Atupa - Poca broma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Atupa - Poca broma

Poca broma
No joke
I cau el big bang, atupa qualsevol repte destripa
And the big bang falls, Atupa rips any challenge
El rap artesà sempre duu la nostra signatura
Handmade rap always carries our signature
Benvinguts a la nostra cúpula
Welcome to our dome
Aquestos MC's no et donen motius per a dubtar
These MC's give you no reason to doubt
Soltem al kraken, buscat un plan B, punts dèbils mai, men
We usually release the kraken, looking for a plan B, never weak points, man
Silenci als haters, interessant és
Silence the haters, what's interesting is
Aquells que ens odien per res en especial
Those who hate us for no reason in particular
Però hi ha gent per a tot així que Agg, me la sua ja
But there are people for everything so Agg, I already have mine
Ni em presente, ni permís per tocar la porta
I don't even introduce myself, nor ask permission to knock on the door
Directament la rebentem, el millor estil aflora
We directly break it down, the best style flourishes
No sóc de contestar per xarxes socials, agafe el micro i ho faig
I'm not one to answer on social media, I grab the mic and do it
Domin el ritme com si fora un mag
I dominate the rhythm as if I were a magician
No obstant, recordar que hi ha penya que em representa
However, remember that there are people who represent me
Fan gaudir la meua oïda i que cresca l'escena
They make my ears enjoy and make the scene grow
"Atupa no és rap dur", és evident, som conscients però si el fem
"Atupa is not hard rap", it's obvious, we are aware but if we do it
Posem llistó al cel, eh, ací la prova
We set the bar to the sky, huh, here's the proof
Crear temazos és contestar les teues paraules
Creating bangers is challenging your words
Jo un puto do, tu un putadón així que "shhhh"
I'm a fucking do, you're a fucking don't so "shhh"
Ahir fan avui hater les modes van i vénen
Yesterday fan today hater, fashions come and go
Però el meu nom ahí està així que hem fet
But my name is still there so we did well
Sort, em fas feliç, molt
Luck, you make me happy, a lot
Merces destí, és dolç rebre l'estil de l'èxit
Thanks destiny, it's sweet to receive the style of success
I tot i el do jo m'ho curre com un cabró
And even with the gift I work my ass off like a bastard
Em guanye el tron amb esforç
I earn the throne with effort
I no pots donar crèdit
And you can't give credit
Ja estàs ahí, menyspreant per gèneres?
You're already there, looking down on genres?
No entens que a la música no hi ha fronteres?
Don't you understand that music has no boundaries?
Ja aprendràs, inepte, a desfer-te dels prejudicis
You will learn, inept, to get rid of prejudices
Mentrestant pren dosis de flow eclèctic
Meanwhile, take doses of eclectic flow
Atupa, som com hackers del rap de base
Atupa, we are like rap base hackers
Compartim frases, No es bo frustrar-se
We share phrases, It's not good to get frustrated
El primer premi se l'hem guanyat a pols
We won the first prize fair and square
Si ja veus quin mèrit, jo sols volia fer cançons
If you see the merit, I just wanted to make songs
Sí, és un clàssic des de Mozart i Salieri
Yes, it's a classic since Mozart and Salieri
Sempre hi ha hagut la enveja filla de la impotència
There has always been envy, the daughter of impotence
Però jo quan sent els mestres, em afortunat
But when I hear the masters, I know I'm lucky
Per què no pots gaudir igual dels teus coetanis?
Why can't you enjoy your peers the same way?
Mira, no m'abellia fer palesa l'hegemonia
Look, I didn't want to make the hegemony evident
Però esdevé necessari donades les circumstàncies
But it becomes necessary given the circumstances
Ara he fet evident que vos folle en qualsevol repte
Now I have made it clear that I beat you in any challenge
I finalment puc dedicar-me a fer les cançons que m'importen
And finally I can dedicate myself to making the songs that matter to me
A mi que sempre m'ha fet mandra el conflicte
To me who has always been lazy about conflict
Que el meu missatge estimava el concili
That my message loved conciliation
Em feu traure aquestes paraules, en fi
You made me bring out these words, anyway
Espere mai tornar-ne, mai! Mai tornar-ne
I hope never to come back, never! Never come back
No sense abans aclamar-me a tu, oh
Not without first calling out to you, oh
Músic típic de la cançó en valencià
Typical musician of the song in Valencian
Ves fent-te a la idea que açò no és qualsevol cosa
Get used to the idea that this is not just anything
I un idioma no és problema ni és excusa per fer brossa
And a language is not a problem nor is it an excuse to make garbage
No es pot donar per bona una obra per ser del rotllo
You can't take a work for granted because it's from the circle
La teua autocomplaença ens margina a la resta
Your self-satisfaction marginalizes the rest of us
Nosaltres competim, dignifiquem amb saber fer
We compete, we dignify with know-how
I volem el pa sencer, ahá, poca broma
And we want the whole bread, ahá, no joke
I amb la que cau, que amb mi gastes la gola?
And with what's falling, are you wasting your breath with me?
No, perdona. Al "bla, bla, bla" qualsevol excusa és bona
No, excuse me. To the "blah, blah, blah" any excuse is good
Que si algo mola, pals a la roda, què inoportuns
If something bothers you, sticks in the wheel, how inconvenient
Alguns encara estan buscant-nos una flor en el cul
Some are still looking for a flower in our ass
I som el big team, destí: Sky is the límit, xic
And we are the big team, destiny: Sky is the limit, kid
Que tanta boca torta no es xapa així com així
That so much crooked mouth doesn't shut up just like that
Si no gravem un disc, soltem uns temes i
If we don't record an album, we release some songs and
Passem l'estiu fent més concerts anant d'ací a allí
We spend the summer doing more concerts going here and there
La bona merda nom propi cantarín
Good shit has its own singing name
No tenies motius per creure ací en deixe cinc
You had no reason to believe, here I leave you five
Em graparé els peus a terra per no flipar-me
I will grab my feet to the ground so I don't flip
Tantes experiències poden fer-nos fràgils
So many experiences can make us fragile
Sense humilitat el talent no val res, tu què creus?
Without humility, talent is worth nothing, what do you think?
Volen comprar el lloc ací amb onades de diners
They want to buy the place here with waves of money
Deixa'ls fer, que després l'estrés se'ls menge
Let them do it, then the stress will eat them
Ni fan ni deixen fer, així que deixa espai als màsters
They neither do nor let do, so make room for the masters
I queda clar que Atupa és rap fresc
And it is clear that Atupa is fresh rap
I on sempre estem, estem amb els genolls intactes
And where we are, we are with our knees intact
I el de la pose, que parla i que ralla
And the poser, who talks and laughs
Al micro l'escolte i és: buajajajaja
I listen to him on the mic and it's: buajajajaja
És atupa, és atupa, és atupa tío
It's Atupa, it's Atupa, it's Atupa dude
És atupa, és atupa, és atupa tia
It's Atupa, it's Atupa, it's Atupa girl
Alternem gèneres, fem que semble fàcil
We alternate genres, we make it look easy
Hi ha altres que ho intenten però quasi
There are others who try but almost
Tinc un pack de clàssics
I have a pack of classics
Màgic el tracklist, ja has vist
Magic tracklist, you've seen
Que fer rap cru no és cap problema per ací
That making raw rap is no problem around here
Amb Bocah i Ainsley al beat, fan cagar la puta llama
With Bocah and Ainsley on the beat, they make the fucking flame shit
I eixa merda poca broma, poca broma
And that shit is no joke, no joke

Writer(s): Atupa

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