Ansa - Joy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Joy - Ansatraduction en anglais

Du bist ois fia mi, Joy, du stroist fia mi, imma wenn du do bist, bin i stoiz auf di
You're everything to me, Joy, you shine for me, whenever you're around, I'm proud of you
Imma wenn du lochst, mochst du mei herz glücklich, i nimm di in meine oam, fühl deine schlog
Every time you laugh, you make my heart happy, I hold you in my arms, feel your heartbeat
Drück di an mi, hübschestes Kind, brauchst mi, bin i imma do fia di
I hold you close, my beautiful child, you need me, I'm always here for you
I gib ois fia di, ois wost brauchst kaunst gern hom, schau auf di am Tog, schau auf di beim schlofn
I'd give anything for you, everything you need you can have, I watch over you during the day, I watch over you while you sleep
Bist ned bei mia, denk i an di, 2009, 23 04, a wunda is gscheng
When you're not with me, I think of you, 2009, 23rd of April, a miracle was given
I kauns genau seng, a klana Engel dea mei wöd jetzt regiert
I can see it clearly, a little angel who now rules my world
Woa söbst wia a Kind, desinteressiert, doch jetzt is es sche, mei Lebn hod an Sinn
I was like a child myself, uninterested, but now it's beautiful, my life has meaning
Du bist mei Schatz, füa di würd i killen, du gibst ma Kroft, Prinzessin füa imma
You are my treasure, I would kill for you, you give me strength, princess forever
I siach wia du wochst, siach wia du lernst, liabs wenn du daunzt, rea wenn du bleast
I watch you grow, watch you learn, love it when you dance, laugh when you blow raspberries
Bist du moi kraunk, leid i mid dia und i pfleg di gsund, i hob di gern
If you're ever sick, I suffer with you and I nurse you back to health, I love you
Du bist der Stern, dea fia mi leicht, du funkelst das de Dunkelheit um mi weicht
You are the star that shines for me, you sparkle so that the darkness around me fades
Leb zwoa weit weg und bin nd oft do, oba i kea dia und du, du bist meins
I live far away and I'm not here often, but I'll come back to you, and you, you're mine
I liabs wenn du spüst, vor oim wenn du singst, liabs wenn du lochst, liabs wenn du springst
I love it when you play, especially when you sing, love it when you laugh, love it when you jump
I bin dei Grüst, kletter auf mi, Ausdruck von Glück, strohlender Blick
I am your framework, climb on me, expression of happiness, radiant gaze
Nimm da mei Haund, kumm setz di hi, schlof bei mi ei, nua du und i
Take my hand, come sit down, fall asleep with me, just you and me
I hütt di wie den wertvollsten Schotz, weil du weckst in mia Beschützerinstinkt
I protect you like the most valuable treasure, because you awaken my protective instincts
Wia san a Team, wia zwa schaun uns unverkenntlich ähnlich
We are a team, as two we look unmistakably similar
I hob endlich an Menschn an meina Seitn, wia zwa san unzertrennlich
I finally have a person by my side, as two we are inseparable
Du kennst mi, du erkennst mi, du kennst mi a unta ana million
You know me, you recognize me, you would know me even among a million
I mog di, na, i lieb di Joy, wegen dia stroi i imma wieda wia de Sunn
I like you, no, I love you Joy, because of you I always shine like the sun
I nimm mei Gitta, spü füa mein Star, und sing füa die Kinderliada
I take my guitar, play for my star, and sing children's songs
Genau wie mei Dad füa mi früher, i kaun mi richtig draun erinnern
Just like my dad used to do for me, I can clearly remember it
Jo und mia hods hoid daugt, dia daugts hoid a, vielleicht spüst jo a amoi Gitta
Yeah, and I really enjoyed it, you enjoy it too, maybe you'll play guitar one day
I lerns da wennst wüst, vielleicht spüst jo du a amoi füa meine Enkelkinda
I'll teach you if you want, maybe you'll play for my grandchildren one day
Owa bis soweit is, bist zwoa schau vier, vageht hoffentlich nu a menge Zeit,
But until then, you're still four, hopefully a lot of time will pass,
I werd di unterstützen und wennst an di glaubst, wasis genau, du bringstas moi weit
I will support you and if you believe in yourself, who knows, you might go far
Von mia griagst Wossa, imma Support, nimm mi beim Wort, i bin bereit
You'll get plenty of water from me, always support, take my word for it, I'm ready
Ois wos du brauchst, griagst du von mia, stoiza kinnt i eigentlich ned sei
Everything you need, you'll get from me, I couldn't be more proud
I bau da a Buag aus Saund, i bau da an Monn aus Schnee
I'll build you a castle out of sand, I'll build you a snowman
Figurn aus Plastilin, hauptsoch du findst des sche
Figures made of plasticine, as long as you like it
I foah mid dia aun an Straund, i foah mid dia zu am See
I'll go to the beach with you, I'll go to the lake with you
I foah meilenweit fia di, fia di fliag i aufe, hoi de Stern fia di
I'll go miles for you, I'll fly up for you, grab the stars for you
I bin do und bau da a Schloss aus Saund, i bau da a Pferd auf an Staum
I'm here and I'll build you a castle out of sand, I'll build you a horse on a stick
I hoi di ob waun i kaun,, hauptsoch du bist glücklich und lochst
I'll pick you up when I can, as long as you're happy and laughing
I foah mid dia aun an Straund, i foah mid dia zu am See
I'll go to the beach with you, I'll go to the lake with you
I foah meilenweit fia di, fia di fliag i aufe, hoi de stern fia di
I'll go miles for you, I'll fly up for you, grab the stars for you
I bin do, i bin do
I'm here, I'm here


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