Aspencat - Serem Un Cicló - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Aspencat - Serem Un Cicló

Serem Un Cicló
We'll Be a Cyclone
Dis-me, dis-me, com evitar caure en l'abisme
Tell me, tell me, how to avoid falling into the abyss
Si no és unint les forces per a provocar un sisme
If it's not by joining forces to cause an earthquake
Dis-me com atacar, com acabar amb el capitalisme
Tell me how to attack, how to end capitalism
La nostra ràbia convertida en vandalisme
Our rage turned into vandalism
Bussines, tràfic d'armes, màfia, urbanisme
Business, arms trafficking, mafia, urbanism
L'ésser humà el paradigma de l'egoïsme
The human being, the paradigm of selfishness
Periodisme comprat per política
Journalism bought by politics
El poble esclatarà com una bomba atòmica
The people will explode like an atomic bomb
Together we'll rise,
Together we'll rise,
Sigue tu corazón
Follow your heart
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
Hui serem un cicló
Today we'll be a cyclone
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
La unitat és la solució
Unity is the solution
Sigue el movimiento de nuestra generación
Follow the movement of our generation
Together we'll rise,
Together we'll rise,
Sigue tu corazón
Follow your heart
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
Hui serem un cicló
Today we'll be a cyclone
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
La unitat és la solució
Unity is the solution
Sigue el movimiento de nuestra generación
Follow the movement of our generation
Todo es plástico i fitness, mercantilización, mentira i business,
Everything is plastic and fitness, commodification, lies and business,
Repressió, corrupció, tauromàquia, espanyolisme, el lago de los cisnes.
Repression, corruption, bullfighting, Spanish nationalism, Swan Lake.
Democràcia guardiana se reduce a bombardear y violar niñas Afganas,
Guardian democracy is reduced to bombing and raping Afghan girls,
La doble moral cristiana, hipocresia en semana santa.
The Christian double standard, hypocrisy during Holy Week.
Otro desahuciado, otro rescate a la banca, otro mercenario. Otro empresario que roba,
Another eviction, another bank bailout, another mercenary. Another businessman who steals,
Aqui seguimos dando guerra, aquí seguimos con un pie en la soga,
Here we continue fighting, here we continue with one foot on the rope,
La tele es droga, el consumismo te ahoga,
Television is a drug, consumerism drowns you,
La guardia civil te para, te cachea y te interroga,
The Civil Guard stops you, searches you and interrogates you,
La publicidad, la moda te la tragas toda,
Advertising, fashion, you swallow it all,
Andreita Fabra que se joda,
Andreita Fabra, let her joke,
Por demagoga, no resulta fácil,
Because of demagoguery, it's not easy,
Amancio Ortega no es un héroe que da trabajo, es un nazi,
Amancio Ortega is not a hero who gives jobs, he's a Nazi,
Ací som poble en moviment, portem memòria, unitat front popular, fins la victòria!
Here we are, people in movement, we carry memory, popular front unity, until victory!
Together we'll rise,
Together we'll rise,
Sigue tu corazón
Follow your heart
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
Hui serem un cicló
Today we'll be a cyclone
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
La unitat és la solució
Unity is the solution
Sigue el movimiento de nuestra generación
Follow the movement of our generation
Together we'll rise,
Together we'll rise,
Sigue tu corazón
Follow your heart
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
Hui serem un cicló
Today we'll be a cyclone
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
La unitat és la solució
Unity is the solution
Sigue el movimiento de nuestra generación
Follow the movement of our generation
En cada poble, en cada persona
In every town, in every person
Existeix un sentiment
There is a feeling
Per cada injustícia, la terra plora
For every injustice, the earth cries
Serà millor que no jugueu amb el present
You'd better not play with the present
És hora de canviar la història
It's time to change history
Busquem la glòria
We seek glory
El cel és ras però se sent com trona
The sky is clear but it feels like thunder
Per les valls ressona
It resonates through the valleys
Som l'efecte papallona
We are the butterfly effect
Gota a gota junts avançarem com una ona
Drop by drop together we will advance like a wave
Together we'll rise,
Together we'll rise,
Sigue tu corazón
Follow your heart
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
Hui serem un cicló
Today we'll be a cyclone
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
La unitat és la solució
Unity is the solution
Sigue el movimiento de nuestra generación
Follow the movement of our generation
Together we'll rise,
Together we'll rise,
Sigue tu corazón
Follow your heart
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
Hui serem un cicló
Today we'll be a cyclone
Together we'll rise
Together we'll rise
La unitat és la solució
Unity is the solution
Sigue el movimiento de nuestra generación
Follow the movement of our generation

Writer(s): Aspencat

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