Atupa feat. Rapsodes - Post-bolo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Atupa feat. Rapsodes - Post-bolo

After the Gig
S'acabà el concert, joder, visca el treball ben fet, a més
The concert is over, damn it, long live a job well done, plus
Que res m'esborra el riure imprés després d'un show calent.
Nothing erases the smile printed on my face after a hot show.
Potser només és el meu parèixer, o vés tu a saber,
Maybe it's just me, or who knows,
Però el sabor a amor que ha donat hui la gent és excel•lent. Comprens?
But the taste of love that people gave today is excellent. You know?
De fet per extraordinari que pareix,
As extraordinary as it may seem,
El que es mereix és l' anàlisi que ara exposaré
What is deserved is the analysis that I will now expose
I és que perquè no cal ni beure quan acabes un concert?
And why shouldn't you drink when you finish a concert?
Per l'energia i glops d'alè que a tu t'aporta l'assistent.
Because of the energy and sips of breath that the assistant brings to you.
Serà extraordinari, però és necessari que agarre eixe barril i em pose un bon got.
It will be extraordinary, but it is necessary that I grab that barrel and pour myself a good glass.
Comença la party sota l'escenari, tenint tiquets gratis em sent com el "boss".
The party starts under the stage, having free tickets makes me feel like the "boss".
-Tan sols en tenim dos? Afluixa la pasta. -Es tracta d'alcohol! Així no es malgasta.
-We only have two? Loosen up the dough. -It's about alcohol! This is not wasted.
Carassa entusiasta, la tasca que arrastra la caspa de Massa que un gest seriós.
Enthusiastic face, the task that drags Massa's dandruff who has a serious gesture.
Atupa amb Rapsodes és temazo assegurat Check this out!
Atupa with Rapsodes is a guaranteed hit Check this out!
Mescla bona com el barrejat.
Good mix like the blended.
A alguns els cou que es mesclen flows, no és res de nou cabró.
Some think that flows are mixed, it's nothing new, asshole.
Tothom es mou al show al son de ritmes forts com catedrals.
Everyone moves to the show to the sound of strong rhythms like cathedrals.
I no sabem que és el que va passar anit.
And we don't know what happened last night.
Desprès d'un concert l'aventura sorgix per pur instint.
After a concert, the adventure arises by pure instinct.
On vàrem acabar, què va ocórrer ahir?
Where did we end up, what happened yesterday?
No tinc la resposta, vaig un poquet trompa, dona'm un litre per a poder fer memòria. S'acaba el bolo, descontrol a cascoporro.
I don't have the answer, I'm a little tipsy, give me a liter to be able to remember. The gig is over, uncontrolled chaos.
M'ho passe tot pel forro, amb a saco de morro.
I spend it all on the lining, with a bag of grief.
Ja no fume porros, preferisc el porró.
I don't smoke joints anymore, I prefer the glass.
Soc dolç com el torró i aquesta nit no serà un torro.
I'm sweet as nougat and tonight won't be a bull.
Serà confusió acció, tensió, improvisació!
It will be confusion, action, tension, improvisation!
Serà! Passió, il•lusió, addicció copulació, acceleració!
It will be! Passion, illusion, addiction, copulation, acceleration!
Serà! Fricció, intoxicació, celebració, cooperació!
It will be! Friction, intoxication, celebration, cooperation!
Serà Atupa i Rapsodes fent-li l'amor al Rap.
It will be Atupa and Rapsodes making love to Rap.
Serà Atupa i Rapsodes fent-li l'amor a rap
It will be Atupa and Rapsodes making love to rap
Serà Atupa i Rapsodes fent-li l'amor a rap
It will be Atupa and Rapsodes making love to rap
Cerveses i porros, plats, caixa i bombo.
Beers and joints, dishes, snare and bass drum.
Rapsodes el gordo, Atupa en el rotllo.
Rapsodes the fat one, Atupa in the roll.
Ompli el got de licor, que no hi ha eixida,
Fill the glass with liquor, that there is no way out,
Que a mi també me la vida, la mala vida.
That life also fucks me up, the bad life.
Abans o desprès o durant el concert
Before or after or during the concert
Un colpet de cassalla que et deixa sec.
A shot of cassalla that leaves you dry.
Si vols anar a tope i no passar gens de fred
If you want to go to the top and not get cold at all
Sobredosi cafaínica bevent burret.
Caffeine overdose by drinking donkey.
Així que bota, bota, en grup o sola.
So jump, jump, in a group or alone.
Que arriba esta tropa i es descontrola.
This troop arrives and gets out of control.
Busques companyia bona? La Festa es el que et mola?
Looking for good company? Is partying your thing?
Corre busca i dona'm gel, ron i Coca-Cola.
Run, find me and give me ice, rum and Coca-Cola.
Un got xicotet de tub o de litre
A small glass of tube or liter
Dona igual com vulgues, de plàstic o vidre.
It doesn't matter how you like it, plastic or glass.
Tot el que demane es que no tardes en vindre,
All I ask is that you don't take long to come,
Que arremullar la gola es e que necessite.
That wetting my throat is what I need.
Una nit mes amb tu,
One more night with you,
Quan sona la música se que arribarem lluny.
When the music plays, I know we'll go far.
Tu i jo sentint els beats,
You and I feeling the beats,
Serà com tocar el cel amb la punta dels dits.
It will be like touching the sky with your fingertips.
No hi ha com explicar
There is no way to explain
La nostra sensació quan et poses a ballar.
Our feeling when you start dancing.
El cor bombeja, el cap planeja,
The heart pumps, the head plans,
Aquesta panoràmica no la pense oblidar.
I will not forget this panoramic.
Serà Atupa i Rapsodes fent-li l'amor a rap
It will be Atupa and Rapsodes making love to rap
Serà Atupa i Rapsodes fent-li l'amor a rap
It will be Atupa and Rapsodes making love to rap
No tornaré a ser jove, com Jaime Gil de Biedma,
I will not be young again, like Jaime Gil de Biedma,
Així que deixaré empremta i marxaré entre aplaudiments.
So I will leave my mark and leave to applause.
I si puc endur-me les teves misèries un moment
And if I can take your miseries for a moment
Es suficient. I ara, vaig a emborratxar-me gent.
It is enough. And now, I'm going to get drunk, people.
Som de donar i rebre plaer, som de follar després d'un concert,
We are about giving and receiving pleasure, we are about fooling around after a concert,
Som de bossar el backstage, som de cantar borratxos al carrer,
We are about raiding the backstage, we are about singing drunk in the street,
D' exprimir l'alcohol a l'organització.
To express alcohol to the organization.
Ens cobrem amb beguda la nostra actuació.
We cover our performance with drinks.
Ara em toca ser públic del vostre espectacle,
Now it's my turn to be the audience of your show,
La festa de la gent i l'alegria del poble.
The party of the people and the joy of the town.
Mesclar-me entre desconeguts mentre
Mingle with strangers while
Deixem de ser-ho i dir "fins sempre", i dir "per sempre".
We stop being so and say "goodbye", and say "forever".
Anem més lluny, tanquem els ulls, desprès tornem a casa
Let's go further, close our eyes, then go home
Diem adéu, que tinguem sort, sentim que el mon avança
We say goodbye, good luck, we feel that the world is moving forward
Cadascú pel seu camí, s'acomiadem, ara si
Each one on their own way, we say goodbye, now yes
Crec que si heu estat agust podríem repetir. Amics.
I think if you have been comfortable we could repeat. Friends.

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