Ariel, Zoey & Eli - Hey Bully! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ariel, Zoey & Eli - Hey Bully!

Hey Bully!
Hey Bully!
Hey... hey... hey
Hey... hey... hey
Vise, iubire, emotii
Visions, love, emotions
Pe care se pare ca le stim cu totii
Emotions that we all seem to know
Cine se gandea
Who would have thought
Ca se poate spulbera
That it could be blown away
O iubire din titan
A love that was so grand
Ne iubeam chiar daca n-aveam nici un ban.
We loved each other even when we had no money.
Stiu ca iti amintesti tot
I know you remember everything
Nu ai cum sa uiti, nu poti sa treci peste
You can't forget, you can't get over it
Nu ai cum sa minti
You can't lie
Eram doar noi doi si soarele
It was just the two of us and the sun
Dimineata peste roua care ne uda picioarele
In the morning through the dew that wet our feet
In urmatoarele zile
In the following days
Principalul scop si gand
The main goal and thought
Era sa stam impreuna ore intregi la rand
Was to sit together for hours at a time
Diminetile dispareau intr-o secunda
The mornings disappeared in a second
Soarele deja incepea sa se ascunda
The sun was already starting to set
Ne uitam la astre
We looked at the stars
Zburam cu ele
We flew with them
Aveam nopti albe
We had sleepless nights
Cu luna printre stele
With the moon among the stars
Coboram din cer cand trebuia sa pleci
We came down from heaven when you had to leave
Acum, singur bat pasul pe acelashi drum
Now, I walk alone on the same road
Pe carare, acolo jos in vale
On the path, down there in the valley
Tremura la fel ca flacara de lumanare
It trembles like the flame of a candle
Ma doare foarte tare, dar trec peste
It hurts a lot, but I get over it
Chiar daca mereu ma ud cu lacrimi pe zestre
Even if I always cry my dowry
E trist, afara stropii incep sa cada
It's sad, outside the drops are starting to fall
Inima mea plange si nu vreau sa vada
My heart is crying and I don't want to see it
Nu vreau sa vada pentru ca nu intelege
I don't want to see it because it doesn't understand
Cum a trecut timpul si mie tot nu-mi trece
How time has passed and I still don't get over it
Pot trece peste o rana sau o palma
I can overcome a wound or a slap
Dar sentimentele sunt cea mai dura arma
But feelings are the hardest weapon
Cea mai dura drama
The hardest drama
Care ma invinge
Which defeats me
Arde ca o torta care nu se stinge
Burns like a torch that doesn't go out
Vad blocurile, toate locurile
I see the blocks, all the places
Toate cladirile imi trezesc amintirile
All the buildings bring back memories
Eram la liceu si era dimineata
We were in high school and it was morning
Desi nu esti aici te am in fata.
Although you are not here, I have you in front of me.
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Nana nanana nanana...
Nana nanana nanana...
Aceasi banca, acelasi pom
The same bench, the same tree
Sentimente sincere in acelasi om
Sincere feelings in the same person
Dar fara somn ca nu mai dorm
But without sleep, because I don't sleep anymore
Apar cosmarurile si sunt mult prea negre noptile
The nightmares appear and the nights are too dark
Aveam un vis cand ai plecat s-a stins
I had a dream when you left it went out
Acum cand inchid ploapele sunt in abis
Now when I close my eyes I am in the abyss
Eram in paradis, ma ridicai de pe sol
I was in paradise, I rose from the ground
Acum stau pe pamant cu sufletul gol.
Now I stand on the ground with an empty soul.
Trist, vroiam sa fie bine, sa redau placere
Sad, I wanted it to be good, to give pleasure
Cand vorbesc de noi, sa simt o mangaiere
When I talk about us, to feel a caress
E multa durere nici pe departe bine
There is a lot of pain, not even far from good
Cand ai plecat se pare, ca le-ai luat cu tine
When you left, it seems, that you took them with you
Incalzit de raze, invelit de nea
Warmed by the sun's rays, wrapped in snow
Timpul arde zile din viata mea
Time is burning days from my life
Dar la aceasi banca si la acelasi pom
But at the same bench and at the same tree
Eu te astept pentru ca sunt acelasi om
I wait for you because I am the same person
Te vad, te simt, tip tare, ma mint
I see you, I feel you, I'm a tough guy, I'm lying
Am incercat sa te ating, acum incerc sa te prind
I tried to touch you, now I try to catch you
Colind strazi prin care ne plimbam
Wander the streets we used to walk
Pe care ne tineam de mana si promiteam
On which we held hands and promised
Eu ce zic acum simt pe bune
What I say now I feel for real
Ma simt de parca am pierdut ce am avut mai scump pe lume.
I feel like I've lost the most precious thing I had in the world.
Las timpul sa treaca si parca imi adoarme sufletul pe lac leganat intr-o barca
I let time pass and my soul falls asleep on the lake rocking in a boat
E vara, e seara iara
It's summer, it's evening again
Suparat sub cer imi aprind o tigara
Sad under the sky I light a cigarette
Ma retrag in scara ca incepe sa ploua
I retreat into the stairs as it starts to rain
Inca ma gandesc la noi 8 ore din 9
I still think about us 8 hours out of 9
Vad blocurile toate locurile
I see the blocks, all the places
Toate cladirile imi trezesc amintirile
All the buildings bring back memories
Nu mai esti la liceu, nu mai e dimineata
You are no longer in high school, it is no longer morning
Nu te tin de mana
I'm not holding your hand
Dar te am in fata
But I have you in front of me
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Hey... nanana nanana nanana
Nanana... nanana nanana
Nanana... nanana nanana
By John Marcoch
By John Marcoch

Writer(s): Jim Peterick

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