Articolo 31 - Fuck You - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Articolo 31 - Fuck You

Fuck You
Fuck You
Lascerò tutti i miei figli ad un futuro incerto
I will leave all my children to an uncertain future
Mangerò composta a tavola con mani giunte
I will eat compote at the table with folded hands
Piangerò con discrezione senza dar nell'occhio
I will cry discreetly without being noticed
Dormirò come se fossi morta
I will sleep as if I were dead
I say, fuck you
I say, fuck you
C'era una volta una promessa, una carezza
Once upon a time there was a promise, a caress
Un bilocale come una fortezza
A two-room apartment like a fortress
Chiamarti la mia principessa
Calling you my princess
C'era la fretta, del taxi tuo che aspetta ma non vuoi andare
There was the rush, of your taxi waiting but you don't want to go
C'era una foto di noi al mare
There was a photo of us at the beach
C'era un vuoto che puoi colmare
There was a void that you can fill
Gelati e film da noleggiare
Ice cream and movies to rent
C'era togliersi i vestiti e poi volare
There was taking off our clothes and then flying
C'era la gelosia e tu che te ne andavi
There was jealousy and you leaving
E correre da te quando per magia mi chiamavi
And running to you when you magically called me
Pregherò affinché tu possa avere tutto ciò che vuoi
I will pray that you can have everything you want
Soldi, macchine e una donna al giorno
Money, cars and a woman a day
E la possibilità di avere tutto e subito
And the possibility of having everything right away
Senza aver bisogno di essere mai perdonato
Without ever needing to be forgiven
I say fuck you
I say fuck you
You will never know
You will never know
What is turning in my mind, fuck you
What is turning in my mind, fuck you
So you better watch out
So you better watch out
So you better watch out, out
So you better watch out, out
C'erano cene mondane, stare composto
There were social dinners, staying composed
Il mio bere e fumare che volevi cambiare a ogni costo
My drinking and smoking that you wanted to change at any cost
C'erano scene di panico senza motivo
There were scenes of panic for no reason
Ed il tuo essere isterica per il modo in cui vivo
And your being hysterical about the way I live
E farmi stare simpatica la tua amica più idiota
And making me like your most idiotic friend
La filosofia del tuo maestro di yoga
The philosophy of your yoga teacher
Poi c'era l'emicrania, i sospetti, i silenzi
Then there was the migraine, the suspicions, the silences
Io al mare, tu in montagna
Me at the sea, you in the mountains
C'era parlare lingue differenti
There was speaking different languages
Asseconderò ogni tua perversa inclinazione
I will indulge your every perverse inclination
Proverò ad interpretare ogni tuo malumore
I will try to interpret your every bad mood
Sarò pronta accanto a te quando verrà il momento
I will be ready next to you when the time comes
Quando il tempo ti restituirà quello che hai dato
When time gives you back what you have given
I say fuck you
I say fuck you
You will never know
You will never know
What is turning in my mind, fuck you
What is turning in my mind, fuck you
So you better watch out, out
So you better watch out, out
Ma adesso metti bene a fuoco, mi vedi
But now put it in focus, you see me
Sono caduto in piedi, ci credi?
I fell on my feet, believe it?
Non ti cercherò
I will not look for you
Ho tolto le foto dalle pareti e nei miei sogni segreti
I took the photos off the walls and in my secret dreams
Non ti vedo
I don't see you
E a dormire ci riesco, esco quando mi va
And I can sleep, I go out when I want
Bevo, abbondanti sorsate di libertà
I drink, abundant sips of freedom
Faccio assordanti risate con gli amici al bar
I make deafening laughter with friends at the bar
Su come ero spento quando perdevo tempo stando con quella
About how I was off when I wasted time being with that one
Sfumi nella memoria, non ti penso mai
You fade in the memory, I never think of you
E ogni mentire, ogni fare soffrire
And every lie, every making suffer
Ci insegna la storia
History teaches us
You will pay
E so che a ogni risveglio
And I know that every awakening
Non ci sarai
You won't be there
E so che tanto di meglio
And I know that much better
Non troverai
You won't find
Mai, ho due parole e una bombola spray
Never, I have two words and a spray can
Fuck you
Fuck you
Per quando tornerai
For when you come back
I say fuck you
I say fuck you
You will never know
You will never know
What is turning in my mind, fuck you
What is turning in my mind, fuck you
So you better watch out
So you better watch out
So you better watch out, out
So you better watch out, out

Writer(s): Alessandro Aleotti, Paola Turci

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