B.U.G. Mafia - Fa-O Ca-N Pantelimon - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia - Fa-O Ca-N Pantelimon

Fa-O Ca-N Pantelimon
Fa-O Ca-N Pantelimon
Refren: Asta-i cartierul Pantelimon zi de zi
Chorus: This is the Pantelimon neighborhood day by day
O spun inc-o data acum pt tine ca sa stii
I say it again for you now so you can know
O iei incet din capat 14 la Morarilor te uiti in spate
You take it slow from the beginning, at 14 Morarilor, you look back
Amfora, Socului, Baicului ai iesit poate
Amfora, Socului, Baicului, you may have left
Dar stii bine ca nu e chiar asa usor
But you know it's not that easy
Cand se uita dupa tine baieti din Pantelimon
When the boys from Pantelimon are after you
De aici a pornit tot, de-aici vine intotdeauna
This is where it all started, this is where it always comes from
Ura pentru tine si pentru aia care sug pula
Hatred for you and those who suck it up
Dam tot pentru tot si pentru ce-o mai fi in plus
We give everything for everything and whatever else there is
Respectam ce ne-a invatat, reprezentam si-l tinem sus
We respect what we've been taught, we represent and hold it up
Pan-te-li-mon ye, strada cu strada, bloc cu bloc suntem
Pant-e-li-mon yeah, street by street, block by block we are
Ne-am adunat aici ca sa iti dam in cap
We're here to kick your ass
Si mai tare acum pentru ca incepe iar
And even harder now because it's starting again
Vorbim, explicam fiecare aspect
We talk, we explain every aspect
O fi versul prea rapid sau asculti tu prea incet
Maybe the verse is too fast or you listen too slow
O mai spun inc-o data pentru tine ca sa stii
I say it again for you so you can know
Aici stam noi, astia suntem, zi de zi
Here we stand, this is who we are, day by day
Acum aproape-un an un tovaras de-al meu
Nearly a year ago, a comrade of mine
Mi-a spus sa dau un vers exact asa cum vreau eu
Told me to give a verse exactly as I wanted
Asa c-am apucat mahoarca si-am tras un fum
So I grabbed the weed and took a hit
Dupa care am spus exact ce-o sa va spun acum
And then I said exactly what I'm about to tell you now
Toata lumea stie cum o face din Pantelimon
Everybody knows how it's done from Pantelimon
Si sunt multi cei care ar vrea sa fie deasupra tuturor
And there are many who want to be above everyone
Se lasa cu pistoale, cu sabii, cu topoare
They use guns, swords and axes
Pentru bani si familie, gata sa omoare
For money and family, ready to kill
Sunt sigur ca mai sunt cartiere in care e la fel
I'm sure there are other neighborhoods where it's the same
Eu spun doar ce-i la mine in cartier
I'm just telling you what's going on in my neighborhood
Toti alearga dupa bani, toti vor s-o faca
Everybody's running after money, they all want to make it
Incepe sa le placa la unii tot asa, inc-o data
Some of them start to like it, over and over
De la capat mult mai multi bani, mult mai multi
From the beginning, much more money, much more
Ca unul s-aiba timp sa piarda altii, sa nu uiti
So that one can have time to waste, others, don't forget
Ce vrei tu de fapt? Daca nu stii
What do you really want? If you don't know
Asta-i cartieru' Pantelimon zi de zi
This is the Pantelimon neighborhood day by day
Chiar si-acum daca mergi in capat ai sa vezi groapa
Even now, if you go to the end, you'll see the hole
Asa-i zicea inainte
That's what it used to be called

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