Arian - Sveta Vladar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Arian - Sveta Vladar

Sveta Vladar
The Ruler of the World
Pogledam dol na svet
I look down on the world
Srca mate premal
Your hearts are full of deceit
Use kar vs zanima je
All you care about is
Denar sveta vladar
The money that rules the world
Za spore večje umore
For petty murders
Fizične napore
And physical effort
Prodaja se za drobiz
It's bought for change
Praujo dej zamiz pust to
They say, "Leave the table, dude"
Napaka u sistemu
A flaw in the system
Na prelepem svetu temu
In this beautiful world
Hvalezn naj bom cemu
What am I supposed to be grateful for?
Nerazumm kaj se dogaja
I don't understand what's going on
Folk se zakaja
People are fighting
Usak dons prodaja
Everyone is selling out these days
Nobenmu nc ni jasn
No one understands anything
Zakaj sm js tok glasn
Why am I so loud?
Odmev v daljini
An echo in the distance
Pism v tisini
A letter in silence
Pa neki mori mi
But something is bothering me
Da nisi v bližini
That you're not near me
Pism v mnozini
A letter in the plural
Tale je za use
This one is for everyone
Za mlade in stare
For the young and the old
K se prodajate
Who are selling themselves
Za punce in fante
For the boys and the girls
K dnar jim je use
To whom money is everything
Z denarjem plačujete ljubezn
With money you buy love
Plačujete prjatle in sirte to Bolezn
You buy friends and hearts, it's a disease
Pazm da se ne ugreznm
Be careful not to sink
U ta pokvarjen svet
Into this corrupt world
Kjer nemors pravih custv met
Where you can't have real feelings
Sprašujem se ceje vredno
I wonder if it's worth it
Da Živimo tok bedno
To live so miserably
Sprašujem se kaj sveta je Namen
I wonder what the purpose of the world is
Denar mate usi
You all have money
Čustev pa noben
But no feelings
Lahko plačate si kurve
You can pay for whores
Evo vm izvolte
Here you go, take your pick
Plačate si izgled
You can pay for looks
Ljubezni pa nemorte
But you can't pay for love
Mam velik kolegou
I have a lot of friends
Takrt k flike mam
When I'm in trouble
K js njih rabm
When I need them
Vedno ostanm sam
I'm always alone
Zgleda sm edini
Perhaps I'm the only one
K tko razmišljam
Who thinks this way
Pism to večini
I'm writing this to the majority
Mam eno čudno misu
I have a strange thought
Sam otem nebom pisu
But I'm not going to write about it
Dan je ful kisu
The day is so sour
Folku krivo
People are wrong
Pa bi me disu
They would hate me
Poglej me v oči
Look me in the eyes
Vidu boš praznino
You'll see emptiness
Na tem svetu skupi živimo
We live together in this world
Ceprou ga pou prespimo
Even though we spend most of it asleep
Tuki v upanju čepimo
We sit here in hope
In čakamo na uspeh
And wait for success
Ne jebm pleh
I don't give a damn
Za svoje dam kri
I'll give my life for my own
Nej ti ne zamori
Don't let it tire you
Prsu bom do vrha
I'll fill it to the top
Kjer se use dobi
Where you can get everything
In upam d tut ksna
And I hope that some
Ljubezn zaiskri
Love will spark
Da me za naprej pozivi
To call me for the future
Ej ti nedeli se
Hey, you
D ne sede ti
Don't worry
Moj bit moj glas
Be my beat, my voice
Dej na glas
Sing out loud
Da se cuje bas
So that the bass can be heard
Grem naprej
I'm moving on
Vrjamm v usodo
I believe in fate
Nima veze tut grobo
It doesn't matter if it's rough
Preteklosti spremenit Nemormo
We can't change the past
Prihodnost mas u svoji roki
The future is in your hands
Zato se zresnt mormo
That's why we have to be serious
To so čudni skoki
These are strange leaps
V daljino dons
Into the distance today
Usi nekam hitimo
We're all rushing somewhere
Delamo se da trpimo
We pretend to suffer
Casu bežimo
We run away from time
A ni nm garantirano
But it's not guaranteed for us
Dase jutr zbudimo
That we'll wake up tomorrow
Zato se mormo ustaut
That's why we have to stop
Za moment skupi postaut
Stand together for a moment
Kr to se ni poraz
Because this is not a defeat
Naris nekomu nasmeh na obraz
Draw a smile on someone's face

Writer(s): Arian Ceroviku

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