Auxili - Te la dec - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Auxili - Te la dec

Te la dec
I Owe You
Torna la sintonia
Bring back the harmony
D'esta puta monotonia
From this fucking monotony
I és la merda del dia a dia que em fa pres a babilònia
And it's the bullshit of everyday life that imprisons me in Babylon
Torna la sintonia
Bring back the harmony
Done la volta al llit
I turn over in bed
Les hores em pesen
The hours weigh heavy
I em trobe buit
And I find myself empty
M'alce de mala gana
I get up reluctantly
Encara és de matinada
It's still early morning
Somnis pertorbadors no em deixen dormir. I altra calada
Disturbing dreams don't let me sleep. And another drag
Fum de marihuana, retorna el panorama
Marijuana smoke, the whole picture returns
Records directes al cor, els teus ulls somrient
Memories straight to the heart, your smiling eyes
I altra calada, altra calada
And another drag, another drag
Perquè saps que te la dec
Because you know I owe you
Quan bec, dibuixe els teus ulls a la paret
When I drink, I draw your eyes on the wall
No puc dormir sense mirar-te i recordar-te
I can't sleep without looking at you and remembering you
Tornaré a la Babilònia per ser el teu xiquet
I'll go back to Babylon to be your boy
Perquè saps que te la dec
Because you know I owe you
Quan bec, dibuixe els teus ulls a la paret
When I drink, I draw your eyes on the wall
No puc dormir sense mirar-te i recordar-te
I can't sleep without looking at you and remembering you
Tornaré a la Babilònia per ser el teu xiquet
I'll go back to Babylon to be your boy
Exiliat per oblidar
Exiled to forget
Massa joves per no pecar
Too young not to sin
Tristes són les nits que ens queden per passar
Sad are the nights we have left to spend
Tristes les mirades que haurem d'intercanviar
Sad are the glances we will have to exchange
Tristes les paraules que vaig a pronunciar
Sad are the words I'm going to utter
Tant de temps al cel, ben a prop del sol
So much time in heaven, so close to the sun
Sobreviuré a l'infern, guardant-te a dins del cor
I will survive hell, keeping you in my heart
I si follem fallem, resistirem, s'estimarem
And if we fuck up, we'll endure, we'll love each other
Sobren les ganes i ens falta la moral
We have more than enough desire, but we lack the morale
Tu la perla dolça que em feres madurar
You the sweet pearl who made me mature
Jo el crio que t'estima i no para de cantar
I the snotty kid who loves you and won't stop singing
Perquè saps que te la dec
Because you know I owe you
Quan bec, dibuixe els teus ulls a la paret
When I drink, I draw your eyes on the wall
No puc dormir sense mirar-te i recordar-te
I can't sleep without looking at you and remembering you
Tornaré a la babilònia per ser el teu xiquet
I'll go back to Babylon to be your boy
Perquè saps que tornaré
Because you know I'll be back
Perquè saps que te la dec
Because you know I owe you

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