Arafat - Z Brkatim jevrejem na slici ft Marlon brutal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Arafat - Z Brkatim jevrejem na slici ft Marlon brutal

Z Brkatim jevrejem na slici ft Marlon brutal
With Blessings I am a Jew in the Picture ft Marlon Brutal
Nekad bolje je da štekaš, nekad da se štekaš
Sometimes it's better to understand, sometimes to be understood
Kad nemaš, bar nekad spremaš sve na pretplatu
When you don't have, at least sometimes, you put everything on subscription
Neki ortaci su na putovanju, čujemo se nekad
Some comrades are travelling, we'll talk another time
Poplava odnosi čoveka po čoveka
A flood is taking away human after human
Valja kad znaš, al' više valja kad imaš sreće
It's good when you know, but it's better when you have luck
Vaga pa parkovi, ti se nadaš da imaš sreće
Scales and parks, you hope you have luck
Na nesreću il' sreću nekima je blizu leće
Unluckily or luckily, the lens is close to some
Reše da se iglaju mada nemaju dijabetes
They decide to inject themselves although not having diabetes
Svi sa žurke su mozgove pomamili
Everyone from the party has gone crazy
Gleda Vajferta i peva "Kaži zašto me ostavi"
He watches Vajteirt and sings "Tell me why you left me"
Onaj što reši da pogrešan dug zapostavi
The one who decides that a wrong debt should be neglected
Može slobodno da se nada kućnoj dostavi
Can freely hope for a home delivery
Ding, dong, promenjen je lični opis
Ding, dong, the personal description has been changed
S pogrešnima si, veruj mi, pričao o robi
You were talking about things with the wrong ones, believe me
A poslovi se zna se, ne dele po diplomi
And jobs are not known to be divided based on diplomas
Jer iza škole se čećše padalo nego u školi
Because after school, tricks were played more than at school
Svi jure te novčanice krvave boje
Everybody chases those bloody-coloured banknotes
Z brkatim Jevrejem na slici
With a moustachioed Jew in the picture
I to masu istih
And to amass many of them
Šetaju pitovi, neki kerove huškaju
Doves are walking around, some are setting dogs on people
Onako kako političari kerove huškaju
The same way politicians are setting dogs on people
Drugari su s onima što drugare drukaju
Comrades are with those who betray comrades
I dalje su drugovi, navike ih teško puštaju
And they are still comrades, habits are hard to let go
Ako bi da budeš Mare sobin mali
If you were to become a small Mare sobin
To mora da odobri Ivica sobin mali
That would have to be approved by Ivica sobin mali
A sada k'o i brda, ortaka si na kladži
And now like mountains, you have comrades on death row
K'o da je 11 tačno, na to soma stavi
Like it's exactly eleven o'clock, put that on as a bet
Jer to neko živi, nekom metar za to ko radi
Because someone lives that, someone makes a metre for that as they work
Neko je u tišini, neko se utol'ko hvali
Someone is silent, someone is bragging about it instead
Više niko te ni ne pita, čime se baviš
Nobody even asks you what you do anymore
Sve dok se danas sa kintom za sutradan vratiš
As long as you come back the next day with some money
Iz šupljeg u prazno, al' nešto se presipa
From the hollow into the empty, but something spills over
Bar nešto da te sačeka kad završi se s delima
At least something to wait for you when you are finished with your work
Nervira te što kinta neće da padne sama
It makes you angry that the money doesn't fall by itself
Il' barem da na dva dana živiš život kao Valderama
Or at least that you lived like Valderama for two days
Svi jure te novčanice krvave boje
Everybody chases those bloody-coloured banknotes
Z brkatim Jevrejem na slici
With a moustachioed Jew in the picture
I to masu istih
And to amass many of them
Nemac k'o heroin proklet
A German is damned like heroin
Znam kol'ko je u butki, al' ću da prebrojim opet
I know how much there is in the thigh, but I will re-count it
Nisam rast'o u lovi, dok sam rast'o u getu
I didn't grow up in the money, while I grew up in the ghetto
Neću stati dok mi ne bude holokaust u džepu
I will not stop until I have a holocaust in my pocket
Zlo na svakom koraku
Evil at every step
BG horoskop je vagica sa strelcem na podznaku
BG horoscope is a vagina with Sagittarius as a secondary sign
Mnogo lud grad, nasilje i gudra
Very crazy city, violence and stubbornness
Za problem od danas, platićeš do sutra
You will pay tomorrow for a problem today
Metropola i selo istovremeno
A metropolis and a village at the same time
S gradskim kurvama sam seljak
I am a peasant with the city whores
A seljanke na gradsku priču jebemo
And we fuck village girls in a city story
U gradu dobrih kurvi i loših ljudi
In a city of good whores and bad people
Vreme je novac, pa moram da žurim
Time is money, so I have to hurry
Krenulo je da me zamara
It started to tire me
Sve što nema veze s parama
All that has nothing to do with money
Vreme crno k'o sa'rana
A dark time like a funeral
Par godina za par grama
A few years for a few grammes
Ti si laj'o k'o žena, ja sam ust'o iz kome
You are a sucker like a woman, I am a mouth from which
Znaš da život je kurva, a kurve me vole
You know that life is a whore, and whores love me
Svi jure te novčanice krvave boje
Everybody chases those bloody-coloured banknotes
Z brkatim Jevrejem na slici
With a moustachioed Jew in the picture
I to masu istih
And to amass many of them

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