Arkona - Nevidal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Nevidal - Arkonatraduction en anglais

Oj, ne spitsia toj nochkoj mne
Oh, I cannot rest this night
Gore vizhu vo temnom sne
I see sorrow in my darkest dream
Oj, sestra moia - Nevidal′
Oh, my sister - Unseen
Zasloniaet glaznicy mne
She obscures my sight
Da ukryvshi krylom svoim
And, hiding me under her wing,
Nam vescha o pogibeli
She tells us about our doom
Vizhu voroga liutogo
I see the fierce enemy
Da stradan'ia moej Zemli
And the suffering of my Earth
Zria na nebo sinee
Look up at the blue sky
Vospevaia Nas
Chanting Our Name
Donesi do Sokola
Take your mournful voice
Svoj skorbiaschij glas
To the Falcon
Uletaj vo sled IAru-Solncu
Fly in the wake of the Great Sun
Rusichej veru v serdce hrania
The Russians keep faith in their hearts
Glas slavian k bogam voznesetsia
The voice of the Slavs will ascend to the gods
S krikom tvoim v plenu bela dnia
With your cry, in the captivity of the white day
Stoj! Ty slyshish′ eho glasa vekov
Stop! You hear the echo of the voice of ages
V nem ochertanie proshlogo - teni ushedshih bogov
In it are the outlines of the past - the shadows of the departed gods
Vstan' v gorizonte ognej
Rise in the fiery horizon
Vospoj hvalu voshodiaschemu solncu:
Sing praise to the rising sun:
Uslyshi, IAro! Sozhgi skvernu zharom!
Hear, Great Sun! Burn the filth with fire!
Da budet tak
So be it
Gde sokol v'etsia
Where the falcon flaps its wings
Gde slyshen krik ego
Where its cry is heard
Vzgliani ochami v nebo
Look up into the sky
Uzri sviaschennyj znak!
Behold the sacred sign!
Uslysh′ menia, IAro
Hear me, Great Sun
Sozhgi skvernu zharom!
Burn the filth with fire!
Uslysh′ menia, IAro
Hear me, Great Sun
Verni vremia staro!
Return the old times!
Oj, da, Nevidal' moia
Oh, yes, my Unseen One
Oj, da neprikaianna
Oh, yes, unattached
Oj, da moia dusha
Oh, yes, my soul
Da gorem ispolna
Is full of sorrow
Oj, da umiraem my
Oh, yes, we are dying
Net sleda u nog moih
There is no trace left of me
No ne vidat′ bedy
But we will not see misfortune
Kol' na nogah stoim
As long as we stand on our feet
Oj, da IAsno-Sokolu
Oh, yes, to the Clear Falcon
Da nadlomiv krylo
Having broken its wing
Vorog pustil po vetru
The enemy let it go with the wind
Da aloe pero
And the scarlet feather
Oj, da Nevidal′ moia
Oh, yes, my Unseen One
Oj, da neprikaianna
Oh, yes, unattached
Oj, da moia dusha
Oh, yes, my soul
Da gorem ispolna
Is full of sorrow

Writer(s): Marija Arkhipova

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