B.U.G. Mafia - ”Lacrimi" - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia - ”Lacrimi"

Desi nu mai am suflet, m-a cuprins tristetea,
Though I have no soul left, sadness has gripped me,
Locul acesta este rece si eu incerc cu disperare,
This place is cold, and I desperately try,
Incerc sa ies la suprafata, dar groapa-i stramta tare.
I try to reach the surface, but the grave is too tight.
Ma rog de gropar sa i-a pamantul despre mine,
I beg the gravedigger to take the earth from me,
Sa deschida cavoul, ca sa ies si eu la lumina.
To open the crypt, so I can emerge into the light.
Ce schelet ai-nebunit? Asculta cum bate toaca,
What skeleton, are you crazy? Listen to the church bell toll,
Stai acolo-n groapa ta si cu mortii te impaca.?
Stay there in your grave and make peace with the dead.?
Ma rog, ma rog intr-una si groparul nu mai poate,
I beg and beg, and the gravedigger can't take it anymore,
Sapa groapa-nfricosat s-apoi cavoul mi-l desface.
He digs the grave fearfully and then opens my crypt.
Afara ploua, dar e ud ca nu-mi vad urma,
It's raining outside, but it's wet because I can't see my trace,
Lumina lunii bate dar ma uit si nu-mi vad umbra.
The moonlight shines, but I look and see no shadow of mine.
Dar tre' sa ma obisnuiesc ca acum sunt doar un suflet
But I have to get used to it, for now I am just a soul
Ce-a iesit in lume sa vada daca totul mai e la fel
That came out into the world to see if everything is still the same.
Asa ca-am iesit din cimitir si am luat-o spre cartier,
So I left the cemetery and headed towards the neighborhood,
Scum eram fara sa vreau pe teritoriul mafiei.
Without wanting to, I was on mafia territory.
Lacrimi... lacrimi... acrimi... lacrimi
Tears... tears... tears... tears
Asculta ce iti spun, aici e teritoriul mafiei.
Listen to what I tell you, this is mafia territory.
Lacrimi... lacrimi... lacrimi... lacrimi
Tears... tears... tears... tears
Asculta ce iti spun, aici e teritoriul mafiei.
Listen to what I tell you, this is mafia territory.
Pe-o strada doi golani vor sa violeze-o fata,
On a street, two thugs want to rape a girl,
Ea se-opune si c-un cutit viata-i este luata
She resists, and with a knife, her life is taken.
Dupa colt alti mafioti vand droguri unor copii
Around the corner, other mobsters sell drugs to children,
Si poate nu-i intereseaza daca maine ei vor mai fi.
And they probably don't care if they'll be alive tomorrow.
Ma-ngrozesc din ce in ce mai tare si ma grabesc spre casa,
I'm getting more and more terrified, and I hurry home,
Mi-e dor sa-mi vad copii si pe frumoasa mea nevasta.
I miss seeing my children and my beautiful wife.
Dar ce vad, o, drace, de ce m-ai blestemat?
But what do I see, oh damn, why have you cursed me?
Credincioasa mea nevasta era cu altul in pat,
My faithful wife was in bed with another man,
Baiatul meu in colt joaca barbut cu derbedeii,
My son in the corner plays dice with the hoodlums,
Vrea sa castige bani usor, banii mafiei.
He wants to make easy money, the mafia's money.
Nici fata mea de 16 n-a scapat de ei,
Not even my 16-year-old daughter escaped them,
A ajuns doar o c***a de doi lei.
She ended up just a two-bit w***e.
Degeaba plang acum cand nu mai e nimica de facut,
It's pointless to cry now when there's nothing left to do,
As vrea sa pot fi langa ei, ca sa ii ajut.
I wish I could be by their side, to help them.
Nu mai rezist prea mult cu durerea ce ma-mpresoara,
I can't take the pain that surrounds me much longer,
Si de s-ar putea, o Doamne,
And if it were possible, oh God,
As vrea sa mor a doua oara?
I wish I could die a second time?
Speranta a ramas in parinti si cunostinte,
Hope remained in parents and acquaintances,
Asa ca am mers la locul lor sa vad daca ma mai tin minte.
So I went to their place to see if they still remember me.
Cu totii se distrau si nu se gandeau vezi foarte bine,
They were all having fun and didn't think, you see very well,
Sa verse un pahar in plus si pentru mine.
To pour one more glass for me.
Dar la casa parinteasca of, ce jale mai era,
But at my parents' house, oh, what sorrow there was,
Buna mea maicuta si acuma ma plangea.
My good mother was still crying for me.
Dar la fel de-ndurerati ca-ai mei plang si alti parinti,
But just as grieved as mine, other parents cry,
Asta-i urmarea crimelor facute de mafioti.
This is the consequence of the crimes committed by the mobsters.
Violuri, drog, omor, lumea nu ii mai incape,
Rape, drugs, murder, the world can't take it anymore,
Mafia acuma-i peste tot, nimeni de ea nu poate sa scape.
The mafia is everywhere now, no one can escape it.
Suparat o iau usor inapoi spre cimitir,
Upset, I slowly head back to the cemetery,
S-a-ntors totul pe dos, si nu vreau sa mai vad nimic.
Everything is upside down, and I don't want to see anything anymore.
Ma rog iar de gropar care doarme lang-un rug:
I beg again the gravedigger who sleeps by a pyre:
Hai batrane scoala-te si baga-ma-n cosciug,
Come on, old man, wake up and put me in the coffin,
S-apoi toarna peste mine un munte de granit,
Then pour a mountain of granite over me,
Caci ce-am vazut afara, mai rau e ca-n mormant.
Because what I saw outside is worse than being in the grave.

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