Aspencat - Revolucionari - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Aspencat - Revolucionari

Jo no tinc ni brúixola ni diccionari
I have neither compass nor dictionary
Em passe la vida caminant
I spend my life walking
De menut em deien revolucionari
As a child, they called me a revolutionary
Però ara tremole al teu costat
But now I tremble by your side
Jo no entenc de números ni abecedaris
I don't understand numbers or alphabets
Sempre per la vida caminant
Always walking through life
Utilitze el meu propi calendari
I use my own calendar
I tinc el nostre dia assenyalat
And I have our day marked
Mitja vida fugint de la policia
Half my life running from the police
La paciència de qui estima preocupada
The patience of those who love worried
Mare perdona'm per les nits
Mother forgive me for the nights
Que he estat arrestat
That I have been arrested
No ha sigut violència defensar-me de l'estat
It wasn't violence to defend myself from the state
He sigut bona persona
I have been a good person
He donat la meua estima
I have given my love
Tremolarà la vara de qui encara em plante cara
The rod of those who still stand up to me will tremble
He rebut alguna almoina al passar la meua boina
I have received some alms as my beret passed
Romàntic impulsiu jo sóc de la vella escola
Impulsive romantic, I am from the old school
Dels que donen el cor per un jovent més insubmís
Of those who give their hearts for a more rebellious youth
Que aprenga de la vida el valor del compromís
May they learn from life the value of commitment
La lluita no s'acaba, només es transforma
The fight doesn't end, it only transforms
La victòria no existeix si no escrivim la història!
Victory doesn't exist if we don't write history!
Però la història és trista amics
But history is sad, friends
Vivim atemorits
We live in fear
M'estan fent pols amb "lo" de Líbia
They're making dust of me with "the" Libya thing
De nit sent crits
At night I hear screams
Jo no tinc brúixola, rellotge
I have no compass, clock
Alcorà ni Bíblia
Quran or Bible
Però que esperen si volen que vaja a pegar tirs
But what do they expect if they want me to go shoot
És mitja vida contestant, dient que no, lluitant, umant al parc
It's half a life answering, saying no, fighting, smoking in the park
Pintant, ballant, alçant el puny, cridant pels morts
Painting, dancing, raising my fist, shouting for the dead
És una vida defensant l'alegria
It's a life defending joy
Damunts dels ritmes, buscant respostes
Above the rhythms, seeking answers
Sembrant escepticisme
Sowing skepticism
Que jo si qui em representa i qui no
That I do know who represents me and who doesn't
Se'n van les forces i el futur un avenir en venda
The strength is leaving and the future is a future for sale
Tot l'amor per a qui lluita i pels vençuts
All the love for those who fight and for the defeated
Ja naixen primaveres, creixen flors que tomben murs!
Springs are already being born, flowers are growing that knock down walls!
Jo no tinc ni brúixola ni diccionari
I have neither compass nor dictionary
Em passe la vida caminant
I spend my life walking
De menut em deien revolucionari
As a child, they called me a revolutionary
Però ara tremole al teu costat
But now I tremble by your side
Jo no entenc de números ni abecedaris
I don't understand numbers or alphabets
Sempre per la vida caminant
Always walking through life
Utilitze el meu propi calendari
I use my own calendar
I tinc el nostre dia assenyalat
And I have our day marked
Protestas bajo cero, cálidos cartones
Protests under zero, warm cardboards
Frío como el viento que se lleva las canciones
Cold as the wind that carries away the songs
Largas avenidas, oscuros callejones
Long avenues, dark alleys
Entradas, salidas, sin lamentaciones
Entrances, exits, without regrets
Siempre querrán, digo siempre querrán
They will always want, I say they will always want
Almas sumisas "pa" poder manipular!
Submissive souls "pa" to be able to manipulate!
Nunca podrán, digo nunca podrán
They will never be able, I say they will never be able
Cortar nuestras alas e impedirnos volar!
To cut our wings and prevent us from flying!
Jo no tinc ni brúixola ni diccionari
I have neither compass nor dictionary
Em passe la vida caminant
I spend my life walking
De menut em deien revolucionari
As a child, they called me a revolutionary
Però ara tremole al teu costat
But now I tremble by your side
Jo no entenc de números ni abecedaris
I don't understand numbers or alphabets
Sempre per la vida caminant
Always walking through life
Utilitze el meu propi calendari
I use my own calendar
I tinc el nostre dia assenyalat
And I have our day marked
desde niño que el cariño es un regalo
I know since I was a child that affection is a gift
Yo lo regalo y regalo aunque a veces me salga caro
I give it and give it even though it sometimes costs me dearly
Del riesgo soy amante y apostar no va conmigo
I am a lover of risk and betting is not for me
Muchos más emocionantes son mis saltos al vacio
My jumps into the void are much more exciting
Desde crio me río con canciones y libros
Since I was a kid I laugh with songs and books
No conozco a Soledad porque el mundo estuvo conmigo
I don't know Loneliness because the world has been with me
Sabes de lo que hablo, tu eres de los míos
You know what I'm talking about, you're one of mine
Vagabundo enloquecido que has hablado con los ríos
Crazed vagabond who has spoken with the rivers
En la revolución vencen los corazones
In the revolution, hearts win
No ensucies tu alma con las lamentaciones
Don't dirty your soul with regrets
Quieren deprimirte, robarte el pensamiento
They want to depress you, steal your thoughts
Pero tu sonríe y si sonríes venceremos!!!
But you smile and if you smile we will win!!!

Writer(s): Aspencat

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