Ante Cash - Lupio Si Petama - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ante Cash - Lupio Si Petama

Lupio Si Petama
Lupio Si Petama
Ovo nisu hitovi, nego istinite pricetrenutak istine za generaciju koja nice ovo ne cujes u skoli, o ovom ti ne pisu knjigesine bez brige, njih su pisale ljige ja pisem svoju, kako se lupalo petama, igralo raketama, i upravljalo metama kako se igrao tenis, kupovalo prodavalo.
These are not hits, but true moments of truth for a generation that doesn't hear this in school, don't write books about it, without worries, they were written by liars, I write my own, how to beat with the heels, play rackets and manage targets, how to play tennis, buy and sell.
Di su bile Hrvatine, kad su se djelile batine lupi petama, nedaj Hrvatske ni metrakad smo kod peta, mnogi dali su im vjetra al pusti ponos, dosta je zajebancijedani ponosa i slave su dani privatizacije onih sto su lovu dali, i domovinu kralio slobodi su srali, dok su ljude u smrt slalinaplaceni ideali, daj nam marke i dionicedok pune se bolnice, mi uzimamo tvornicelako za bolnice, ali punili su grobnicedok su vikali s pozornice i ljubili sahovnicei sad ih gledas na vrhu, dezertere, profitereali nema deterđenta?
Where were the Croats when the beatings were handed out, beat with heels, don't give up an inch of Croatia when we're at the heels, many gave them the wind, but let the pride, enough of the jerkseven the pride and glory were given privatizations of those who gave money, and stole the homeland, shit on freedom while they sent people to deathpaid ideals, give us brands and shareswhile hospitals are filling up, we're taking the factorieswhy for hospitals, but they filled up the graveyardswhile they shouted from the stage and kissed chessboardsand now you see them at the top, deserters, profiteersis there no detergent?
To krvave ruke pere en: lupio si petama za svoju domovinu, a izgubio rodbinu za njihovu imovinuoni su u lovi, a ti jedva si zivlupio si petama, ko ti je kriv.
It washes bloody hands en: you beat the heels for your homeland, but you lost your family for their propertythey are in love, and you are barely aliveyou beat your heels, who is to blame.
Lupi petama, neki to i mogua drugi su lupili pa su ostali bez nogujer sad je drugacije, jedni se ubijajudrugi stanove imaju i penzije primaju daj doktorsku potvrdu da napunimo kontepune su udruge, al prazne su bile fronte nisi ti ranje, nego ranjene si zajebapropucao si noge u kasarni pokraj zagrebasad Jadranka sere, osnivaju sindikateisti lovu mlate, ili se gazde bogateoni pravi opet pate, brojka je sve veca, gomilanje svijeca, osmrtnica i cvijecasrce mi se slama, puno ih nije s nama kada srusite zid boli, dignite si zid sramasad ih gledas na vrhu, dezertere profitereal nema deterđenta?
Beat your heels, some can do itand others beat their heels and were left without legsbut now it's different, some kill each otherothers have apartments and receive pensionsgive a doctor's note to fill the containerthe associations are full, but the fronts were emptyyou are not injured, but you are fucked upshot your legs in the barracks near Zagrebnow Jadranka shits, founds trade unionsand they beat money, or masters get richoh real sufferers, the number is getting bigger, piling up candles, obituaries and flowersthe heart breaks for me, many are not with uswhen you break down the wall of pain, raise a wall of shamenow you see them at the top, deserters profiteersis there no detergent?
To krvave ruke pere en: lupio si petama za svoju domovinu, a izgubio rodbinu za njihovu imovinuoni su u lovi, a ti jedva si zivlupio si petama, ko ti je kriv.
It washes bloody hands en: you beat the heels for your homeland, but you lost your family for their propertythey are in love, and you are barely aliveyou beat your heels, who is to blame.
Necu vise gutata, odsad samo pljujemgovorim istinu, al ispada ko da psujemsad mise zadusnice, i spomenici za borceonih istih lopova sto su izvanka vukli konce lupili su petama, evo sve za hrvatskua onda se spakirali i pobigli u svicarskuprevise je fejkera, pojebanih mama15 godina se suti, jer sad opet su s namanedize se galama, umiremo polakorazocarani u svakog, jebiga to je takodok njima se svira, muka im je na sred srcaa tebi zastava i drzava sad su na vrh KURCA majke su bez djece, kao utjehu su dobilehvala od domovine, 300 kuna mirovinesad ih gledas na vrhu, dezertere profitere, al nema deterđenta?
I won't swallow anymore, now I just spitI tell the truth, but it sounds like I'm cursingnow masses, and monuments for fightersof the same thieves who pulled the strings from the outsidethey beat their heels, here everything for Croatiaand then they packed up and fled to Switzerlandthere are too many fakers, fucked-up mommaskept quiet for 15 years, because now they are with us againforget the noise, we are dying slowlydisappointed in everyone, fucking hell that's how itis until they play for them, it's hard on their heartsand you the flag and country are now in the top part of your assholemothers are without children, they got comfortthank you from your homeland, 300 kuna pensionnow you see them at the top, deserters, profiteers, but there is no detergent?
To krvave ruke perenema deterđenta?
It washes bloody handsno detergent?
To krvave ruke perenema deterđenta?
It washes bloody handsno detergent?
To krvave ruke perenema deterđenta?
It washes bloody handsno detergent?
To krvave ruke perenema deterđenta?
It washes bloody handsno detergent?

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