楊宗緯 - Chang Cuo Ge Ci - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 楊宗緯 - Chang Cuo Ge Ci

Chang Cuo Ge Ci
Chang Cuo Ge Ci
I tactfully move my body to the right and say no more
火把煙蒂燒得 像在畏縮
Fire burns the cigarette butt. It looks somewhat hunchbacked, as if it were shrinking
As though it were speaking for me, saying that what has turned to ash will not come back to live
不論誰犯的錯 何須費事再去道破
Whomever's mistake it is, why bother going over it again
再無寄託 只當他愛你比較多
We no longer have any hope. Let's just say he loves you more
You don't have to keep crying and torturing yourself
淚是線索 淚是勒索
Tears are clues. Tears are blackmail
它要消弱 一切的辯駁
They aim to weaken all arguments
I have the right to be a demon
你信我 我真的想過
Trust me. I really have thought about it
選擇沉默 讓你適應新生活
Choosing to remain silent, letting you adapt to a new life
靜待寂寞來攪和 陪伴我將孤獨探索
Patiently waiting for loneliness to stir itself up, keeping me company as I explore solitude
現在只想說 心痛已這麼多
Right now, I just want to say that there is already so much heartache
留點空間給我 你得抱歉就算認錯
Give me some space. You have to apologize, even if it's just admitting you're wrong
感謝對我誠實 等一下再說不遲
Thank you for being honest with me. Let's wait a little while before we talk again
不急一時 就當仁慈 就這一次
No hurry. Let's just be kind. Just this once
一個字 耽誤一世
One word, a lifetime wasted
Since we've broken up, it's not like fighting over each other will prove that our love was valuable
我的安靜 是懂事 是諷刺
My silence is understanding. It is sarcasm
我選擇沉默 看你們的新生活
I choose silence, watching as you start a new life
我自己會找暖和 一個人就一個人過
I'll find my own warmth. I'll live my own life
只是拜託 心酸已這麼多
Please, there's just been so much heartache
留點尊嚴給我 你的抱歉就算認錯
Give me some dignity. Your apology is enough, even if it's just admitting you're wrong
感謝對我誠實 等一下 再說不遲
Thank you for being honest with me. Let's wait a little while before we talk again
不急一時 就當仁慈 就這一次
No hurry. Let's just be kind. Just this once
一個字 耽誤一世
One word, a lifetime wasted
Since we've broken up, it's not like fighting over each other will prove that our love was valuable
我的安靜 是懂事 多麼地諷刺
My silence is understanding. It's so sarcastic
一個字 害你錯失
One word, making you miss out
Since you've been hurt, it's not like giving you well wishes will make you leave with dignity
我的安靜 就是愛 的表示
My silence is a demonstration of love


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