B.U.G. Mafia - Pantelimonu' petrece (feat. Adriana Vlad) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia - Pantelimonu' petrece (feat. Adriana Vlad)

Pantelimonu' petrece (feat. Adriana Vlad)
Pantelimonu's partying (feat. Adriana Vlad)
Hei aceasta noapte este o noapte speciala
Hey this night is a special night
E o petrecere-n cartier si nu vreau s-o pierd din greseala.
There's a party in the neighborhood and I don't want to miss it by mistake.
Asteptam cu nerabdare dar mai e pana diseara
I'm waiting impatiently but it's still until tonight
Fara arme si batai, nimeni n-o sa moara.
No guns or fights, no one's gonna die.
Inca este 3 si toti sunt la baschet
It's still 3 o'clock and everyone's playing basketball
Ma imbrac in trening
I'm getting dressed in my workout clothes
Iau o tigara din pachet
I'm taking a cigarette from the pack
Si ma-ntalnesc cu cativa sa mergem la teren
And I meet up with some guys to go to the court
Restul ne asteapta acolo se intrec la slem.
The rest are waiting for us there competing at slam.
Jucam vreo doua ore
We play for about two hours
Echipa noastra e cea mai tare
Our team is the best
Tre′ sa plecam sa fim gata fiecare
We've got to go get ready each of us
Ca inainte de bairam dam o raita prin oras
Because before the feast we're going for a spin through the city
Avem afaceri de incheiat cu niste vechi borfasi.
We have business to finish with some old crooks.
Pe la 8 in colt umplem vreo 3 masini
At about 8 o'clock we filled about 3 cars
Rotile scot fum frate cand pornim
The wheels are smoking, bro, when we start
Acum ca avem bani agatam si niste fete
Now that we have money we're picking up some chicks too
La noapte suntem la bairam si trebe sa avem ce...
We're at the feast tonight and we have to have...
Pantelimonu petrece... toata noaptea...
Pantelimonu's partying... all night...
Pantelimonu petrece... toata noaptea...
Pantelimonu's partying... all night...
Pantelimonu petrece... toata noaptea...
Pantelimonu's partying... all night...
Acum avem hashis, femei si bautura
Now we have hashish, women and drinks
Suntem gata de petrecut hai frate inca o tura
We're ready to party come on, bro, one more round
Dupa ce ne mai plimbam mergem direct la loc
After we hang out some more we're going straight to the spot
Bairamul a inceput, casa a luat foc
The feast has started, the house is on fire
Este aici lumea buna,
All the cool people are here
Tot cartierul ridicati mainile
The whole neighborhood raise your hands
A venit carteru'.
The neighborhood has arrived.
Deabea acuma paranghelia incepe cu adevarat
The party's just getting started for real now
Avem un hashis ne-apucam de fumat
We've got some hashish let's start smoking
Doua trei jointuri tot bairamul e in transa...
Two three joints the whole feast is in a trance...
Bete moarte, femeile danseaza pe masa
Stone cold, the women are dancing on the table
Cu muzica la maxim de la inceput
With the music at max from the beginning
Stau toate puse in linie si dau din cur.
They're all lined up and shaking their butts.
Isi unduiesc corpu′ de te fac pilaf
Their bodies are undulating making you hungry
De incepi sa ai inchipuiri cu ele in cearsaf
You start imagining them in bed
Asa ca nu mai stati,
So don't just stand there
Haideti si voi
Come on, you too
Sa vedeti cum e in PTM cand petrecem noi!
See what it's like in PTM when we party!
Pantelimonu petrece... toata noaptea...
Pantelimonu's partying... all night...
Pantelimonu petrece... toata noaptea...
Pantelimonu's partying... all night...
Pantelimonu petrece... toata noaptea...
Pantelimonu's partying... all night...
Inca un bairam marfa in pantelimon
Another great feast in pantelimon
Doi cate doi se duc pe rand catre dormitor
Two by two they go to the bedroom in turns
Ca treaba s-a incins si toti au chef de sex
Because things are getting hot and everyone's in the mood for sex
Un amic de al meu face avere cu Durex.
A friend of mine makes a fortune with Durex.
Se bea, se fumeaza si se danseaza
We drink, we smoke and we dance
Si va fi la fel de tare pana cand se lumineaza.
And it will be just as awesome until it gets light,
Cel care a dat bairamul a ramas singur acasa,
The guy who threw the feast is home alone,
Ma-sa si tac-su' se intorc maine dupa-amiaza.
His mom and dad are coming back tomorrow afternoon.
Mai e mult de petrecut
There's still a lot of partying left
Nimeni nu s-a saturat
No one's had enough
Poate doar vecinii care se plimba pe langa pat
Maybe just the neighbors who are walking around the bed
Dar ce sa ii faci,
But what can you do,
E sambata noaptea
It's Saturday night
Si se stie ca noi nu dormim in ziua a a 7-a.
And it's known that we don't sleep on the 7th day.
O sa ne distram, n-o sa ne oprim,
We're going to have fun, we're not going to stop,
Sa continue bairamul ne dorim
We want the feast to continue
Decat toata viata fraier,
Rather than a sucker all your life,
Mai bine o zi rege
Better to be a king for a day
Asa ca hai cu noi pantelimon petrece.
So come on with us pantelimon let's party.
Pantelimonu petrece... toata noaptea...
Pantelimonu's partying... all night...
Pantelimonu petrece... toata noaptea...
Pantelimonu's partying... all night...
Pantelimonu petrece... toata noaptea...
Pantelimonu's partying... all night...

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