B.U.G. Mafia - Capu’ sus - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia - Capu’ sus

Capu’ sus
Heads Up
Stim ca nu o sa uitam niciodata
We know we'll never forget
Nu am putea, chiar dac-am vrea
We couldn't, even if we wanted to
Pentru care sunt inchisi, pentru cei care s-au dus
For which you are closed, for those who have left
Pentru care sunt cu noi, capu' sus
For those who are with us, heads up
Suntem asa cum am vrut sa fim de la-nceput
We are how we wanted to be from the start
Te-am lovit atunci in cap acum e mult mai mult
I hit you in the head then, now it's much more
Sunt doar cativa baietasi pe care-i vezi langa noi
There are only a few boys that you see next to us
Te uiti la noi, noi urat la voi, ca la noi
You look at us, we look at you, like us
Am mult respect pentru multi, multi, multi
I have a lot of respect for many, many, many
Oameni batrani si trecuti
Old and bygone people
Urmeaza parte de tarfe, de falsi, cred ca-i stii
Next comes the part of the whores, of the fakes, I think you know them
Care se bucura prea mult sa vada teancul de mii
Who have too much fun seeing the pile of thousands
Pe gabori ii platesti, sunt ai tai si degeaba
You pay the cops, they're yours and in vain
Sunt prea lacomi sa duca la capat treaba
They're too greedy to get the job done
Atunci se observa in cazier, greseli
Then it's noticed in the record, mistakes
Te duci la zeghe, si incepi sa speri
You go to the uniform, and you start to hope
Oare-i mai bine sa NU, oare-i mai bine sa DA
Is it better to say NO, or is it better to say YES
Cum or mai fi baietii mei si familia mea
How my boys and my family are doing
Si stii ca trece, toate trec, mai am de spus
And know it passes, all will pass, I still have to say
O sa fie o data bine pentru noi capu' sus
It'll be good for us sometime, heads up
Niciodata nu a fost usor, acum e greu
It's never been easy, now it's hard
Sunt zile in care nu mai merge, orice i-as face eu
There are days when it doesn't work, no matter what I do
Si ma gandesc uneori ca poate-ar fi mai bine
And I sometimes think that maybe it would be better
Sa ma duc . acolo unde e bine'
To go . there where it's good'
As vrea sa tina capul sus cand plec fratii mei mai mici
I'd like to hold my head high when my little brothers leave
Mama si tata sa stie ca voi fi aici
Mom and Dad to know I'll be here
Mereu tot ce-am facut, ce dupa mine ramane
Always what I did, what remains after me
Am plecat de la voi, pentru voi vremuri mai bune
I left you, for you, for better times
As vrea sa tina capu' sus toti tovarasii mei
I'd like to hold my head up for all my comrades
Sa ii dea foc, sa traga tot, pana nu mai pot
To give it a shot, to pull it all in, until they can't
Sa-si aminteasca de mine si daca inima le cere
To remember me, and if their heart tells them
Prefer in loc de lacrimi, o sticla de bere
I prefer a bottle of beer instead of tears
As vrea sa tina capu' sus cei care mi-au fost dusmani
I'd like to hold their heads up for those who have been my enemies
Sa stie ca si fara mine treaba merge inainte
To know that without me, things go on
Si pana o sa ne intalnim toti acolo sus
And until we all meet up there
O sa incerc si eu cat pot sa mai tin capul sus
I'll try all I can to keep my head up too
Cu timpul am invatat sa fac, sa tac
Over time I learned to do, to keep quiet
Cu timpul am invatat sa tac si sa bag la cap
Over time I learned to keep quiet and listen
Totdeauna capu' sus si privirea dreapta
Always head up and straight gaze
Niciodata nu poti sa stii ce te asteapta
You never know what's waiting for you
E greu sa dai sfaturi bune celor ce-au nevoie
It's hard to give good advice to those who need it
Dar mai greu e sa-ti mentii viata proprie la o linie
But it's harder to keep your own life on a line
Spun unii ca practica iti poate fi profesor
Some say practice can be your teacher
Dar ai grija cum o faci ca s-ar putea sa mori usor
But be careful how you do it, or you might die easily
De la strada la parnaie poate fi decat un pas
From the street to prison can be just one step
Te las pe tine sa gandesti ce ti-a ramas
I'll let you think about what you have left
Baieti cu multi bani au cazut si doare tare
Guys with a lot of money have fallen down and it hurts
Inc-o data capu' sus pentru fratii de la-nchisoare
Heads up once more for the brothers in prison
Spun ce mi-a scris un frate din parnaie
I'm telling you what a brother from prison wrote me
Cateva vorbe care arata cat trebuie sa fii de tare
A few words showing how strong you have to be
Zicea ca zilele sunt acolo cenusii
He said that the days there are gray
Sau cenusii vargate si javrele stilate
Or gray with stripes and the stylish curs
Capu' sus
Heads up

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