Auxili - Revoltes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Auxili - Revoltes

Què sabem? Que ens volen lligar en curt
What do we know? That they want to keep us on a short leash
Què podem? Que ens calen la por, la misèria i els murs
What can we do? That we need fear, misery and walls
Saben que junts no podran parar-nos
They know that together they won't be able to stop us
Intentar fugir dels seus fils, no oblidar-nos
Trying to escape from their threads, not forgetting
Que d'aquesta farsa som els fills
That we are the sons of this farce
I anem buscant maneres d'escapar-nos
And we are looking for ways to escape
Revoltes, que si no et comportes te l'emportes resistirem de peu i mai a quatre potes
Revolt, that if you don't behave you will be taken away, we will resist standing up and never on all fours
Revoltes, que si no et comportes te l'emportes resistirem de peu
Revolt, that if you don't behave you will be taken away, we will resist standing up
Tu i jo, units els dos junts som més forts
You and I, together we are stronger
Que morts de por, que banyats en or
That deathly afraid, that bathed in gold
Som conscients de les nostres armes
We are aware of our weapons
Idees violentes justifiquen nostres actes insurrectes
Violent ideas justify our insurrection acts
Parlàvem tantes voltes de revoltes que ja no te sentit
We talked so many times about revolts that it no longer makes sense
Van perdent força les paraules
The words are losing strength
Revoltes, que si no et comportes te l'emportes resistirem de peu i mai a quatre potes
Revolt, that if you don't behave you will be taken away, we will resist standing up and never on all fours
Revoltes, que si no et comportes te l'emportes resistirem de peu i mai a quatre potes
Revolt, that if you don't behave you will be taken away, we will resist standing up and never on all fours
Revoltes, que si no et comportes te l'emportes resistirem de peu i mai a quatre potes
Revolt, that if you don't behave you will be taken away, we will resist standing up and never on all fours
Revoltes, que si no et comportes te l'emportes resistirem de peu
Revolt, that if you don't behave you will be taken away, we will resist
Revoltes, que si no et comportes te l'emportes resistirem de peu i mai a quatre potes
Revolt, that if you don't behave you will be taken away, we will resist standing up and never on all fours
Revoltes, que si no et comportes te l'emportes resistirem de peu i mai a quatre potes
Revolt, that if you don't behave you will be taken away, we will resist standing up and never on all fours
Revoltes, que si no et comportes te l'emportes resistirem de peu i mai a quatre potes
Revolt, that if you don't behave you will be taken away, we will resist standing up and never on all fours
Revoltes, que si no et comportes te l'emportes resistirem de peu i mai a quatre potes
Revolt, that if you don't behave you will be taken away, we will resist standing up and never on all fours
Revoltes, revoltes, revoltes
Revolts, revolts, revolts
Resistirem de peu
We will resist standing up

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