Antonija Šola - Poruka - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Antonija Šola - Poruka

Ne reci nikad niti zauvijek
Never say never or forever
Dobro je biti slobodan
It's good to be free
Danas i sutra sve je moguće
Today and tomorrow anything is possible
Jučer u srcu zaključaj
Lock yesterday in your heart
Pa se nasmješi
And then smile
Ko živi, griješi
To live is to err
Ništa ne košta lijepa riječ
A kind word costs nothing
A kad te ljudi umore
And when people tire you out
Ti se ne ljuti na sebe
Don't be angry with yourself
Opet im daj sve od sebe
Give them everything you've got again
Nikad ne laži, što želiš traži
Never lie, seek what you want
Kucaj i kad ne otvore
Knock even when they don't open
Ti se zahvali, pobjede slavi
Thank yourself, celebrate victories
Na vrhu budi ponizan
Be humble at the top
I kad izgubiš, najviše učiš
And when you lose, you learn the most
Svaki početak ima kraj
Every beginning has an end
Na kraju dana
At the end of the day
Sam ili sama
Alone or by yourself
Znat ćeš da sviće novi dan
You'll know that a new day will dawn
Mjenjaj adrese, nek te odnese
Change addresses, let life take you
Život gdje srce vodi te
Where your heart leads you
Onda se vrati, sve greške plati
Then come back, pay for all your mistakes
Dom je gdje duša stanuje
Home is where the soul resides
Uzmi pa vrati, prilike shvati
Take and return, seize opportunities
Darom što jednom pruži se
With the gift you once give
Kad život prođe, na svoje dođe
When life passes, it comes to its own
Sreća i tuga druže se
Happiness and sadness are companions
Putuj i piši, i samo diši
Travel and write, and just breathe
Ostavi neki dobar trag
Leave a good footprint behind
Brini za druge, kao za sebe
Care for others as you do for yourself
Svaki je čovjek nekom drag
Every person is dear to someone
Sve je za ljude, bit će što bude
Everything is for the people, whatever will be, will be
Svaki početak ima kraj
Every beginning has an end
Budi što jesi pa se nasmješi
Be who you are and smile
I svaka tama skriva sjaj
And every darkness hides a shine

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