Ayano Uema - イツクシミ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ayano Uema - イツクシミ

朝の海に 翼広げ 一羽の鳥が空へ翔てゆく
In the morning sea, with wings spread wide, A lone bird soars into the sky.
自由な風 その姿に あなたを重ね合わせた
In the freedom of the wind, I see your image reflected.
長い冬を 幾つ超えて 育む木々の年輪のように
Through many winters, like the rings of a tree,
振り返れば 尊い日々 かけがえのない人達
When I look back, I see precious days and irreplaceable people.
遠く引き裂かれても 絆は深くなる
Even when we are torn apart, our bond grows stronger.
遙かな空よ この世界をもう哀しみで満たさないで
Oh, distant sky, let this world not be filled with sadness,
大地に光輝く慈しみを もう一度ください
Bring compassion that shines on the earth, give it to us once more.
巡る季節 うつろう街 傘もささずにひとり歩いてた
Through changing seasons and the city's sway, I walked alone, without an umbrella.
雨が止むと 星が灯り あなたの声が聞こえた
When the rain stopped, the stars lit up, and I heard your voice.
心が通い合えば 別れはないからと
When hearts are connected, there is no separation.
この世に生まれ 誰もが皆 手を差し伸べて泣き叫ぶよ
All who are born into this world reach out their hands and cry together.
生命の鼓動つなげる慈しみを 探しては生きてる
In the pulse of life, we find the compassion that connects us, searching for it, we live our lives.
遙かな空よ この世界をもう哀しみで満たさないで
Oh, distant sky, let this world not be filled with sadness,
大地に光輝く慈しみを いま一度ください
Bring compassion that shines on the earth, give it to us once more.
あなたのいないこの世界が どんな激しく変わろうとも
In this world without you, however fiercely it may change,
いつか再び出逢えるそう信じて これからも生きてく
Someday I believe we will meet again, and with that belief, I will continue to live.
Wishing for a peaceful tomorrow,
With all my heart...

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