Azai - Farol - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Azai - Farol

De las mentes soy adicta
I'm addicted to minds
Mi lucidez sin limites...
My lucidity without limits...
No quiero visitan porque flipan con mi nube
I don't want them to visit because they flip out with my cloud
Fluidez porque no para cuando pienso que no cabe
Fluidity because it doesn't stop when I think it doesn't fit
El cable que te echo cuando el tuyo parte
The cable I throw you when yours breaks
El calambre que me llevo siempre
The electric shock I always get
Mi bombilla enciende
My light bulb turns on
Incito a liarla
I incite you to mess it up
Asi es como se aprende
That's how you learn
La garganta que arde por esto que no sube no me quedo muda porque mis ojos gritan
The throat that burns for this that doesn't come up, I don't stay silent because my eyes scream
No soy musa
I'm not a muse
Porque no me dejas
Because you don't let me
Me quieres desnuda pero soy yo la que maneja...
You want me naked but I'm the one who's in control...
No estoy cuerda es por eso que prefiero unas cadenas
I'm not sane that's why I prefer some chains
Rap de fondo
Rap in the background
Que me hagas la coleta
That you do my hair
La modelo con tus ojos
I model it with your eyes
La peor de las condenas
The worst of sentences
Miro lejos porque no estas cerca
I look away because you're not close
Como este peta que no tira tiro la toalla pero la tuya no me das la talla
Like this joint that doesn't pull, I throw in the towel but yours doesn't fit me
Ante tu duda mi mirada
Before your doubt, my gaze
Aqui lo unico que dura es la espera todo llega cuando no lo piensas
Here the only thing that lasts is the wait, everything comes when you don't think about it
O esque no te has dado cuenta
Or haven't you noticed
Lo mucho pesa
A lot weighs
No te escucho porque cansas
I don't listen to you because you're tiring
Desconecto y tu no sabes nada
I disconnect and you don't know anything
No me pillas
You don't catch me
No me enganchas
You don't hook me
Me adelanto al echo sin decir palabra
I anticipate the fact without saying a word
La diferencia que tu das la nota como niña cuando te alborotas
The difference that you give the note like a girl when you get excited
Ami me dan la nota porque no pierdo las formas
They give me the note because I don't lose my forms
La rabia depreda
Rage preys
Si eres presa no lo cuentas
If you are prey you don't tell
Reaccion a la respuesta
Reaction to the answer
Me expreso esto esta sonando crema el laboratorio que te montas si esque entras
I express myself this is sounding cream the laboratory that you set up if you even enter
No te aburres, te lo dice quien quieras
You don't get bored, whoever you want tells you
Me fumo 4
I smoke 4
Me evado
I evade
Tu realidad de locos
Your crazy reality
Pero la mia
But mine
Me dicen que relaje un poco, pero la chispa que me lleva no la axfisio ni de coña
They tell me to relax a little, but the spark that carries me, I don't suffocate it for nothing
Te bailo lo que quieras pero el agua que me llueva
I dance whatever you want but the water that rains on me
No te sigo el rollo
I don't follow your roll
Me lo visto porque tu eres un cualquiera
I wear it because you are anyone
Si despisto, pero no sabes mis ideas
If I get lost, but you don't know my ideas
Si me la juego siempre es porque mi destino esta ahi fuera
If I play it is always because my destiny is out there
Las cosas que cambiar
Things to change
Me las se
I know them
Estan en lista de espera, 1 cerve por si la espuma
They are on the waiting list, 1 beer in case the foam
Que haya de todo menos dudas
Let there be everything but doubts
Los grados° suben mientras tu te esfumas con excusas que no sirven
The degrees° rise while you vanish with excuses that are useless
Espero que te cundan
I hope they pay off for you
Yo me centro en mi no me importa lo que ofrenzcan
I focus on myself, I don't care what they offer
La certeza de saber que ganas algo si yo cedo dejame decirte que me dejo el culo
The certainty of knowing that you win something if I give in let me tell you that I work my ass off
Si lo mios estan faltos
If mine are lacking
Y con gusto yo lo suelto
And with pleasure I release it
El no que ya lo tengo pero desconozco
The no that I already have but I don't know
Solo actuo
I only act
Solo arriesgo
I only risk
Si me callo, tramo algo
If I shut up, I'm plotting something
Me entrometo a muerte si algo esta fallando
I get involved to the death if something is failing
Subo la apuesta
I raise the bet
Tu FAROL se esta notando
Your BLUFF is being noticed
Ni mis formas son correctas ni las tuyas adecuadas
Neither my ways are correct nor yours are adequate
No tolero nada que se salga de contexto
I don't tolerate anything out of context

Writer(s): Azai

Azai - Farol
date de sortie

1 Farol

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