Aspencat - Queden Matinades - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Aspencat - Queden Matinades

Queden Matinades
Queden Matinades
Nous escenaris que no hem xalet
We are scenarios that have no chalet
Per obrir les portes de bat a bat
To open the doors wide open
Soterrar fantasmes del passat
To bury ghosts of the past
Creixen les forces al teu costat
The forces grow at your side
Per ocupar noves estacions
To occupy new stations
Dibuixar espais amb murs de colors
To draw spaces with colored walls
Conservar el foc i esculpir cançons
To keep the fire alive and sculpt songs
Que ens alliberen d'aquests barrots
That free us from these bars
Guanyarem les testes populars
We will win the popular heads
No caurem mai en els seus paranys
We will never fall into their traps
Guanyarem les testes populars (Omplirem la plaça de fanals)
We will win the popular heads (We will fill the square with streetlamps)
L nous himnes sonaran!
The new hymns will sound!
Que la guerra no ha acabat
That the war is not over
Hui serem corresponsals
Today we will be correspondents
Contra oracies de gegants
Against oracles of giants
Sumarem mes mans
We will add more hands
Si continuen les mentides hui
If the lies continue today
Creua la porta
Go through the door
Perquè el combat comença aquesta nit
Because the fight starts tonight
De somnis inundades
Flooded with dreams
Parlen les mirades i dansem fins que ix el sol
The looks speak and we dance until the sun comes out
Queden mil batalles
There are a thousand battles left
Converses i rialles
Conversations and laughs
Seguirem fent soroll fins que isca el sol
We will continue making noise until the sun comes out
Si continuen les mentides hui
If the lies continue today
Creua la porta
Go through the door
Perque el combat comença aquesta nit
Because the fight starts tonight
Curses d'obstacles que hem superat
Obstacle races we have overcome
Per omplir paraules de dignitat
To fill words with dignity
L rimar desitjos de llibertat
To rhyme wishes of freedom
Vibren les goles al teu costat
The throats vibrate at your side
Per fabricar sendes d'il·lusions
To make paths of illusions
Renovar les armes i condicions
To renew arms and conditions
Construir missatges per nous actors
To build messages for new actors
Que ens alliberen d'antics guions
That free us from old scripts
Hui la veu del poble no son
Today the voice of the people is not sleepy
Alça el puny i crida pel que som
Raise your fist and shout for what we are
Hui la veu del poble no son
Today the voice of the people is not sleepy
L ofega la nit amb rom
The night drowns it with rum
Ens pariren per vetllar i hem passat ja molta fam
We were born to watch over and we have already gone hungry
Contra estaques i covards sumarem més mans!
Against stakes and cowards we will add more hands!
Si continuen les mentides hui
If the lies continue today
Creua la porta
Go through the door
Perque el combat comença aquesta nit
Because the fight starts tonight
La veritat
The truth
Per un rescat
For a ransom
Matrix gegant
Giant Matrix
De matinada
At dawn
Sona l'alarma
The alarm sounds
Fosca moral
Dark morality
Noves vessants
New aspects
D'una paraula
Of a word
Des dels terrats
From the rooftops
Creix l'esperança
Hope grows
Salta la tanca
Jump the fence
Si continuen les mentides hui
If the lies continue today
Creua la porta
Go through the door
Perque el combat comença aquesta nit
Because the fight starts tonight
De somnis inundades
Flooded with dreams
Parlen les mirades i dansem fins que ix el sol
The looks speak and we dance until the sun comes out
Queden mil batalles
There are a thousand battles left
Converses i rialles
Conversations and laughs
Seguirem fent soroll fins que isca el sol
We will continue making noise until the sun comes out

Writer(s): Aspencat

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