Atupa - Records - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Atupa - Records

Elena estava cansada d'intentar fer-nos callar
Elena was tired of trying to make us be quiet,
Així que s'alçà i anà cap a la finestra,
So she got up and went to the window,
I allí una estona va estar fins que una intel•ligent amiga
And she stayed there for a while until an intelligent friend
L'acompanyà en el seu mut crit, mirant el dia.
Joined her in her silent cry, looking at the day.
Prompte tots callàvem disposats a continuar
Soon we were all silent and ready to continue,
I no recordí "La llengua de les papallones".
And I didn't remember "Butterfly Tongues".
Elena l'havia recomanat el dia d'abans
Elena had recommended it the day before,
I jo era molt jove, per conjugar eixes coses.
And I was too young to put these things together.
El día que Elisa arribà, no va fer amics
The day Elisa arrived, she didn't make friends,
I per ser sincer, en tenia un parell el dia que se'n va anar.
And to be honest, she had a couple the day she left.
La primera immigrant a classe, no parlava massa,
The first immigrant in class, she didn't talk much,
I a principis de març l'aniversari es va apropar.
And in early March, her birthday was approaching.
Recorde convidar a tota l'aula menys a ella
I remember inviting the whole class except her,
Elena em demanà raons i jo vaig sentir vergonya.
Elena asked me why, and I felt ashamed.
Vaig convidar-la i no va vindre i tot es va arreglar
I invited her, but she didn't come, and everything was okay.
Però la meua relació amb Elisa mai no va canviar.
But my relationship with Elisa never changed.
Recorde arribar a casa, vore a ma mare preocupada
I remember coming home, seeing my mother worried,
Atenent una trucada, Àngels Barceló a la pantalla
Taking a call, Angels Barcelo on the screen,
Confonent-se quan va caure la segona torre.
Getting confused when the second tower fell.
Anunciaríem que aniríem a la guerra prompte
We would soon announce that we would go to war.
I la setmana següent Elena ens va fer assatjar
And the following week Elena made us rehearse
La muralla de Quilapayun. La vam representar
Quilapayun's "The Wall". We performed it
Un día assolellat al pati de l'escola.
One sunny day in the schoolyard.
Tots amb les mans agafades déiem: "no a la guerra"
All holding hands, we said: "No to war".
Recordant com ens han educat.
Remembering how we were raised.
Coses que et passen de menút i que entens quan et fas gran.
Things that happen to you often and you understand when you grow up.
El missatge no va explícit en el canal.
The message is not explicit on the channel.
El món que ens envolta: fent-nos encaixar
The world around us: making us fit in.
Recordant com ens han educat.
Remembering how we were raised.
De vegades per a bé, de vegades no tant.
Sometimes for good, sometimes not so much.
Això ens tocarà dedidir-ho més endavant.
We'll have to decide this later.
El món que ens envolta i els seus habitants.
The world around us and its inhabitants.
Un dia em van castigar a netejar una paret
One day I was punished by having to clean a wall
Que havia embrutat, dibuixant un insult a un company.
That I had dirtied, drawing an insult to a company.
Un altre dia vaig empentar al meu amor secret
Another day I pushed my secret love,
I Elena em digué que a una dona això no se li fa.
And Elena told me that you don't do that to a woman.
Recorde quan una mostra d'estimar
I remember when a sign of love
Era deixar que una xica es sentara al bus al teu costat.
Was to let a girl sit next to you on the bus.
I amb eixe estigma vam viatjar a l'Hemisfèric,
And with that stigma we traveled to the Hemispheric,
A la Font Roja, a l'Albufera, i al Jardí Botànic.
To the Font Roja, to the Albufera, and to the Botanical Garden.
Aprenent filosofia en els llibrets de "Pensa-Hi".
Learning philosophy in the "Think About It" booklets.
Llegiem per torns i alguns ho feien amb por
We read in turns and some did it with fear,
I jo estava convençut que era el millor de tots
And I was convinced I was the best of all
Quan llegia orgullós, un poema d'amor.
When I proudly read a love poem.
Recorde estiuejar a Dénia i en vore aquella muntanya
I remember summering in Denia and seeing that mountain,
Evocar la mestra cantar: "el vell Montgó es desperta".
Evoking the teacher singing: "The old Montgo awakens".
Recorde anar a les trobades un any
I remember going to the meetings one year
I dir "Esos quienes son mamà?" "Esos son Al Tall".
And saying "Who are those, Mom?" "Those are Al Tall".
Recorde un sermó que una mare em va donar
I remember a lecture a mother gave me
Quan anomení el seu fill Adrián i no Adrià.
When I named her son Adrian and not Adria.
Recorde recórrer comarques "A Colp de Pedal".
I remember traveling through regions "By Pedal Stroke".
Que el millor amic és un llibre resultà ser real.
That the best friend is a book turned out to be real.
Estic prou orgullós de recordar allà on vaig
I'm quite proud to remember where I went,
L' escola pública a l'horta de Benifaraig,
The public school in the Benifaraig orchard,
Però recorde un trist comiat i l'últim final de curs
But I remember a sad farewell and the last final exam
I abandonar l'escola per anar a l'institut.
And leaving school to go to high school.
Aquell va ser l'estiu en què va morir el pare
That was the summer my father died,
I ma mare es quedà al càrrec i collons no li'n faltaren
And my mother was left in charge, and damn it, she didn't lack the balls
Per fer dels seus fills homes de profit alegres.
To make her children successful and cheerful men.
No em dóna res més orgull que el seu orgull cap a nosaltres.
Nothing makes me prouder than her pride in us.
Recorde les primeres classes
I remember the first classes,
I sentir preguntar als mestres quina llengua emprar.
And hearing the teachers ask what language to use.
Recorde tindre bons professors de dretes
I remember having good right-wing teachers,
I que em pareguera estrany que em posaren bones notes.
And it seemed strange to me that they gave me good grades.
Recorde un professor que explicava prou pausat
I remember a teacher who explained quite calmly
En valencià coses de plantes i minerals.
In Valencian about plants and minerals.
Ens pareixia pesat i avorrit i no sabíem
We found it heavy and boring and didn't know
Apreciar eixe esforç per part d'un castellanoparlant.
How to appreciate that effort from a Spanish speaker.
Recorde aprendre a suspendre sense que el món s'acabara
I remember learning to fail without the world ending
I començar a escriure rap donant-li estil a la paraula.
And starting to write rap, giving style to the word.
Recorde classes a les quals no volia anar
I remember classes I didn't want to go to
I cançons que no haguera escrit sense el que aprenguí al estar.
And songs I wouldn't have written without what I learned from being there.
I m'agradaria recordar haver estudiat solfeig,
And I would like to remember having studied music theory,
M'alegre de no recordar ni comunió ni bateig.
I'm glad I don't remember communion or baptism.
Està que ens deixen eixes coses a nosaltres
It's good that they leave those things to us
Perquè no s'ha d'oblidar que sóm esponges.
Because we must not forget that we are sponges.
En definitiva açò és perquè m'estime als que
Ultimately, this is because I love those who
Et fan vore la vida tal com la disfruten més.
Make you see life as they enjoy it most.
I és que m'alegra la gent que comet l'error i l'encert
And it makes me happy to see people who make the mistake and the right decision
D'intentar educar-nos per a que ens pareguem a ells.
Of trying to raise us to be like them.

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