B.U.G. Mafia - Unii sug pula - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia - Unii sug pula

Unii sug pula
Some Suck Dick
De inceput o sa incep cu inceputu'
To begin, I'll start with the beginning
Esti doar o pizda care face bani cu botu'
You're just a bitch making money with your mouth
Barca e acu' prea mica tu te ridici sa spui ceva
The boat's too small now, you stand up to say something
Lasa-l pe tata sa-ti explice: o s-ajungi la pula mea
Let daddy explain it to you: you'll end up sucking my dick
Nu-ti fie frica nu esti singura lista mea continua
Don't be scared, you're not alone, my list goes on
De-ar fi sa spun tot ce am de spus nu mi-ar ajunge-o strofa
If I were to say everything I have to say, one verse wouldn't be enough
De 6 ani incoace sunt multi care dau cu zvonu'
For 6 years now, there have been many spreading rumors
Si-o gramada care fac stirea cu telefonu'
And a bunch who make the news with their phones
O parte din presa preseaza cacat
Some of the press squeezes out shit
Cand e vorba de noi sau in general de hip-hop
When it comes to us or hip-hop in general
Le-avem noi pe ale noastre si nu e asa cum trebuie
We have our own things going on, and it's not how it should be
Dar pentru voi toti ai mei striga multa muie
But for all of you, my people, shout out "suck a dick"
Si va mai spun de si bagatori de seama
And I'll tell you about those who act important
Ai uitat de unde ai plecat si cum te cheama
You forgot where you came from and what your name is
Stai acolo unde esti suge lapticul de la mata
Stay where you are, suck your momma's milk
Ca de pula mea atarna acum prea multi. Gata!
Because too many are hanging from my dick now. That's it!
Toata lumea stie ca esti doar un cacat
Everyone knows you're just a piece of shit
De cacat tot ce faci sa te faci remarcat
A piece of shit, everything you do to get noticed
De la noi si toti baietii care-ar vrea sa-ti sparga gura:
From us and all the guys who'd like to smash your face:
Sugi pula!
Suck a dick!
Toata lumea stie ca esti doar un cacat
Everyone knows you're just a piece of shit
De cacat tot ce faci sa te faci remarcat
A piece of shit, everything you do to get noticed
De la noi si toti baietii care-ar vrea sa-ti sparga gura:
From us and all the guys who'd like to smash your face:
Sugi pula!
Suck a dick!
Pentru ca-i totu' pentru bani
Because it's all about the money
Pentru ca-i vorba de ani
Because it's about the years
Fiindca respectul se castiga si mereu apar dusmani
Because respect is earned, and enemies always appear
Avem boala pe voi
We have a disease for you
Voi nu ati fost ca noi
You weren't like us
Voi nu sunteti ca noi
You are not like us
Voi n-o sa fiti ca noi
You will never be like us
Voi sunteti ziare 2 vorbe inventati prea mult
You are newspapers, 2 words, you invent too much
Iar cand suntem fata-n fata va pisati pe voi
And when we're face to face, you piss yourselves
Si sunt multe vedete proaste
And there are many stupid celebrities
Mult prea proaste
Way too stupid
Cine cacat le pune sa se bage-n ale noastre?
Who the fuck tells them to mess with our business?
Gaborii sunt aia care baga-n tribunal
The cops are the ones who take you to court
Care tot timp te scot de la parnaie-n ultimul hal
Who always get you out of jail in the worst state
Te-ntrebi de ce sloboz iti ridicam atat
You wonder why we diss you so much for free
Pentru baietii care-ar vrea sa ti zica ei mai mult
For the guys who would want to tell you more themselves
Cum e aici intre noi treaba noastra
How it is here between us, our business
Ti-am zis ca aici nu-i loc fey pizda proasta
I told you there's no place for a stupid bitch here
Pentru care au uitat vreau sa mai zic ceva:
For those who have forgotten, I want to say one more thing:
Pantelimon, Bucuresti, BUG Mafia
Pantelimon, Bucharest, BUG Mafia
Eu stiu ca tot ce scrii tu nu e despre mine
I know that everything you write is not about me
Eu stiu ca tot ce scrii tu le scoti de la tine
I know that everything you write comes from you
Ziaristule! Paparazzi ai fost si-o sa ramai
Journalist! Paparazzi, you were and will remain
Ala care suge pula pentru zvonuri
The one who sucks dick for rumors
Spui c-am fi cerut 280 de milioane la buzau
You say we asked for 280 million in Buzau
Din nou iti spun ca nu e loc ti-o trag la cioc
Again, I tell you there's no place, I'll stick it in your beak
Si mai spun ca sunt cu tine altii la un loc
And I'll say that there are others with you
Fa! Tie cin' ti-a zis ca ne-am pisat pe public proasto?
Yo! Who the fuck told you we pissed on the public, stupid?
Ai supt pula ani de zile s-ajungi stea muisto!
You've been sucking dick for years to become a star, you slut!
Noi ii respectam pe cei ce ne respecta stop!
We respect those who respect us, stop!
Prea multi te-au auzit si-o sa ti-o iei la bot
Too many have heard you, and you'll get it in the face
'99. Inca din '90 sunt aici
'99. Since '90 I'm here
Tu p-atunci sugeai la tzatza n-ai de un' sa stii
You were sucking on your mom's tit back then, you have no idea
Ai venit cu pluta pe conducta si te ai trezit mc
You came with the raft on the pipe and woke up as an MC
Prada-mi sugi pula sunt aici din prima zi.
Suck my dick, I've been here since day one.

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