Assala - Ashkorohom - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Assala - Ashkorohom

أشكر كل من رفض هوانا. ما وقف معانا
I thank everyone who rejected our humiliation. Who did not stand with us
حاولوا اني اخليك
They tried to make me leave you
واشكر كل من في ظرف ساعة ابتكر اشاعة
And I thank everyone who invented a rumor within an hour
وافتكر ممكن اشك فيك
And thought that I could doubt you
أشكرهم جزيلا عشان أبي أثبت من زمان لهم
Thank you very much because I wanted to prove to them for a long time
ان انت اللي ما اخليك
That it's you who never leaves me
علمهم بأن اللي صار ولا اعتبره اختبار
Teach them that what happened is not a test
ولا عاش اللي يشككني فيك
May those who doubt me never live
يا عالم اللي يحب ما يكره هذه مجمل الفكره
Oh world, he who loves does not hate, this is the essence of the idea
واللي يعشقك ما يخليك
And he who loves you never leaves you
واللي خذلنا بس قولوا له حكمه حلوه مقيوله
And to those who let us down, just tell them a sweet wisdom saying
اللي ما يموتك يقويك
He who does not kill you makes you stronger
هل تعلم اللي بالي بالك
Do you know what's on my mind and yours
لما جاني جالك
When he comes to me, he comes to you
هل تعلم مهما يحكي عنا
Do you know that no matter what they say about us
بعذره لأن احنا أصلا مستفزين
I excuse them because we are provocative
ذوبنا الهوى بالعلن ولا همونا ولن نتغير اللهم آمين
We melted our love in public and we don't care and we will not change, God willing.
ومن وده يشوف الهوى
And whoever wants to see love
على أرقى مستوى
At its highest level
يجي عندك ياخذ لك درسين
Come to you and take two lessons from you
أي عاشق مخلص لحبيبه يلقى من يعيبه
Any lover who is loyal to his lover finds someone who finds fault with him
واقع نهعيشه وملموس
A reality that we live and touch
والدنيا فيها من نسانا وفيها من هوانا
And the world has those who forget us and those who humiliate us
والذكي اللي خذا دروس
And the wise are those who have learned their lessons
ياحبيبي يغيب اللي يغيب
Oh my love, whoever is absent, is absent
مدام انت القريب ولا في غيرك أي شي محسوس
As long as you are near and there is nothing else but you
يتكلم ويشبع كلام
He talks and talks a lot
انا مشغولة غرام
I'm busy with love
انا ياللي انت بقلبي مغروس
I'm the one who is planted in your heart
كلمات: سعد المسلم
Lyrics: Saad Al-Muslim
ألحان: عبد القادر هدهود
Music: Abdelkader Heddad

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