Atupa - L' Estel (Amb Estel) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Atupa - L' Estel (Amb Estel)

L' Estel (Amb Estel)
The Star (With Star)
Avui he eixit al carrer, he vist com és en realitat el món:
Today I went out on the street, I saw what the world is really like:
és on tothom lluita per aconseguir un nom.
It's where everyone fights to make a name for themselves.
On l'avarícia i la cobdícia ens recobrixen de brutícia.
Where greed and covetousness cover us with filth.
Jo escape d' aquesta injustícia escrivint cançons.
I escape this injustice by writing songs.
Si vols, doncs podem ballar tots junts.
If you want, then we can all dance together.
Ressuciten els difunts si escolten els nostres sons.
The dead are resurrected if they listen to our sounds.
Parlem amb senyals de fum, avuí farem soroll.
We speak with smoke signals, today we will make noise.
Vens amb mi? Si dius que sí, veurem sortir el sol.
Come with me? If you say yes, we'll see the sun rise.
M'agrada molt, sentir calor, tenir valor, guanyar la por.
I really like to feel warm, have courage, overcome fear.
Pujar a l'escenari per a mi es necessari.
Going on stage is necessary for me.
Tu amb el cor en un puny, si em veus vindre des de lluny
You with your heart in a fist, if you see me coming from afar
I t'agovies, t'enrojoles com amb massa roba en juny.
And you're overwhelmed, you blush like with too many clothes in June.
Lleva't la samarreta que si no et poden matar.
Take off your shirt, otherwise they might kill you.
No et preocupes, jo m'ocupe per quan vulgues passejar.
Don't worry, I'll take care of you when you want to go for a walk.
Resumint en una frase una infància per recordar:
Summarizing in one sentence a childhood to remember:
Vesprades de bicicleta, amb orxata per berenar.
Bicycle afternoons, with horchata for a snack.
I ara cantem fort, no és sort: estar ací, el nostre destí.
And now we sing loud, it's not luck: to be here, our destiny.
Tenim el dret i deure de sonar per fer sentir.
We have the right and duty to sound to make ourselves heard.
Hi ha un camí de pedres que s'hem proposat seguir
There is a path of stones that we have set out to follow
I anem a patir, però sabem dur el dolor.
And we're going to suffer, but we know how to bear the pain.
Mira com va Adrià pels carrers.
Look how Adrià walks through the streets.
Borratxo, perdut de whisky, què li anem a fer!
Drunk, lost in whiskey, what are we going to do with him!
Pare no vull ser ni advocat, ni tindre un banc,
Dad, I don't want to be a lawyer, or own a bank,
Ni metge ni jutge, jo el que vull fer és rap.
Neither a doctor nor a judge, what I want to do is rap.
Ràpidament com el vent, et tire al fem, puto polític que va de valent,
Quickly like the wind, I throw you to the ground, you fucking politician who goes around brave,
Pels bitllets vens barat els teus sentiments.
For a few bucks you sell your feelings cheap.
I és una vergonya, la gent ignorant s'ho pren a conya.
And it's a shame, ignorant people take it as a joke.
Però a l'atur i amb dos xiquets, a veure qui s'apanya.
But unemployed and with two children, let's see who manages.
Pose la cara al vent i em donen bofetades.
I put my face to the wind and they slap me.
Em cague en els teus camps de golf, en Marina d'Or i els camps de pàdel.
I shit on your golf courses, Marina d'Or and padel courts.
Les gents ho saben, de moda està fer pintades blaves.
People know it, it's fashionable to do blue graffiti.
A les façanes punyalades a arrels valencianes.
On the facades stab wounds to Valencian roots.
Mare mare, així està el carrer.
Mom, mom, that's how the street is.
Els menjaren el cap creant-los por cap als demés.
They ate their heads, creating fear in the rest.
Pare, pare. No ha valgut res.
Dad, dad. It was all for nothing.
Se n'ha oblidat la gent del sentiment sota els seus peus.
People have forgotten about the feeling beneath their feet.
I ara cantem fort, no és sort: estar ací, el nostre destí.
And now we sing loud, it's not luck: to be here, our destiny.
Tenim el dret i deure de sonar per fer sentir.
We have the right and duty to sound to make ourselves heard.
Hi ha un camí de pedres que s'hem proposat seguir
There is a path of stones that we have set out to follow
I anem a patir, però sabem dur el dolor.
And we're going to suffer, but we know how to bear the pain.
I és el moment, d'oblidar el passat i mirar el present.
And it's time to forget the past and look at the present.
El futur ja arribarà, què li passa a la gent?
The future will come, what's wrong with people?
El món superficial, guiat sempre per modes
The superficial world, always guided by trends
I el que necessitem és gent combatint per idees noves.
And what we need are people fighting for new ideas.
València no va bè, ja tots ho sabem:
Valencia is not doing well, we all know it:
Cultures que a la fi del temps poc a poc es van perdent.
Cultures that at the end of time are slowly being lost.
La corrupció segueix anant en línia ascendent
Corruption continues to rise
Mentre que els ciutadans seguim apretant-se les dents.
While the citizens keep gritting our teeth.
Un poble unit, per a esta gran revelació.
A united people, for this great revelation.
Un poble en moviment per a portar sensació
A people on the move to bring sensation
I dis-me: tu què faràs, cap a on aniràs, per quin camí voldràs anar,
And tell me: what will you do, where will you go, which path will you want to go,
Quin és el lloc en el qual combatràs!
What is the place where you will fight!
Jo estime la música per damunt de tot.
I love music above all else.
Pujant escalons per aconseguir la nostra missió.
Climbing steps to achieve our mission.
No poden innovar, tots sonen igual i la novetat
They can't innovate, they all sound the same and novelty
La portem nosaltres sempre amb decisió.
We always bring it with determination.
I ara cantem fort, no és sort: estar ací, el nostre destí.
And now we sing loud, it's not luck: to be here, our destiny.
Tenim el dret i deure de sonar per fer sentir.
We have the right and duty to sound to make ourselves heard.
Hi ha un camí de pedres que s'hem proposat seguir
There is a path of stones that we have set out to follow
I anem a patir, però sabem dur el dolor.
And we're going to suffer, but we know how to bear the pain.
Si caminem junts no sentirem el dolor.
If we walk together, we will not feel the pain.
Si caminem amb determinació no sentirem el dolor.
If we walk with determination, we will not feel the pain.
Cantem junts! Cantem fort.
Let's sing together! Let's sing loud!
Cantem fort, és el nostre destí.
Sing loud, it's our destiny.
Cantem fort, no volem desistir.
Sing loud, we don't want to give up.
Cantem fort, és el nostre destí.
Sing loud, it's our destiny.
Cantem fort, hem triat resistir.
Sing loud, we have chosen to resist.
Hem triat resistir!
We have chosen to resist!

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