Avicii - Street Dancer (Two Fresh Remix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Avicii - Street Dancer (Two Fresh Remix)

Street Dancer (Two Fresh Remix)
Street Dancer (Two Fresh Remix)
M-am saturat de patul meu de-acasa
I'm tired of my bed at home
Cearceafurile nu mai imi zambesc
The sheets no longer smile at me
Aceleasi haine zac tacut pe masa
The same clothes lie silently on the table
Si parca-mi spun ca nici nu mai traiesc
And they seem to tell me I'm not even alive
Si-atunci ies afara
So I go outside
E vant si este vara
It's windy and it's summer
Si ceru-mi spune, fugi, ca eu platesc
And the sky tells me, run, I'll pay
Ma intorc la tine, iau doi blugi cu mine
I'll come back to you, take two pairs of jeans with me
Si-ti zambesc
And smile at you
Vara asta am sa ma-ndragostesc
This summer I'm going to fall in love
Vara asta am sa ma-ndragostesc
This summer I'm going to fall in love
Vara asta am sa ma-ndragostesc de tine
This summer I'm going to fall in love with you
Acuma stiu ca marea ma asteapta
Now I know the sea is waiting for me
Nisipul ma va saruta si el
The sand will kiss me too
O scoica o sa ma zgarie in mana dreapta
A shell will scratch my right hand
Algele o sa ma zgarie nitel
The seaweed will scratch me a little
Si iar e vant afara si marea o sa ma doara
And it's windy again outside and the sea will hurt me
Si-un val o sa ma arunce in cortul ei
And a wave will throw me into its tent
O sa innebunim si sarea o s-o topim
We'll go crazy and melt the salt
Intr-un sarut
In a kiss
Acuma tin o bere-n mana (si o beau)
Now I'm holding a beer in my hand (and drinking it)
In stanga mea conduce cineva
Someone is driving to my left
Ma-ntorc la tine beat dupa o luna
I'll come back to you drunk after a month
Cu marea-n suflet si cu scoica mea
With the sea in my soul and my shell
Stiu c-ai sa ma certi
I know you'll scold me
Si-apoi c-ai sa ma ierti
And then you'll forgive me
Caci vantul e prietenul tau bun
Because the wind is your good friend
Si mai e ceva
And there's something else
Tu stii ca iarna tu est
You know that in winter you are

Writer(s): Tim Bergling, Henri Belolo, Jacques Morali, Frederick Zarr, Keith Rodgers

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