B.U.G. Mafia - Jucator Adevarat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia - Jucator Adevarat

Jucator Adevarat
True Player
Am cartieru in inima
I have the hood in my heart
Si barbut-n sange
And dice in my blood
M-am nascut cu zaru-n mana
I was born with the dice in my hand
Nimeni nu ma-nvinge
No one can beat me
Sunt respectat de toata lumea
I'm respected by everyone
Ca fac bani gramada
Because I make piles of money
Am tot ce vreau pentru ai mei
I have everything I want for my family
Cum multi ar vrea sa aiba!
Like many would dream of having!
Fetita mea-i printesa
My little girl is a princess
Nevastamea-i regina
My wife is a queen
Daia lumea se oftica
That's why people are jealous
Daia lumea-mi poatra pica
That's why people try to bring me down
Joc barbut de mic
I've been playing dice since I was little
De cand eram pustan
Since I was a kid
Cu golanii din cartier
With the hoodlums from the neighborhood
Pentru bani de buzunar
For pocket money
Acum sunt tatal lor
Now I'm their father
Joc pe sume mari
I play for high stakes
Cu borfasi de prima clasa
With top-class crooks
Numai cu milionari
Only with millionaires
Norocu-i de partea mea
Luck is on my side
Castig dublu decat pierd
I win double what I lose
Cateodata mai trisez
Sometimes I cheat a little
Cand mai cade cate un fraier
When a sucker falls for it
(Sti ca) viata e ca zaru
(You know) life is like dice
Se rostogoleste
It rolls
Cine e mai slab
Whoever is weaker
Ala se parleste!
Gets burned!
Ce-am avut, am pierdut
What I had, I lost
Mi-a placut sa joc barbut
I loved playing dice
Acum stau si ma gandesc
Now I sit and think
De ce toti ma ocolesc!
Why everyone avoids me!
Ce-am avut, am pierdut
What I had, I lost
Mi-a placut sa joc barbut
I loved playing dice
Acu stau si ma gandesc
Now I sit and think
De ce toti ma ocolesc!
Why everyone avoids me!
Am intrat adang in joc
I got deep into the game
Intr-o zi fara noroc
On a day without luck
S-a vazut de la inceput
It was clear from the start
M-am bagat si am pierdut
I went all in and lost
Am jucat toti bani pe care-i aveam
I played all the money I had
Am crezut ca am sa-i intorc
I thought I would get it back
Dar tot pierdeam, pierdeam
But I kept losing, losing
Inele, lanturi si bratari
Rings, chains and bracelets
Si tot am continuat
And I still continued
Am pus masina in joc
I put my car in the game
Si in sfarsit am castigat
And finally I won
Luasem inpoi ce pierdusem pana atunci
I got back what I had lost until then
Mai putin un lant, ceasul si un ghiul
Except for a chain, the watch and a ring
Baiatu mi-a dat momeala
The guy gave me the bait
Si eu ca prostu am muscat
And I, like a fool, took it
In loc sa plec acasa
Instead of going home
M-am pus iar si am jucat
I sat down again and played
Am luat-o de la capat
I started all over again
Si iar m-am dus la vale
And I went downhill again
Nu stiu ce sa fac
I don't know what to do
Ma simt la stramtoare
I feel trapped
Omul spune ca joaca
The man says he's playing
Pe tot ce tine masa
For everything on the table
Iar eu in schimb
And I in return
Tre sa imi pun casa
Have to put my house up
Atat mi-a trebuit
That's all I needed
Nu mam gandit nici un moment
I didn't think for a moment
Am dat cu zaru... ghinion
I rolled the dice... bad luck
Adio apartament
Goodbye apartment
Ce-am avut, am pierdut
What I had, I lost
Mi-a placut sa joc barbut
I loved playing dice
Acu stau si ma gandesc
Now I sit and think
De ce toti ma ocolesc!
Why everyone avoids me!
Ce-am avut, am pierdut
What I had, I lost
Mi-a placut sa joc barbut
I loved playing dice
Acu stau si ma gandesc
Now I sit and think
De ce toti ma ocolesc!
Why everyone avoids me!
Din baiatu care am fost
From the guy I was
Am ramas doar un paduche
I'm just a louse
Mi-as pune pistolu in cap
I'd put a gun to my head
Dar s-ar putea sa nu ma ajute
But it might not help
Am ajuns sa imi joc masina, casa si acum nevasta
I ended up playing my car, house and now my wife
Ma uit la ea si ii spun
I look at her and tell her
Nu mai plange fa ca proasta
Stop crying like a fool
Rupi inima din mine
You're breaking my heart
Si stii ca nu mi-e bine
And you know I'm not okay
Mai am pe lumea asta
I only have left in this world
Doar fetita si pe tine
My little girl and you
Si iarsi dau cu zaru
And I roll the dice again
La fel de prost...
Just as stupid...
Nu mai are rost
There's no point
Ies pe usa disperat
I go out the door desperate
Si incerc sa fac ceva
And try to do something
Dau cu pumb in primu geam
I punch the first window
Si fur bijuteria
And steal the jewelry
Dar nu fac nici doi pasi
But I don't take two steps
Si baieti ma inhata
And the guys grab me
Ma cunosc prea bine
They know me too well
Vor sa ma bage pe viata
They want to put me away for life
Scap cu cativa ani si prea multe de datorii
I escape with a few years and too much debt
Daca stau sa ma gandesc
If I think about it
Era mai bine era dupa gratii
It was better behind bars
Fetita si nevasta nu ma mai privesc in ochii
My daughter and wife don't look me in the eyes anymore
Se feresc mereu, ma ocolesc!
They always avoid me, they shun me!
Ce-am avut, am pierdut
What I had, I lost
Mi-a placut sa joc barbut
I loved playing dice
Acu stau si ma gandesc
Now I sit and think
De ce toti ma ocolesc!
Why everyone avoids me!
Ce-am avut, am pierdut
What I had, I lost
Mi-a placut sa joc barbut
I loved playing dice
Acu stau si ma gandesc
Now I sit and think
De ce toti ma ocolesc!
Why everyone avoids me!

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