B.U.G. Mafia - Cât A Trăit - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia - Cât A Trăit

Cât A Trăit
How Long Have I Lived
Liceul, presupun, l-ai terminat? Bineinteles ca nu!
So you've finished high school, I suppose? Of course not!
Totul s-a schimbat cand a plecat taica-to
Everything changed when your old man left
Ai iesit in cartier fara-un ban in buzunar
You went out into the neighborhood without a penny in your pocket
Si-ai cunoscut pe toata lumea cu talentul tau penal
And you met everyone with your criminal talent
Au urmat numai zile bune si nopti intregi
Good days and long nights followed
Ai multe cunostinte deja pe-acasa nu mai mergi
You already know a lot of people at home, you don't go there anymore
Esti acceptat peste tot cu toate ca nu prezinti nimic concret
You are now accepted everywhere, even though you don't show anything specific
Cunosti acum pe toti de la A la Zet
You now know everyone from A to Z
A trecut un an, au trecut 2 ani
A year has passed, two years have passed
Maica-ta iti spune zi de zi ca n-are bani
Your mother tells you every day that she doesn't have any money
Intr-o zi te-ai apucat de munca, nu mai e la fel
One day you started working, it's not the same anymore
Acum actiunea se petrece doar la tine in cartier
Now the action takes place only in your neighborhood
Plictisit si obosit si tot ce-n minte iti vine
Bored and tired and all that comes to your mind
Sunt tovarasii tai care te-asteapta pe tine
Are your comrades waiting for you
Ai plecat de la munca si esti iar cu baietii
You left work and you are with the boys again
Oare cine se gandea ca o sa ajungi la injectii
Who would have thought that you would end up with injections
Vineri seara, uite ca apare cineva
Friday night, here comes someone
Care cu tava urma sa schimbe viata ta
Who was about to change your life with a tray
C-a fost asa cum credeai ca e sau nu
Was it the way you thought it was or not
Mi-ai zis mereu cum e dar ai stiut numai tu
You always told me how it was, but only you knew
Stiu ca viata merge inainte, asa trebuie sa fie
I know that life goes on, that's the way it has to be
Stiu ca toata lumea spune: de ce tocmai mie?
I know that everyone says: why me?
Incerc sa nu arat mereu cat de mult ma doare
I try not to show how much it hurts all the time
Si-astept la fel ca toti sa apara raza de soare
And I wait like everyone else for the sun to come out
Marfa, adica bomba pentru ea faci
Goods, that is, you make a bomb for her
Furi ca sa cumperi si n-ai cum sa nu te bagi
You steal to buy and you can't help but get involved
Figurezi deja pe liste ca infractor, eventual informator
You are already on the lists as a criminal, possibly an informant
Circa din cartier, casa tuturor
Circa from the neighborhood, home to everyone
Te gandesti ca ai ajuns sa furi din casa
You think you've come to steal from your house
La cel mai bun tovaras si totusi nu iti pasa
To the best comrade and still you don't care
Datoriile tale nu mai conteaza, viata ta
Your debts no longer matter, your life
Ai inceput sa plangi si vorbesti de cum era
You started crying and talking about how it was
In spital de-abia ti-ai dat seama cat e de aproape
In the hospital, you realized how close it was
Cand din 70 de kile aveai doar 40 jumate′
When out of 70 kilos you had only 40 and a half′
Acum stau si eu si ma gandesc la cate clipe am trait
Now I sit and think about how many moments I have lived
Era tovarasul meu, el a murit
He was my comrade, he died

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