Little sister, I adore you. I know you're not happy.
Otro golpe en la cara. esto es cada semana,
Another blow to the face. This happens every week,
Y como siempre una excusa
- ¿qué tú ganas al fin? que él se burle de tí. ¿pero qué hago yo aquí? aunque quiero ayudarte,
And as always an excuse
- what do you gain in the end? That he makes fun of you. But what am I doing here? Even though I want to help you,
Tú lo aceptas así.
You accept it like this.
Tú eres mi sangre
You are my blood
Y mi meta es salvarte, y rezo por tí.
And my goal is to save you, and I pray for you.
Hermanita él no te quiere, quiere.
Little sister, he doesn't love you, he loves.
Tiene como veinte mujeres
He has like twenty women
Y tú lo sabes. te maltrata, luego tú lo defiendes. dale mente no te conviene, que no lo ves.
And you know it. He mistreats you, then you defend him. Pay attention, it doesn't suit you, can't you see?
- cada vez que te pega
You cry
- every time he hits you
- me da rabia y pena.
You cry
- it makes me angry and sad.
- como siento tú temor.
You cry
- how I feel your fear.
- de sus manos puedes morir.
You cry
- you could die from his hands.
- ese hombre te hace sufrir.
You cry
- that man makes you suffer.
- él te hizo ese moratón.
You cry
- he gave you that bruise.
- cuando escupe tu cara.
You cry
- when he spits in your face.
- y con malas palabras.
You cry
- and with bad words.
- él se siente superior.
You cry
- he feels superior.
Ese hombre es un animal, un cobarde
That man is an animal, a coward
Sin dignidad por pegarle a una mujer.
Without dignity for hitting a woman.
El no es digno de que tanto lo ames.
He is not worthy of your love.
Piensa bien tú eres la culpable, y tú lo ves.
Think carefully, you are to blame, and you see it.
Mis sobrinos no deben
My nephews shouldn't
Ver su mami correr. en tu casa hay un
See their mommy run. In your house there is a
Monstruo y tú duermes con él.
Monster and you sleep with him.
Anda y cuenta las horas que te ha hecho felíz.
Go and count the hours he has made you happy.
Luego cuenta los años que te ha hecho sufrir.
Then count the years he has made you suffer.
Yo no soporto ver a mi hermana llorando.
I can't stand to see my sister crying.
Ese hombre es una rata.
That man is a rat.
No existe hombre que pueda
There is no man who can
Obligarte a estar con él. puedes alejarte. ¿que no lo ves?
Force you to be with him. You can walk away. Can't you see?
No es respeto, lo que yo veo es miedo.
It's not respect, what I see is fear.
Tú le temes a ese perro.
You fear that dog.
Que no lo ves.
Can't you see?
- cuando llega a la casa.
You cry
- when he comes home.
- como un perro borracho.
You cry
- like a drunken dog.
- y te pega sin razón.
You cry
- and he hits you for no reason.
- los niños sólo lo ven.
You cry
- the children only see it.
- le gritan daddy no.
You cry
- they yell daddy no.
- no le pegues otra vez.
You cry
- don't hit her again.
- ese tipo te humilla.
You cry
- that guy humiliates you.
- y te habla mentiras.
You cry
- and he tells you lies.
- el no tiene corazón.
You cry
- he has no heart.
Debería mejor cambiar.
He should rather change.
Que me venga a mi a pegar.
Let him come and hit me.
Yo lo pongo en su lugar.
I'll put him in his place.
Ver letras de Aventura
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& Romeo Skit en tu movil
Mobile RingtoneDownload Ringtone Little Sister
& Romeo Skit on your mobile
Aventura nos presenta la canción y la Letra Hermanita
& Romeo Skit incluida dentro de su disco titulado K.O.B. Live en el año 2006 y con un estilo musical de Bachata.
Aventura presents the song and the lyrics Little Sister
& Romeo Skit included in their album titled K.O.B. Live in 2006 and with a musical style of Bachata.
10, 00/10 basada en 100 Votos y 271 Visitas
10, 00/10 based on 100 Votes and 271 Visits
Letras Aventura
Aventura Lyrics
Letra: Hermanita
& Romeo Skit
Lyrics: Little Sister
& Romeo Skit
Año: (2006)
Year: (2006)
Genero Musical: Bachata
Musical Genre: Bachata
Disco: K.O.B. Live
Album: K.O.B. Live
Ver todas las letras del CD en K.O.B. Live
See all the lyrics on the CD in K.O.B. Live
Escuchar Hermanita
& Romeo Skit Aventura
Listen to Little Sister
& Romeo Skit Aventura
Que de Letras
Que de Letras
Letra El Perdedor
Lyrics The Loser
Letra Dile al amor
Lyrics Tell Love
Letra Amor De Madre
Lyrics Mother's Love
Letra El malo
Lyrics The Bad One
Letra Obsesion
Lyrics Obsession
Letra La tormenta
Lyrics The Storm
Letra No, no, no (feat Thalia)
Lyrics No, no, no (feat Thalia)
Letra Me extrañarás mañana
Lyrics You'll Miss Me Tomorrow
Letra Yo quisiera amarla
Lyrics I Wish I Could Love Her
Letra Tu jueguito
Lyrics Your Little Game
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