Axel - Miradas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Axel - Miradas

Hay miradas que sin dudas
There are looks that without a doubt,
Dicen más que mil palabras
Say more than a thousand words
Y que al verlas todas juntas
And that when you see all of them together,
Son como espejos del alma
They're like mirrors of the soul
Hay miradas que cuando miran
There are looks that when they look,
Son hirientes y lastiman
Are hurtful and damaging
En cambio hay otras tan serenas
But there are others so serene,
Que consuelan y acarician
That comfort and caress
Hay miradas insistentes, misteriosas, recurrentes
There are persistent, mysterious, recurring looks
Y las hay indiferentes, como las de tanta gente
And there are indifferent ones, like those of so many people
Hay miradas que ocultan verdades
There are looks that hide truths,
Que mucho dañan
That hurt a lot
Y las hay que en la diaria lucha
And there are those that in the daily struggle,
Fortalecen y acompañan
Strengthen and accompany
Hay miradas que perdidas entre miles de miradas
There are looks that lost among thousands of looks,
Andan solas por la vida
Walk alone through life
En busca de otras miradas
In search of other looks
Y hay miradas que cautivan
And there are looks that captivate,
Por lo bellas y profundas
Because they are beautiful and profound,
Como tu mirada azul
Like your blue gaze,
Que me atrapa día a día
That traps me day by day
Hay miradas que por tristes
There are looks that are so sad,
Enlutan a quien las viste
That they mourn whoever sees them
Y hay esas miradas dulces
And there are those sweet looks,
Que ennobleces a quien las luce
That ennoble whoever wears them
Hay miradas que derriten
There are looks that melt,
Hasta el corazón más duro
Even the hardest heart
E iluminan suavemente
And they gently illuminate
El pensamiento más oscuro
The darkest thought
Hay miradas
There are looks,
Que perdidas entre miles de miradas
That lost among thousands of looks,
Andan solas por la vida
Walk alone through life
En busca de otras miradas
In search of other looks
Y hay miradas que cautivan
And there are looks that captivate,
Por lo bellas y profundas
Because they are beautiful and profound,
Como tu mirada azul
Like your blue gaze,
Que me atrapa día a día
That traps me day by day


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