Auxili - Detonem L'estona - Estudi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Auxili - Detonem L'estona - Estudi

Detonem L'estona - Estudi
Detonem L'estona - Estudi
Tàctic, tàctic temps que corre, passa, ús devora
Tactical, tactical, time running, passing, wasting by the side
No teníem foc, però "bro" ja saps, hem de fer petar la bomba
We didn't have fire, but "bro" you know, we have to detonate the bomb
Perquè és ètic, metafòric, violent, silenciós
Because it's ethical, metaphorical, violent, silent
Són les ganes d'aturar el teu cos, de no sentir-me nerviós
It's the desire to stop your body, to not feel nervous
Torne a escoltar els segons entre versos
I listen again to the seconds between verses
Tàctic, tàctic temps que vola, ens demora
Tactical, tactical time that flies, delays us
Temps que no tens per tornar a ser persona
Time that you don't have to be a person again
Hem de sortir fora, detonar l'estona, ser l'eclipse, l'ombra
We have to go out, detonate the moment, be the eclipse, the shadow
Trona, ressona, aquest sistema t'empresona, és com funciona:
Thunder, resonates, this system imprisons you, it's how it works:
Tancat entre minuts, la vida s'evapora
Locked between minutes, life evaporates
L'agulla es detindrà, destrossarem la roda
The needle will stop, we will destroy the wheel
Dies que passe mirant, contemplant des de fora
Days I spend watching, contemplating from the outside
M'amague, no veig l'hora, al rellotge l'arena s'enfonsa
I hide, I can't wait, on the clock the sand sinks
Tornarà el somriure als teus ulls, no fugirem, farem volar el fum
The smile will return to your eyes, we will not run away, we will make the smoke fly
És parar, és pensar el que vull, és divisar en la boira la llum
It is to stop, it is to think what I want, it is to divide the light in the fog
Volarà metralla, al meu cap es talla el temps
Shrapnel will fly, time is cut off in my head
Poc a, però a poc a poc
Little by little, but little by little
Fem tard si no és ara
We're late if it's not now
El compte enrere acaba!
The countdown ends!
Volarà metralla, al meu cap es talla el temps
Shrapnel will fly, time is cut off in my head
Poc a, però a poc a poc
Little by little, but little by little
Fem tard si no és ara
We're late if it's not now
El compte enrere acaba!
The countdown ends!
Tràfic frenètic, controlant el pensament
Frenetic traffic, controlling thought
Compren, roben el present, manipulant el subconscient
They understand, they steal the present, manipulating the subconscious
Si les meues paraules volen amb el vent
If my words fly with the wind
Per tots aquells que detonaren el seu moment
For all those who detonated their moment
2, 06-07-08 res del que et dic sentit
2, 06-07-08 nothing I say makes sense
Sóc, 3 segons de la teua vida
I'm 3 seconds of your life
Més enllà de la pantalla, entendràs la rima
Beyond the screen, you will understand the rhyme
Dies que passe mirant, contemplant des de fora
Days I spend watching, contemplating from the outside
M'amague no veig l'hora, al rellotge l'arena s'enfonsa
I hide I can't see the time, on the clock the sand sinks
Tornarà el somriure als teus ulls, no fugirem, farem volar el fum
The smile will return to your eyes, we will not run away, we will make the smoke fly
És parar, és pensar el que vull, és divisar en la boira la llum
It is to stop, it is to think what I want, it is to divide the light in the fog
Volarà metralla, al meu cap es talla el temps
Shrapnel will fly, time is cut off in my head
Poc a, però a poc a poc
Little by little, but little by little
Fem tard si no és ara
We're late if it's not now
El compte enrere acaba!
The countdown ends!
Volarà metralla, al meu cap es talla el temps
Shrapnel will fly, time is cut off in my head
Poc a, però a poc a poc
Little by little, but little by little
Fem tard si no és ara
We're late if it's not now
El compte enrere acaba!
The countdown ends!
Poca però a poc a poc desterraré la por, la boira d'aquest malson
Little by little, but little by little I will banish fear, the fog of this nightmare
Poca però a poc a poc m'abrigarà la llum, l'escalfor d'aquell segon
Little by little, but little by little the light will shelter me, the warmth of that second
No, som ni soterrani ni terrat, dia a dia, és el del teu costat, connectats
No, we are neither basement nor roof, day by day, it is the one by your side, connected
Poca, però a poc a poc, recuperem el foc, acabarem guanyant el joc
Little, but little by little, we recover the fire, we will end up winning the game
Vola la metralla, al meu cap es talla el temps
Shrapnel flies, time is cut off in my head
Poc a, però a poc a poc
Little by little, but little by little
Fem tard si no és ara
We're late if it's not now
El compte enrere acaba!
The countdown ends!
Volarà metralla, al meu cap es talla el temps
Shrapnel will fly, time is cut off in my head
Poc a, però a poc a poc
Little by little, but little by little
Fem tard si no és ara
We're late if it's not now
El compte enrere acaba!
The countdown ends!
Fem tard si no és ara
We're late if it's not now
El compte enrere acaba!
The countdown ends!

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