Atupa - Cabró, Que Te La Fas! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Atupa - Cabró, Que Te La Fas!

Cabró, Que Te La Fas!
You're Killing It, Dude!
Te la fas!, Te la fas!, Te la fas!, Te la fas!
You're killing it!, You're killing it!, You're killing it!, You're killing it!
Te la fas!, Te la fas!, Te la fas!, Cabró, que te la fas!
You're killing it!, You're killing it!, You're killing it!, Dude, you're killing it!
Ui! hola, xicona. Vens molt per esta zona
Hey! Hi, girl. You come around this area a lot?
Em presente, sóc Adrià Aguilar en persona perdona, aquests tres et molesten? anem-nos-en
Let me introduce myself, I'm Adrià Aguilar, in person. Forgive me, are those three bothering you? Let's go.
Desfem-nos d'ells, estiguem sols i ens coneixe
Let's get rid of them, be alone, and get to know each other.
Estudies o treballes? Entre rialles
Do you study or work? (Between laughs)
Per favor, no calles, no talles esta química
Please don't be quiet, don't cut this chemistry short.
Tímida? Això ho solucione jo. Balles?
Shy? I'll take care of that. Do you dance?
I dins d'una mitja hora et voldré arrancar les malles!
And in half an hour I'll want to rip your tights off!
I com va el festival? Genial? Això espere
So how's the festival? Great? That's what I expect.
Deus tenir a tots els xics bocabadats darrere
You must have all the guys behind you, speechless.
M'agrada quan rius, no et faces la modesta, tia
I like it when you laugh, don't be modest, girl.
Que ambdós sabem que els ulls que tens son pura fantasia
We both know that the eyes you have are pure fantasy.
Mira, des que t'he vist sent quelcom especial, no és normal
Look, since I saw you, it's something special, it's not normal.
Crec que mai m'havia passat
I think it's never happened to me before.
"Cabró que te la fas!" Calleu! No em molesteu o us penedireu
"You're killing it, Dude!" Shut up! Don't bother me or you'll regret it.
Tireu ben lluny. Després parlem
Get far away. We'll talk later.
Per on anava? Perdó, es que et veig i se'm cau la baba
Where was I? Sorry, I see you and I drool.
No si es notava, però si és així, disculpa'm perla
I don't know if it showed, but if so, I apologize, pearl.
La nit d'avui pot ser eterna
Tonight could be eternal.
Aquesta lluna t'enlluerna i sembla que estàs més radiant que mai
This moon dazzles you, and it seems you're more radiant than ever.
Deus d'estar assedegada, espera i vaig a la barra
You must be thirsty, wait, and I'll go to the bar.
Et convide a un cubata i continuem xarrant
I'll buy you a drink and we'll continue chatting.
I mentrestant no te'n vages d'ací, vinc de seguida
And in the meantime, don't go, I'll be right back.
Que aquesta nit no l'oblidem en tota la vida
This is a night we'll never forget.
Te la fas! Qui?
You're killing it! Who?
Te la fas! Jo!
You're killing it! Me!
Te la fas! Tu?
You're killing it! You?
Te la fas! Jo!
You're killing it! Me!
Te la fas! Tu no!
You're killing it! You're not!
Te la fas! Jo si!
You're killing it! I am!
Te la fas! Cabró que te la fas!
You're killing it! Dude, you're killing it!
Ei, tu no eres la que estava amb el meu amic Adrià,?
Hey, weren't you the one who was with my friend Adrià?
Que bon xaval eh? No hauràs vist la seua novia?
He's a good guy, eh? Haven't you seen his girlfriend?
Ah, que no sabies que en tenia? Jo sóc Fran
Ah, you didn't know he had one? I'm Fran.
Encantat. Que fas sola? Vols anar a passejar?
Nice to meet you. What are you doing alone? Want to go for a walk?
Molt bé! Resulta que jo toque en dos grups
Great! It turns out I play in two bands.
No si et sonaran perquè no són molt coneguts
I don't know if they'll ring a bell because they're not very well known.
Però la qüestió és que ens ho passem molt
But the point is, we have a great time.
Atzembla i Atupa, pots trobar-nos a internet
Atzembla and Atupa, you can find us on the internet.
Ah, si ens coneixes! Doncs com m'alegre
Ah, you know us! Well, I'm glad.
A aquest festival tocàrem, vas vindre a vore'ns!
We played at this festival, you came to see us!
Jo sóc com Jaume Guerra, nena, però en grups roïns
I'm like Jaume Guerra, babe, but in bad bands.
Tu no seràs de les que els artistes els fan tilín?
You're not one of those girls who fall for artists, are you?
Si és així, vine amb mi a la tenda, tinc una guitarra
If so, come with me to the tent, I have a guitar.
Quina cançò t'agrada? Te la toque a cau d'orella
What song do you like? I'll play it for you in your ear.
Ja estàs enamorada o vols que et cante una balada?
Are you in love already or do you want me to sing you a ballad?
Infalible tàctica, açó mai em falla
Infallible tactic, it never fails me.
"Te la fas, te la fas, te la fas, te la fas!"
"You're killing it, You're killing it, You're killing it, You're killing it!"
No ho dubtes nen, vaig amb total seguretat
There's no doubt about it, kid, I'm going with total confidence.
Sóc místic, màgic, sexy, íntim
I'm mystical, magical, sexy, intimate.
Ja sols queda que trenque la barrera del contacte físic
All that's left is for me to break the barrier of physical contact.
Així que m'aprope sigilosament
So I approach stealthily.
Ja note el teu perfum, es caldeja l'ambient
I can already smell your perfume, the atmosphere is heating up.
Un moment, sent passes, la tenda s'ha obert
One moment, I hear footsteps, the tent has opened.
Què veuen els meus ulls? no pot ser, és Robert!
What do my eyes see? It can't be, it's Robert!
Ei! Fran, que bona cara tens xico! Em sorpren de vore't tan
Hey! Fran, you look great, man! I'm surprised to see you doing so well.
Desprès de l'operació de fimosi
After the phimosis operation.
Per cert, em presente, jo sóc Robert, tinc un grup de rap que
By the way, let me introduce myself, I'm Robert, I have a rap group that's
Està prou bé, tu vine cap ací i et conte
Pretty good, you come over here and I'll tell you about it.
Nena tu mira com vaig. Ment oberta el que vulgues
Girl, look at how I am. Open mind, whatever you want.
Sóc un depravat i un romàntic.
I'm a pervert and a romantic.
Jo sóc el que vulgues, això és fàcil
I'm whatever you want, it's easy.
Encara que una nit per mi seria el més pràctic
Although one night for me would be the most practical.
Conec un camí per ací que dóna a la platja
I know a path around here that leads to the beach.
Tinc champagne, un parell de gots, si vols et furte un somriure
I have champagne, a couple of glasses, if you want I'll steal a smile from you.
Mirem la lluna plena que el cel avuí brinda
Let's look at the full moon that the sky offers tonight.
Sentim el cant de la mar, no te'n penediràs de vindre
Let's listen to the song of the sea, you won't regret coming.
Tu ja, doncs, fas el que vols
Well, you do whatever you want.
Podem esperar a vore si puja l'alcohol
We can wait and see if the alcohol kicks in.
Tinc calor, anem a l'hotel d'ací al cantó
I'm hot, let's go to the hotel around the corner.
Jo promet tindre una nit ací d'escàndo
I promise you a scandalous night here.
Van dos pel carrer, un crida el meu nom "Robert!"
Two people are walking down the street, one calls my name, "Robert!"
Ah no que és Fer, vinga no sigues cabró.
Oh no, it's Fer, come on, don't be a jerk.
Però on vas tu? Eh! Que no la toques, que era meua
Where are you going? Hey! Don't touch her, she was mine!
Que se l'endú que se la fa. Me l'ha tramat, però de que va?
He's taking her away, he's getting her. He tricked me, what's going on?
Te la fas! Qui?
You're killing it! Who?
Te la fas! Jo!
You're killing it! Me!
Te la fas! Tu?
You're killing it! You?
Te la fas! Jo!
You're killing it! Me!
Te la fas! Tu no!
You're killing it! You're not!
Te la fas! Jo si!
You're killing it! I am!
Te la fas! Cabró que te la fas!
You're killing it! Dude, you're killing it!
Te la fas! Qui?
You're killing it! Who?
Te la fas! Jo!
You're killing it! Me!
Te la fas! Tu?
You're killing it! You?
Te la fas! Jo!
You're killing it! Me!
Te la fas! Tu no!
You're killing it! You're not!
Te la fas! Jo si!
You're killing it! I am!
Te la fas! Cabró que te la fas!
You're killing it! Dude, you're killing it!

Writer(s): Atupa

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