楊宗緯 - Huai Zhu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 楊宗緯 - Huai Zhu

Huai Zhu
Huai Zhu
Huai Zhu My Precious
醫情傷尋良方 試過將黑夜碾碎 還加半兩月光
Mending a broken heart, searching for a cure, tried crushing the darkness, and adding half a dose of moonlight.
和酒服下 想暫止惆悵
Mixed it with wine, thinking it would ease the pain.
正道在卻僞裝 願賭服輸離場 思念全靠時間
Right path, but I pretend, accepting my fate and leaving the scene, healing the heartbreak with time.
Slowly, slowly, it will heal.
酗新歡 是絕地偏方 操練幾夜溫柔其實無妨
Drowning in new love, a desperate remedy, practicing tenderness for a few nights is harmless,
Except for the unbearable heartache.
讀情書意在以毒攻毒 想治舊情難忘我卻紅了眼眶
Reading love letters, hoping to fight poison with poison, trying to cure my unforgettable love, but my eyes turn red,
Am I being stubborn or what?
她的愛讓人飛 她的愛讓人無畏 敢冷眼對如劍的嘴
Her love makes me fly, her love makes me fearless, I dare to stare down those sharp tongues,
Refusing to admit that I'm the one who's cheating.
碰上了誰不會 不是嗎 偷來的才是寶貝
Who wouldn't fall for you? Isn't that right? What's stolen is a treasure.
這千真萬確的愛 爲何是別人眼中的罪?
This pure and true love, why is it a sin in the eyes of others?
卻我擰頭看 數了過往愛痕累累 我的心再灰
But I turn my head and count the past wounds, my heart is ashen,
Because you've made me a pearl-bearing oyster.
醫情傷雖無良方 該來的不必慌 先止住專情
There's no cure for a broken heart, but I don't need to panic about what's to come, I'll just stop being devoted,
And give up my obsessive thoughts.
再試試用兩年 模糊了初戀模樣 才好指望
I'll try to use two years to blur the memories of my first love, then I'll be able to hope,
That it will no longer hurt.
說得好 情話簡直迷湯 喝不著 渴望 喝多了 穿腸
Well said, sweet talk is like an intoxicating soup, I can't drink it, I crave it, I drink too much, and it burns my insides.
長情 如文火 煨出熱淚滾燙 愛早遠了
Undying love, like a slow fire, stewing up scalding tears, love is long gone,
Who's still dazed and wandering around in the same place?
剪刀 石頭 剪刀 石頭 剪刀 石頭
Scissors, paper, rock, scissors, paper, rock, scissors, paper, rock.
命運 你好心讓我贏一回
Fate, please let me win this once.
我會絕對 我會純粹 我再狼狽 也絕口不提悔
I will be resolute, I will be pure, no matter how pathetic I become, I will never regret it.
卻我擰頭看 細數過往愛痕累累
But I turn my head and count the past wounds,
我的心再灰 仍因你是懷珠的貝
My heart is ashen, but it's because you're my pearl-bearing oyster.
我的心再灰 仍因你是懷珠的貝
My heart is ashen, but it's because you're my pearl-bearing oyster.


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