel - 1989 Swedish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
50 Hannibal - 1989 Swedish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
51 Ouvertyr - 1989 Swedish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
52 Prolog - 1989 Swedish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
53 Tänk På Mig - Introduktion / 1989 Swedish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
54 Mi Musica Te Di - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
55 Ensayo General De Anibal - 2000 Mexican Spanish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
56 Üzött vad - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
57 Látjuk-e egymást valahol? - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
58 Elveszett gyermek - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
59 Túl késö - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
60 Ennyit kérek én - Repriz / 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
61 Maszkabál - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
62 Levelek - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
63 Nyitány II - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
64 Levelek / Prima Donna - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
65 Prológus - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
66 Ennyit kérek én - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
67 Vén hibbant, pórul jár - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
68 Miért hoztál fel ide? - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
69 Nyitány I / Hannibal - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
70 Ördögi lasszó - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
71 Kicsi Lotte / A tükör - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
72 Most már rémlik - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
73 Az Operaház Fantomja - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
74 Az éj zenéje - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
75 Angyali hang - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
76 Gondolj rám - 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
77 Angyali hang - Global Edition / 2003 Hungarian Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
78 Maskarada - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
79 Szkoda Że Cię Tu Nie Ma - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
80 Antrakt - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
81 Uwertura - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
82 To Zbrodniarza Trop - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
83 Il Muto - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
84 Primadonna - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
85 O Tyle Proszę Cię - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
86 Wspomnij Mnie - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
87 Anioł Muzyki - 2008 Polish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
88 Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
89 In Sleep He Sang To Me - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
90 Final Lair - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
91 Masquerade - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
92 All I Ask Of You - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
93 Overture - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
94 Prologue - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
95 Prima Donna - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
96 Entr'Acte - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
97 The Music Of The Night - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
98 The Mirror - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
99 The Dress Rehearsal Of Hannibal - 2009 Korean Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"
100 Ner Igen - Följ Efter Mördaren - Global Edition / 1989 Swedish Cast Recording Of "The Phantom Of The Opera"

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