I could make you promises, I could give you leave.
Jeg ku' gi' dig grunde til at bli' flov.
I could give you reasons to feel ashamed.
Jeg giver op, du går hjem, og der skete ingenting igen.
I give up, you go home, and nothing happened again.
Jeg giver op, du går hjem, og der skete ingenting.
I give up, you go home, and nothing happened.
Jeg bli'r stille, du spørger hvordan det går, hvad der sker.
I get quiet, you ask how I'm doing, what's up.
Jeg fik, hvad jeg ville, og spø'r om vi skal ta' en øl mer'.
I got what I wanted, and ask if we should have another beer.
Og så smiler vi lidt af skæbnens ironi, og anerkender dens underholdningsværdi.
And then we smile a little at the irony of fate, and acknowledge its entertainment value.
Jeg gi'r op, du går hjem, og der skete ingenting igen.
I give up, you go home, and nothing happened again.
Jeg gi'r op, du går hjem, og der skete ingenting.
I give up, you go home, and nothing happened.
For du holder på det, du har, og jeg holder det hele ind. Så du ik' skal forklare, og jeg ik' skal forsvare et hold, der ik' kan vinde.
Because you hold on to what you have, and I hold it all in. So you don't have to explain, and I don't have to defend a team that can't win.
Ja du holder på det, du har, og jeg holder det hele ind. Så du ik' skal forklare, og jeg ik' skal forsvare et hold, der ik' kan vinde.
Yes, you hold on to what you have, and I hold it all in. So you don't have to explain, and I don't have to defend a team that can't win.
Jeg vil tage dig i kraven, skub' dig op mod en væg, til du skriger mit navn, til du er helt i knæ. Jeg ku' lade min hånd rive i dit hår, jeg ku' fylde din mund til du forstår.
I want to grab you by the collar, push you up against a wall, until you scream my name, until you're on your knees. I could let my hand tangle in your hair, I could fill your mouth until you understand.
Jeg ku' tage chancen, bare sig' hey hey, turde mist' balancen, håb' det ender ok.
I could take a chance, just say hey hey, dare to lose my balance, hope it ends up okay.
Men vi to, vi skal hjem, hver vores vej, jeg skal glem' dig, og du skal glem' mig.
But we two, we have to go home, each our own way, I'll have to forget you, and you'll have to forget me.
Jeg tømmer mit glas, og vi si'r farvel.
I empty my glass, and we say goodbye.
Og så let som ingenting slog vi tiden ihjel.
And as easy as nothing we killed time.
Tid der er gået, tid der forsvandt.
Time that has passed, time that has disappeared.
Misted' vi noget
- og hvad var det, vi fandt?
Did we miss something
- and what did we find?
Jeg vil tage dig i kraven, skub' dig op mod en væg, til du skriger mit navn, til du er helt i knæ. Jeg ku' lade min hånd rive i dit hår, jeg ku' fylde din mund til du forstår.
I want to grab you by the collar, push you up against a wall, until you scream my name, until you're on your knees. I could let my hand tangle in your hair, I could fill your mouth until you understand.
Jeg ku' tage chancen, bare sig' hey hey, turde mist' balancen, håb' det ender ok.
I could take a chance, just say hey hey, dare to lose my balance, hope it ends up okay.
Men vi to, vi skal hjem, hver vores vej, jeg skal glem' dig, og du skal glem' mig.
But we two, we have to go home, each our own way, I'll have to forget you, and you'll have to forget me.
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