Anna Sköld - Lingua Mea - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Anna Sköld - Lingua Mea

Lingua Mea
My Language
Semper Latine discere volui
I always wanted to learn Latin
Sed numquam me elaborem
But I could never bring myself to do it
Iam tua carmina burana de her scripseras
You had already written your Carmina Burana about her
Sed dixi tibi plus temporis opus esse ut eam documentis adderem
But I told you you needed more time to add it to the documents
Quamvis decennium abit
Although a decade has passed
Iratus sum et scripsi carmen de te et de Sancto tuo
I got angry and wrote a song about you and your Saint
Sed nescis si intellexisti
But you don't know if you understood it
Lingua mea nimis erat vulgaris et simplex?
Was my language too vulgar and simple?
Non primum sic cogitasti
It wasn't the first time you thought so
Ubi sunt notae quae mihi promisisti?
Where are the notes you promised me?
Ubi sunt notae tibi pollicitus es?
Where are the notes you swore to me?
Cotidie aliquid novi
Something new every day
Sunt sicut inanibus verbis?
Are they just empty words?
Optio tua fuit - ut propius accedere vel augere spatium auderet
It was your choice - to dare to get closer or increase the distance
Nunc habes me in custodiam in praeteritum
Now you have me guarded in the past
Sed omnes timores habet in manu tua
But all fears are in your hand
Spero te permittere aliquem ut amem te
I hope you let someone love you
Quando non me
When not me
Quando non me
When not me
Quando non me
When not me
Quando non me
When not me
Quando non me
When not me

Writer(s): Skold Anna Sofia

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