Atupa - Ser o no ser (Amb Panxo) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Atupa - Ser o no ser (Amb Panxo)

Ser o no ser (Amb Panxo)
To be or not to be (With Panxo)
I entra la veu mes sensual del barri,
And the most sensual voice in the neighborhood enters,
Ja saben qui es el crack, camina com un "dandy"
You know who the crack is, he walks like a "dandy"
Del califat a Montcada, clama la grada,
From the caliphate to Montcada, the stands scream,
Sap que ja no tinc ni odi ni estalvis.
He knows that I no longer have hatred or savings.
València esclata, la flor i nata del rap ataca.
Valencia explodes, the crème de la crème of rap attacks.
Fills de la ruta destroy, fans del quinto i tapa.
Sons of the destroy route, fans of quinto and tapa.
He fet convoy amb Atupa, la clicka.
I've done convoy with Atupa, the clicka.
No xape la boca, soles la tapa una xica.
It doesn't shut my mouth, it only shuts it a little.
Anem per la vida amb una guerra interior,
We go through life with an internal war,
Butxaques buides, les mans al cor el cor al vent. I lo millor?
Empty pockets, hands on the heart, heart to the wind. And the best?
Que del dolor tragam este somriure.
That from pain we swallow this smile.
Som el que fem i fent açò mos sentim lliures.
We are what we do and by doing this we feel free.
Tancant un cicle i obrint portes.
Closing a cycle and opening doors.
Que continue la festa que l'estiu porte:
Let the party continue that summer brings:
Concerts, consciència i mes alegria.
Concerts, awareness and more joy.
Que cada dia siga Carnestoltes
Let every day be Carnival.
Es una ganga ser tan feliç en res.
It's a bargain to be so happy about nothing.
Passar del lujo i la moda a el MC del mes.
Going from luxury and fashion to the MC of the month.
No compra joies ni roba, no te diners.
He doesn't buy jewelry or clothes, he has no money.
Però en el mic demostre, i aposte per ells tot el poder.
But on the mic, he shows, and bets all his power on them.
Ser o no ser, this is the question!
To be or not to be, this is the question!
S'entenem tots, venen temps bons.
If we all understand each other, good times are coming.
No ens farem d'or, però que mai falten
We won't get rich, but may there never be a lack
Estos ratets, estos raps i esta il·lusió.
These little moments, these raps and this illusion.
Ser o no ser this is the question
To be or not to be, this is the question
Deus de ser sempre tu mateix eixa és la lliçó,
You must always be yourself, that is the lesson,
No et deixes portar pel que diu la societat,
Don't let yourself be carried away by what society says,
No deixes que el teu cap, siga objecte de manipulació.
Don't let your head be the object of manipulation.
Jo disfrute amb música de qualsevol època,
I enjoy music from any era,
Desde "nano" jo vaig voler la meva oida educar,
Since I was a "kid" I wanted to educate my hearing,
Això vol dir; que disfrute amb James Brown, Phil Collins ... Queen
That means; I enjoy James Brown, Phil Collins... Queen
Sonen molt heavys!
They sound very heavy!
L'escenari és el jardí de ma casa
The stage is the garden of my house
És lo més paregut a un orgasme mental ... No estic exagerant
It's the closest thing to a mental orgasm... I'm not exaggerating
Crec que deuríem ser un poc més optimistes
I think we should be a little more optimistic
Que inclús en les errades traurem coses positives.
That even from mistakes we will get positive things out.
Així és com va el ritme a la meva ment
This is how the rhythm goes in my mind
Sobredosis de flow per al que està present
Overdose of flow for whoever is present
Tu deixa't portar pel ritme, tu escolta'l
Let yourself be carried away by the rhythm, listen to it well
La vida és curta, tu disfrutala ... es un consell
Life is short, enjoy it... it's advice
Tu ja l'agafes, el soltes, el dones ...
You already take it, you release it, you give it...
Les dones? agafe, les solte? jo mai eh ...
Women? I take them, I release them? never huh...
Sóc un pervertit, sempre vaig tindre bona vista,
I'm a pervert, I've always had a good eye,
Se apreciar les corbes, com si fora un bon artista.
I know how to appreciate curves, as if I were a good artist.
I es que no puc parar de cantar,
And it is that I can't stop singing,
La vida em somriu sense motiu i mi em igual,
Life smiles at me for no reason and it has me the same,
De vegades és millor deixar-se portar,
Sometimes it's better to let yourself go,
Disfrutem aquest moment i el que en un futur ens vindran.
Let's enjoy this moment and what will come to us in the future.
Menesters i afers, fer un que és mel,
Crafts and affairs, making a sound that is honey,
Més que res volem que ho passem bé.
More than anything we want to have a good time.
Colló! Que ningú em talla el rotllo,
Damn! Don't let anyone cut my roll,
Avui el que mane sóc jo. Au a menjar-se el món no?
Today I'm the one in charge. Let's go eat the world, no?
Ho done tot per les converses amb amics
I give it all for conversations with friends
Amb cerveses de barril, dins d'un habitat festiu.
With draft beers, inside a festive habitat.
Tampoc preu que durant una nit d'estiu
It's also priceless that during a summer night
Una xica et seduïx i acabeu anant al llit.
A girl seduces you and you end up going to bed.
Horitzontal passió sense tabús com Estellés.
Horizontal passion without taboos like Estellés.
Tota la nit "on fire" amb la melena al vent.
All night "on fire" with the mane in the wind.
Amant del plaer animal, sense frens,
Lover of animal pleasure, without brakes,
I després riurem. Voyeur de somriures.
And then we will laugh. Voyeur of smiles.
Veure el sol sortir com a un quadre de Monet.
See the sunrise as a Monet painting.
Sentir als seus colors freds pinzellades del cel.
Feel the cold colors of the sky brushstrokes on her.
Algun dia llegiré tots els llibres pendents
Someday I will read all the pending books
I proclamaré als vents: com vull ser, què vull fer.
And I will proclaim to the winds: how I want to be, what I want to do.
De moment avancem. Donant tombs però content.
For now, we move forward. Stumbling but content.
M'agrada com sóc, no com he arribat a ser.
I like how I am, not how I came to be.
El fi no justifica els mitjans,
The end does not justify the means,
Però el que he patit ja ha passat no? A qui volem enganyar!
But what I've suffered has already happened, right? Who are we kidding!
Adrià Aguilar amb total seguretat
Adrià Aguilar with total certainty
Si a la vida ha fracassat no dóna tot per jugat.
If he has failed in life, he doesn't give everything up.
Pas a pas, tram a tram, tomb a tomb, bac a bac.
Step by step, section by section, tomb by tomb, back to back.
Dóna-li un somriure perquè et coste la meitat.
Give it a smile because it costs you half.
Que mai se m'esborre esta cara de bon xiquet
May this good boy face never fade from me
Que mai tinga pressa i que mai pare quiet
May he never be in a hurry and may he never seem quiet
Hi ha massa per viure i tan poc de temps
There is so much to live and so little time
Jo vull sentir correctament i en el moment pertinent
I want to feel correctly and at the right time
Què? absorbir cultura és el meu hobby
What? absorbing culture is my hobby
De música a pel.lis, de llibres a còmics
From music to movies, from books to comics
Fer teatre, posar-me a la pell dels altres
Do theater, put myself in the shoes of others
Buscar els arguments de postures que em son contràries
Look for the arguments of postures that are contrary to me
Bona gent, ací present, contents
Good people, present here, happy
Conscients de què brillem, de què també fallem
Aware that we shine, that we also fail
Però el balanç és positiu i hi ha motiu per l'alegria
But the balance is positive and there is reason for joy
Any rere any millorem dia a dia i
Year after year we improve day by day and
Discutint ens matem, entre col.legues sóm violents
Arguing we kill each other, among colleagues we are violent
Però si un amic fa falta, els primers, ahí estem
But if a friend is missing, the first ones, there we are
Sóm durs, però es façana, ens estimem,
We are tough, but it's a facade, we love each other,
I anem poc a poc a conviure aprenent
And we go little by little to live learning
Fem pinya, juguem a l'Age, al Risk, al Trivial
We gather, we play Age, Risk, Trivial
I és que si no hi ha guita, sempre hi ha una alternativa
And it is that if there is no money, there is always an alternative
Jo soc un narcisita però sóc més els meus actes
I am a narcissist but I am more my actions
I per gaudir del meu reflexe en mi he hagut de fer pactes
And to enjoy my reflection in me I have had to make pacts
No som perfectes, pero som de puta mare
We are not perfect, but we are fucking great
Hospitalaris, amb bon humor, solidaris
Hospitable, humorous, supportive
No, hui no crec que puga queixar-me
No, today I don't think I can complain
Vaig sense por a vore el que el futur em depare
I go without fear to see what the future holds for me

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