Bake your bread with your own flour, and trust in God. We don't want you to be our enemy, our enemy.
ڨادمينك ڨادمينك
Our enemy, our enemy.
Immunati يحكم في جيبك خذالك بترولك فكلك نصيبك فقروك و زادو في تعذيبك
The Illuminati rule in your pocket, taking your oil. Your share is poverty and increased torment.
باعو اسمهوم حاربولك دينك يستناو في الدجال بو عين بالفسفور ضربو فلسطين في السودان زرعوا الشقاق تضعف العرب كتيح العراق تلنسي ثورة بدل عميل اصنع ارهابي عاونو بالسلاح
They've sold their name, your religion to the devil. They're waiting for the Antichrist with the eye of phosphorus. They've struck Palestine, sowed discord in Sudan. They're weakening the Arabs. Iraq is tired of their revolution. Instead of making an ally, they create a terrorist. They helped with weapons.
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