Atupa - Malgrat tot - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Atupa - Malgrat tot

Malgrat tot
Despite Everything
Pose la vista enrere i no
I look back and don't know
Si aquest camí fa que em trobe a mi mateix
If this path leads me to find myself
Orgullós de tot allò que he aprés
Proud of everything I've learned
De qui m'envolta i de qui no, de qui em propose ser
Of who surrounds me and does not, who I propose to be
No vulgueu madurar
Don't want to mature
Que mai torna la infància
Because childhood never comes back
Estima però vés a espai
Love but give space
Som vulneralbes si de sentiment es tracta
We are vulnerable when it comes to feelings
que tot arribarà
I know everything will come
Visc enamorat d'instants que ericen els pèls
And I live in love with moments that make my hairs stand on end
No em tornaré a fallar
I will not fail myself again
No canviaré els meus ideals per molt que altres vulguen
I will not change my ideals for others
I què diuen, què inventen, què parlen?
And what do they say, what do they invent, what do they talk about?
Hi ha mirades que no s'equivoquen
There are looks that are not mistaken
No intentes buscar més errades
Don't try to look for more errors
Es va acabar perquè havia de ser
It's over because it had to be
Ei, que en la vida no tot ha de ser com tu esperes
Hey, not everything in life has to be as you expect
Ei, no intentes canviar l'essència de qui estimes
Hey, don't try to change the essence of those you love
Teníem diferències que no compreníem
We had differences that we didn't understand
No érem les mateixes persones que quan començàrem
We were not the same people we were when we started
Parlàvem un llenguatge propi
We spoke a language of our own
Que amb el temps vaig oblidar
That I forgot in time
Em vaig cansar de fingir
I got tired of pretending
I vaig marxar del teu costat
And I left you
Ei, seguim tancant portes per a obrir unes altres
Hey, we keep closing doors to open others
Seguim creixent per altre camí
We keep growing along another path
Seguim quedant-nos amb el positiu
We keep taking the positive
Amb tot aquest aprenentatge, allò que sols sabem nosaltres
With all this learning, all that we know
I què diuen, què inventen, què parlen?
And what do they say, what do they invent, what do they talk about?
Hi ha mirades que no s'equivoquen
There are looks that are not mistaken
No intentes buscar més errades
Don't try to look for more errors
Es va acabar perquè havia de ser
It's over because it had to be
Ei, que en la vida no tot ha de ser com tu esperes
Hey, not everything in life has to be as you expect
Ei, no intentes canviar l'essència de qui estimes
Hey, don't try to change the essence of those you love
Teníem diferències que no compreníem
We had differences that we didn't understand
No érem les mateixes persones que quan començàrem
We were not the same people we were when we started
Ei, que en la vida no tot ha de ser com tu esperes
Hey, not everything in life has to be as you expect
Ei, no intentes canviar l'essència de qui estimes
Hey, don't try to change the essence of those you love
Teníem diferències que no compreníem
We had differences that we didn't understand
No érem les mateixes persones que quan començàrem
We were not the same people we were when we started

Writer(s): Atupa

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