B.U.G. Mafia - Drumu' Spre Parnaie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia - Drumu' Spre Parnaie

Drumu' Spre Parnaie
Road to the Pen
Daca trebuie sa te bati, ar fi bine sa-i omori pa fraieri
If you gotta fight, you better kill those fools, baby
Poate ca stii ce-nseamna asta la parnaie
Maybe you know what that means in the pen
Alta lume s-a deschis atunci cand tu ai intrat
A whole new world opened when you walked in
Ai fost afara baiat
You were a good girl outside
Te gandesti ca nu mai stii nici ce sa faci cand iesi
You think you don't even know what to do when you get out
Stii cati ani ai de facut, da' nu stii daca mai pleci
You know how many years you gotta do, but you don't know if you'll ever leave
O sa vinzi iarba si alba cand esti iar pa strada
You'll be selling green and white when you're back on the street
O sa tai gatu' la oameni, sa iei banii gramada
You'll be cutting throats, taking stacks of cash
O sa-i spui la nevasta ca acum esti poponar
You'll tell your wife you're a big shot now
O sa-i spui lu' ma-ta, ca te-au bagat in spital
You'll tell your mom they put you in the hospital
Cand s-a sfarsit, ai iesit, ai plecat linistit acasa...
When it was over, you got out, you went home peacefully...
Da' ce sa vezi? Acasa nevasta-ta cu altu'n casa!
But what do you see? Your wife with another man in the house!
Trage-i un fier in cap, ia-i la picioare, baga cutitu'n
Put a bullet in her head, grab her legs, stick the knife in
Ei, transeaza-i, baga-i intr-un sac, fratioare...
Yeah, slice them up, put them in a bag, sister...
Si vezi sa nu-i gaseasca nimeni niciodata
And make sure no one ever finds them
Ca te intorci, m-ai bagat ca prima data...
'Cause you'll be back, you put me away the first time...
You understand?
Refren Ai fost odata, ai iesit, ai intrat din nou!
Chorus You were once, you got out, you're back in again!
Tot ce faci de-acum incolo, nu conteaza deloc
Everything you do from now on doesn't matter at all
Si daca pleci, te intorci si s-ar putea sa fie: Vreo 20, 30, 40. Cine stie?
And if you leave, you'll come back and it could be: 20, 30, 40. Who knows?
O poarta mare de tabla
A big metal gate
Deasupra sarma ghimpata
Barbed wire above
Credeai ca te-ai scapat de ea
You thought you were rid of it
Ca n-o s-o mai vezi vreodata...
That you'd never see it again...
Cadru deruleaza pe imagine-n-apoi
Frame rewinds on the image
Sa-nteleaga toata lumea despre ce vorbim noi doi:
Let everyone understand what we're talking about:
O gramada de gabori care te-a pus la pamant
A bunch of cops who put you on the ground
Aceeasi gramada de gabori stand-la usa-steptand
The same bunch of cops standing at the door waiting
Un prost care se gandeste mult la gat
A fool who thinks a lot about his neck
Ce-ar suferi daca te-ar da pe tine-n gat...
What would he suffer if he ratted on you...
Multi, multi prea multi bani pe un pat de hotel
Lots, too much money on a hotel bed
Un om intins pe trotuar curge mult sange din el
A man lying on the sidewalk, a lot of blood flowing from him
Si tu, in intuneric, gata sa dai cat mai tare
And you, in the dark, ready to hit as hard as you can
Un tovaras iti propune-o combinatie mai mare
A buddy offers you a bigger deal
Un tovaras, stai, ai multe de aflat
A buddy, wait, you have a lot to learn
Te-ai intins, ai intrat, cheia-n usa, ai urcat...
You stretched out, you went in, the key in the door, you went up...
De unde p**a mea-i venit?
Where the hell did he come from?
Cred ca toti au retinut partea de tabla cu sarma ghimpata de la inceput...
I think everyone remembers the part about the metal with barbed wire from the beginning...
Refren Ce te faci? Ce te faci?
Chorus What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do?
Gaborii te urmaresc
The cops are following you
De cand ai iesit afara: nu te mai slabesc!
Since you got out: they won't let you go!
Nu vrei s-o dai iar in bara, insa ce sa faci?
You don't want to screw up again, but what can you do?
Tre' sa-ti iei mancare, si haine sa te-mbraci...
You gotta get food, and clothes to wear...
Ti-e rusine de parintii tai... Nu-i mai vezi!
You're ashamed of your parents... You don't see them anymore!
Cate lacrimi au varsat de cand pe tine te-au bagat?
How many tears have they shed since they put you away?
Oare... Te-au iertat?
Have they... forgiven you?
Oare este cineva care sa iti dea o sansa?
Is there anyone who can give you a chance?
Zici ca te-ai schimbat
You say you've changed
Erai atat de fericit cand ai iesit...
You were so happy when you got out...
Ziceai ca n-o sa te mai bagi, ca de-acum traiesti cinstit
You said you wouldn't get involved anymore, that from now on you'd live honestly
Dar a venit... Si ziua-n care ai facut-o iar
But the day came... When you did it again
Gaborii te vad deja la penitenciar...
The cops already see you in the penitentiary...
Zic ca daca vrei sa scapi, tre' sa dai pa cineva
They say if you want to get away, you gotta rat on someone
Unu' foarte important...
Someone very important...
Asa ca ce e de facut, ce e de facut? C***e...
So what to do, what to do? Shit...
Singur ai semnat sa pleci, vino la parnaie!
You signed to leave alone, come to the pen!

Writer(s): dragoş vlad neagu

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