B.U.G. Mafia feat. Bogdan Dima - La Fel de Prost Ca Tine - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia feat. Bogdan Dima - La Fel de Prost Ca Tine

La Fel de Prost Ca Tine
As Stupid As You
Ref x2:
Chorus x2:
Nu ridici mana pentru a mangaia
You don't raise your hand to caress,
Deschizi gura doar pentru a tipa.
You open your mouth only to scream.
Lasi urme de durere si rusine
You leave traces of pain and shame,
Candva am fost la fel de prost ca tine!
I was once as stupid as you!
Strofa I:
Verse I:
Dimineata, v-ati asezat la masa
In the morning, you sat at the table
Dar copiii tai se uita-n pamant, la ei in casa
But your children look at the ground, in their own home
Sunt speriati, linistea-i apasatoare
They are scared, the silence is oppressive
Se aud doar doua linguri ce amesteca-n pahare.
Only two spoons stirring in glasses can be heard.
Si n-au curaj sa-si priveasca mama
And they don't have the courage to look at their mother
Au vazut deja la baie ca-ncerca s-ascunda rana
They already saw in the bathroom that she was trying to hide the wound
Ca ai venit tarziu aseara, mort de beat
That you came home late last night, dead drunk
Dintr-odata, cand mancai, te-ai oprit si ai turbat
Suddenly, while you were eating, you stopped and went mad
Ai aruncat cu telefonu′ in perete
You threw the phone at the wall
Farfuria a zburat pe biciclete.
The plate flew onto the bicycles.
Mijlocul noptii, si vecinii din imprejur
Middle of the night, and the neighbors around
Auzeau doar vocea ta cum scuipa injuraturi
Could only hear your voice spitting insults
Ai urlat la ea ca totul a fost prea sarat
You yelled at her that everything was too salty
Fara sa stii ca aia mici stateau ascunsi sub pat
Without knowing that the little ones were hiding under the bed
Si se tineau de mana-n timp ce tu in dormitor
And they held hands while you in the bedroom
O loveai cu palma pe femeia vietii lor.
Slapped the woman of their lives.
Iti arunci neputinta pe sotie
You throw your helplessness at your wife
Si iti amputezi copiii inca din copilarie
And you amputate your children from their childhood
Boule!.Le umplii viata de rusine!
You asshole! You fill their lives with shame!
Prostule!.Candva am fost la fel ca tine!
Fool! I was once just like you!
Ref x2:
Chorus x2:
Nu ridici mana pentru a mangaia
You don't raise your hand to caress,
Deschizi gura doar pentru a tipa.
You open your mouth only to scream.
Lasi urme de durere si rusine
You leave traces of pain and shame,
Candva am fost la fel de prost ca tine!
I was once as stupid as you!
Strofa II:
Verse II:
Tie-ti place cand ploua, da' nu observi ca ploua
You like it when it rains, but you don't notice it's raining
Acum cu lacrimi peste tine, cand ii rupi inima-n doua
Now with tears over you, when you break her heart in two
Cand o faci sa se simta de parca are cu capu′
When you make her feel like she's lost her mind
Cand faci pe dracu'.tipi la ea ca disperatu'
When you act like the devil, you scream at her like a desperate man
(E fara bine, cu tine)
(It's no good, with you)
Tu dai in ea fara rost
You hit her for no reason
Pentru ca zice ce simte, o arzi mai mult decat prost
Because she says what she feels, you act more than just stupid
Pentru ca vede ce faci si cum o minti in draci.
Because she sees what you do and how you lie like hell.
Si cum nu-ti pasa ca vede ca esti la alta-ntre craci
And how you don't care that she sees you with another between your legs
Macar de-ai stii sa vorbesti
If only you knew how to talk
(Da′ tu ii arati c-o lovesti)
(But you show her that you hit her)
S-arati ca-ti pasa de casa
Show her that you care about the house
I-ar fi de-ajuns, de gandesti.
It would be enough for her, if you thought.
E fara tine de mult, pare ca s-a obisnuit
She's been without you for a long time, it seems she's used to it
Aproape ca-si doreste azi sa nu te fi iubit.
She almost wishes today she had never loved you.
Si ai sa mori dac-ai s-o pierzi, nici macar nu crezi
And you will die if you lose her, you don't even believe it
Ca la anii pe care ai esti prea prost sa stii ca pierzi
That at your age you're too stupid to know you're losing
Sunt mai mic decat tine, da′ imi aminteste de mine
I'm younger than you, but it reminds me of myself
Nu de mult, ti-o zic, eram si eu la fel de prost ca tine!
Not long ago, I tell you, I was just as stupid as you!
Ref x3:
Chorus x3:
Nu ridici mana pentru a mangaia
You don't raise your hand to caress,
Deschizi gura doar pentru a tipa.
You open your mouth only to scream.
Lasi urme de durere si rusine
You leave traces of pain and shame,
Candva am fost la fel de prost ca tine!
I was once as stupid as you!

Writer(s): Alin Adrian Demeter, Vlad Irimia

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