Atheist rap - Fatamorgana - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Atheist rap - Fatamorgana

Bila je.
It was.
Bila je luda žurka
It was a wild party
Što bi rekli totalni mrak
What would they call total darkness
Ja sam te noci bio napaljen
This night I was so high
Ko najludji ludak
Like the craziest fool
Kada je prosla pored mene
When she passed by me
I namignula okom
And winked
Jedan deo moga tela odgovorio je skokom
One part of my body responded with a jump
Imala je kosu boje meda boje Dunava
Her hair was the color of honey, the color of the Danube
Po malo gadna ali nije bila skrnava
A little bit nasty, but she wasn't a mess
Igrala je stiplcez palila se sva na jazz
She danced strip tease, she burned herself on jazz
Radila je ko masina a u dusi bila fina
She worked like a machine, but in her soul she was fine
Ja se takav toga dana ne bih dopao ni mami
It's like I wouldn't have liked her that day
Kad sam uhvatio pogled gore navedenoj dami
When I caught the eye of that lady
Nakon pet minuta vec smo plesali u tami
After five minutes we were already dancing in the dark
A iduceg trenutka smo bili sasvim sami
And the next moment we were all alone
Ja sam punjacica najludjih zelja
I'm a charger of the wildest desires
Rekla je u maloj sobi levo od
She said in a small room to the left of
Ruka je klizila uz nogu sve blize blize
My hand slid up her leg, closer and closer
Kad sam osetio iznenada nesto joj se dize
When suddenly I felt something getting up for her
Prijatelji moji da ste videli belaja
My friends, if you had seen what's going on
Dal′ sam pretero u picu ili riba ima micu
Have I crossed the line or does the fish have a puss

Writer(s): Atheist Rap

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