Ati242 - 25 - traduction des paroles en anglais

25 - Ati242traduction en anglais

(Bu gece hisler pişman, tanıdık yüzler düşman)
(Tonight, feelings are regretful, familiar faces are enemies)
(Anlayamam, anlayamam, yine bak kafam duman)
(I can't understand, I can't understand, look, my head's in a haze again)
(Ne çabuk geçti yıllar, dönelim mi, sil baştan?)
(How quickly the years have passed, should we go back, start over?)
(Yaşayamam, yaşayamam, yaşayamam, bu sene 25 yaş, 25 yaş)
(I can't live, I can't live, I can't live, this year I'm 25, 25)
"Yolu yok" dediğim an başladı yol
The road began the moment I said, "There's no way"
Gözü kör, başı boştum sokakta
Blind-eyed, I was adrift in the streets
Beni hapseden ruhum firarda
My imprisoning soul was on the run
Bi' mahallede, bi' parkta, civarda, limanda
In a neighborhood, in a park, nearby, at the port
50 lira, düşünmeden harca
50 lira, spend it without thinking
Yunus polisleri yüzümüze bakmaz
The Yunus police don't look at our faces
Lise girişinde trafoda boğulan
The one who drowned in the transformer at the high school entrance
Ati' bi' gün harbi büyük adam ol'cak
Ati will one day be a truly great man
Yaş 18, gençtim ve savruk
18 years old, I was young and reckless
Ner'den geldim? Gece beynimde kâbus
Where did I come from? Nightmares in my head
Peşimdeler ama atamam havlu
They're after me but I can't throw in the towel
Yatakta sabaha kadar hayal kur
Dreaming in bed till morning
Kırmızı gözler, evet, sanma üzülerek
Red eyes, yes, don't think it's from sadness
Hepsi gülünеrek hatırlanır
All will be remembered with laughter
"Yüzüm yere yapışmadı" dеme
Don't say, "My face didn't hit the ground"
Bi' bembeyaz melek yapıştırır
A pure white angel will make it happen
We've gone astray
Alışmışız ihanete de alkole de
We're used to betrayal and alcohol
Yapıştırdım sigaramı tam sotede
I lit my cigarette right in the sauté pan
Eşofmanla katılıyo'm mahkemeye, yeah
I'm showing up to court in sweatpants, yeah
Bakamam annemin yüzüne
I can't look my mother in the eye
Gece geç gelirim, canım, sen üzülme
I come home late at night, darling, don't worry
Çok fazla yaş aktı gözünden
So many tears have flowed from your eyes
Takıldım ciğersiz dostların peşinde
I got caught up following heartless friends
Bu gece hisler pişman, tanıdık yüzler düşman
Tonight, feelings are regretful, familiar faces are enemies
Anlayamam (anlayamam, anlayamam)
I can't understand (I can't understand, I can't understand)
Yine bak kafam duman
Look, my head's in a haze again
Ne çabuk geçti yıllar, dönelim mi, sil baştan?
How quickly the years have passed, should we go back, start over?
Yaşayamam (yaşayamam, yaşayamam)
I can't live (I can't live, I can't live)
Bu sene 25 yaş
This year I'm 25
Bu gece hisler pişman, tanıdık yüzler düşman
Tonight, feelings are regretful, familiar faces are enemies
Anlayamam (anlayamam, anlayamam)
I can't understand (I can't understand, I can't understand)
Yine bak kafam duman
Look, my head's in a haze again
Ne çabuk geçti yıllar, dönelim mi, sil baştan?
How quickly the years have passed, should we go back, start over?
Yaşayamam (yaşayamam, yaşayamam)
I can't live (I can't live, I can't live)
Bu sene 25 yaş
This year I'm 25
Martin Garrix, "Animals"
Martin Garrix, "Animals"
Kiralık evlerde son sürat hız
Full speed in rented houses
Akılda ve dilde bi' tane kız
One girl on my mind and tongue
O da eski dostlarımdan farksız (ah)
She's no different from my old friends (ah)
Yaşamadığım hiçbi' şeyi yazmadım
I didn't write anything I haven't lived
Yaşadım, yaşlandım, insan aşağılık
I lived, I aged, humanity is despicable
Başardım sanatı, para katladım
I succeeded in art, I folded money
Ağladım, yalnızdım ama sakladım
I cried, I was lonely, but I hid it
Zirve buysa zirvedeyim, evet
If this is the peak, I'm at the peak, yes
Bilmeden konuşmak size beleş
Talking without knowing is free for you
Yapayalnız olmak bana kelepçe
Being alone is like handcuffs to me
Çıktım ortamlardan iğrenerek
I left those scenes in disgust
Demem daha sana, "Merhaba", ey
I won't say "Hello" to you again, hey
Evet, var ev ve araba, ah
Yes, I have a house and a car, ah
İlaç olamaz yarama
It can't be a cure for my wound
İnandım ben de o "Para" denen yalana
I believed that lie called "Money" too
Duman, duman, kilo para
Smoke, smoke, kilos of money
Elbet bi' gün Al Capone amigo, baba
One day Al Capone will be a cheerleader, daddy
Güvercin sana yolladım odana
I sent you a pigeon to your room
Kafama anılar düştü bu ara
Memories have been falling on my head lately
Şehrimden vazgeçtim çoktan
I gave up on my city long ago
Kanserli hücrede bitmez mikroplar
Germs don't end in a cancerous cell
Hasetsin ve bensiz bi' hiçsin
You're envious and you're nothing without me
Boktan şerefsiz ruhlarla dostluk, ütopya
Friendship with shitty, dishonorable souls, a utopia
Bu gece hisler pişman, tanıdık yüzler düşman
Tonight, feelings are regretful, familiar faces are enemies
Anlayamam (anlayamam, anlayamam)
I can't understand (I can't understand, I can't understand)
Yine bak kafam duman
Look, my head's in a haze again
Ne çabuk geçti yıllar, dönelim mi, sil baştan?
How quickly the years have passed, should we go back, start over?
Yaşayamam (yaşayamam, yaşayamam)
I can't live (I can't live, I can't live)
Bu sene 25 yaş
This year I'm 25
Bu gece hisler pişman, tanıdık yüzler düşman
Tonight, feelings are regretful, familiar faces are enemies
Anlayamam (anlayamam, anlayamam)
I can't understand (I can't understand, I can't understand)
Yine bak kafam duman
Look, my head's in a haze again
Ne çabuk geçti yıllar, dönelim mi, sil baştan?
How quickly the years have passed, should we go back, start over?
Yaşayamam (yaşayamam, yaşayamam)
I can't live (I can't live, I can't live)
Bu sene 25 yaş
This year I'm 25

Writer(s): Atilla Serin, Efe Can, Bahattin Ekinci

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