B.U.G. Mafia feat. Adriana Vlad - De cartier - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia feat. Adriana Vlad - De cartier

De cartier
From the Hood
De cartier... Yo!
From the hood... Yo!
De cartier... Yo!
From the hood... Yo!
De cartier, de cartier, de cartier... Yo!
From the hood, from the hood, from the hood... Yo!
E clar se va vorbi din nou de viata de cartier
It's clear we'll be talking about hood life again
Ai o viata de cartier, tre′ s-o traiesti intr-un fel, sa-ti spun
You live a hood life, you gotta live it a certain way, let me tell you
Regula de baza este sa respecti cartierul
The basic rule is to respect the hood
De la bunic la tata si la fiu, iti spun ptr. ca stiu!
From grandpa to dad to son, I tell you because I know!
Traind in cartier, tre' sa fii mult prea pa′ faza
Living in the hood, you gotta be way too on point
Ai grija cum te porti, altfel baietii de fac varza
Watch how you act, otherwise the boys will mess you up
E din ce in ce mai greu sa zambesti, mult prea greu sa zambesti
It's getting harder and harder to smile, way too hard to smile
Nu auzi, nu vezi, nu vorbesti... G-Yeah!
Don't hear, don't see, don't speak... G-Yeah!
Vezi banii cum se-nvart non-stop in juru' tau
See the money spinning non-stop around you
Vezi zeci de baieti care intra la bulau
See dozens of guys going to jail
Vezi o gasca de curve cu o gasca de pesti
See a bunch of whores with a bunch of dudes
Asta e cartieru' tau si trebuie sa-l iubesti!
This is your hood and you gotta love it!
Aici ori esti tatic, ori nu gandi prea mult
Here you're either a daddy, or don't think too much
Esti sifon? Noroc! Te-ai dus la fund!
Are you a snitch? Good luck! You're going down!
Si nu fii suparat cand iti ciordesc portofelu′
And don't be upset when they steal your wallet
Chiar asa cum e tu trebuie sa-ti iubesti cartieru′, bai...
Just the way it is, you gotta love your hood, man...
Refren Din est pana-n vest, iubeste-ti cartierul.
Chorus From east to west, love your hood.
Din nord pana-n sud iubeste-ti cartierul.
From north to south, love your hood.
S-aud toata Romania, cum striga "G-Yeah! "
Hear all of Romania shouting "G-Yeah! "
S-inc-odata-atat va cer
Once again, that's all I ask
Pentru cartier
For the hood
As mai spune inc-o data ptr. ca-l iubesc
I'd say it one more time because I love it
Stii, cartieru' meu ma face sa simt ca traiesc...
You know, my hood makes me feel alive...
Lasati-ma sa spun acu′ cum e pe strada
Let me tell you now how it is on the street
E din ce in ce mai rau
It's getting worse and worse
Da' inca poti sa iesi afara
But you can still go outside
Copiii se distreaza si rad pana seara
Kids are having fun and laughing until evening
Cand ies baietii si incepe smardoiala:
When the boys come out and the brawling starts:
La fiecare colt, vezi cate-o gasca
On every corner, you see a gang
La fiecare colt vezi cate-o c***a proasta
On every corner you see some stupid b***h
La fiecare colt vezi scandal intre golani
On every corner you see thugs fighting
Si la fiecare colt, vezi jocuri de bani.
And on every corner, you see money games.
La un semnal vezi cum dispar tarfel′, banii, bautura
At a signal, you see the whores, money, booze disappear
Pentru tine totu-i normal cat trece patrula
Everything's normal for you as the patrol passes
Desi eu l-as schimba cartieru' ramane la fel
Although I would change it, the hood stays the same
Dar oricum ar fi nu pot sa ma despart de el.
But whatever it is, I can't part with it.
Refren Vrei sa stii? Vei stii!
Chorus Wanna know? You'll know!
Da′ lasa-ma sa spun cum vreau eu, nu ma grabi! (nu ma grabi!)
But let me say it my way, don't rush me! (don't rush me!)
Tot ce-am invatat aici in cartier
Everything I learned here in the hood
E ca daca vrei sa fii de cartier, tre' sa fii de fier!
Is that if you wanna be from the hood, you gotta be made of steel!
Ca si la baiatul de la colt de strada
Like the boy on the corner
De care tie ti-e teama
That you're afraid of
Care face-bani gramada...
Who makes a lot of money...
Te uiti la el in cazier, nimic, banal...
You look at his record, nothing, ordinary...
Daca-i pui coperta, o sa ai codu' penal!
If you set him up, you'll get the penal code!
Niste gagici pe strada ti-am zambit
Some girls on the street smiled at you
Esti mandru de tine, gandeste-te mai bine:
You're proud of yourself, think again:
Ca-ti iau banii, hainele, tot ce mai ai
They'll take your money, clothes, everything you have left
O sa strigi in zadar dupa ma-ta: Vai!
You'll scream in vain for your mom: Help!
Nici macar un politai... Asta e,
Not even a cop... That's it,
Du-te-acasa, hai, du-te la liniste
Go home, come on, go to peace
Iar daca cineva te intreaba ce s-a intamplat
And if someone asks you what happened
Nu e mister... Fii sincer,
It's no mystery... Be honest,
Zi c-ai fost la mine-n cartïer.
Say you were in my hood.

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