Aspy - Ambitie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Aspy - Ambitie

Nu e lege da-i păcat, vezi cu praful se-alege
It's not a law, but it's a shame, to see everything turn to dust
Când de mic ai alergat, cu ambiție și sete
When you've been running since you were young, with ambition and thirst
N-ai lăsat, tu te-ai luptat, ai pierdut și-ai câștigat
You haven't given up, you've fought, you've lost and you've won
Nici lovit n-ai renunțat, nici singur nu te-ai speriat
Even when hit, you didn't quit, nor were you scared alone
Nu e lege da-i păcat, vezi cu praful se-alege
It's not a law, but it's a shame, to see everything turn to dust
Când de mic ai alergat, cu ambiție și sete
When you've been running since you were young, with ambition and thirst
N-ai lăsat, tu te-ai luptat, ai pierdut și-ai câștigat
You haven't given up, you've fought, you've lost and you've won
Nici lovit n-ai renunțat, nici singur nu te-ai speriat
Even when hit, you didn't quit, nor were you scared alone
Vin dintr-un loc, unde n-aveam parte de noroc
I come from a place where I had no luck
Am fost băgat până la gât și-a trebuit scot
I was in deep and I had to get myself out
Un copil din Severin, vise mari, muncesc din plin
A kid from Severin, big dreams, working hard
Are sens, bag all in, oricât pierd tot îmi revin
It makes sense, I go all in, no matter how much I lose, I always bounce back
Ăștia mici acum toți știu ce înseamnă trap
These young ones now all know what trap means
Pe vremea mea trap însemna fii sărac
In my time, trap meant being poor
Nu mă-mpac, cu gându' sunt slab
I can't stand the thought of being weak
Sar un gard, mut un car, viața-i dură, nu tresar
I jump a fence, move a car, life is hard, I don't flinch
Și mai torn înc-un pahar
And I pour another glass
Pentru ai mei, fie mereu ok
For my people, to always be okay
plouă cu bani și femei pe frații mei
May it rain money and women on my brothers
Am o geantă plină de bani și-o groază de idei
I have a bag full of money and a lot of ideas
trăim 100 de ani și facem ce vrem
To live 100 years and do what we want
Nu e lege da-i păcat, vezi cu praful se-alege
It's not a law, but it's a shame, to see everything turn to dust
Când de mic ai alergat, cu ambiție și sete
When you've been running since you were young, with ambition and thirst
N-ai lăsat, tu te-ai luptat, ai pierdut și-ai câștigat
You haven't given up, you've fought, you've lost and you've won
Nici lovit n-ai renunțat, nici singur nu te-ai speriat
Even when hit, you didn't quit, nor were you scared alone
Nu e lege da-i păcat, vezi cu praful se-alege
It's not a law, but it's a shame, to see everything turn to dust
Când de mic ai alergat, cu ambiție și sete
When you've been running since you were young, with ambition and thirst
N-ai lăsat, tu te-ai luptat, ai pierdut și-ai câștigat
You haven't given up, you've fought, you've lost and you've won
Nici lovit n-ai renunțat, nici singur nu te-ai speriat
Even when hit, you didn't quit, nor were you scared alone
Pe la 15-16 ani, vindeam fac și eu un ban
At 15-16 years old, I was selling to make some money too
Mi-am dorit fiu șmecher fiu și eu pui de golan
I wanted to be cool, to be a little gangster too
Nu prețuiam tot ce aveam și parcă tot timpul pierdeam
I didn't appreciate everything I had and I always seemed to lose
Aruncam tot ce găseam, făceam greșeli, îmi asumam
I threw away everything I found, I made mistakes, I took responsibility
Dar viața ma-nvățat știu exact tot ce-mi doresc
But life taught me to know exactly what I want
Fără timp de pierdut știu trebuie cresc
With no time to waste, I know I have to grow
Trebuie muncesc, ochii deschiși nu visez
I have to work, eyes open, I don't dream
Înainte aveam vise, acum doar le realizez
I used to have dreams, now I just make them happen
Fie frate lângă frate, da-ne-ar Domnu' sănătate
May brother be next to brother, may God give us health
rog ca un frate doarmă bine la noapte
I pray that a brother sleeps well tonight
Fără griji, fără stres, plece problemele
Without worries, without stress, let the problems go away
după ce scăpăm de ele, ne trăim copilăriile
Because after we get rid of them, we live our childhoods
Nu e lege da-i păcat, vezi cu praful se-alege
It's not a law, but it's a shame, to see everything turn to dust
Când de mic ai alergat, cu ambiție și sete
When you've been running since you were young, with ambition and thirst
N-ai lăsat, tu te-ai luptat, ai pierdut și-ai câștigat
You haven't given up, you've fought, you've lost and you've won
Nici lovit n-ai renunțat, nici singur nu te-ai speriat
Even when hit, you didn't quit, nor were you scared alone
Nu e lege da-i păcat, vezi cu praful se-alege
It's not a law, but it's a shame, to see everything turn to dust
Când de mic ai alergat, cu ambiție și sete
When you've been running since you were young, with ambition and thirst
N-ai lăsat, tu te-ai luptat, ai pierdut și-ai câștigat
You haven't given up, you've fought, you've lost and you've won
Nici lovit n-ai renunțat, nici singur nu te-ai speriat
Even when hit, you didn't quit, nor were you scared alone

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