b.u.g. mafia - Viata Merge Inainte - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction b.u.g. mafia - Viata Merge Inainte

Viata Merge Inainte
Life Goes On
Am o poveste Tre' sa va spun, G-YEAH
I've got a story to tell you, G-YEAH
Cum 3 baieti incercau sa fie duri, G-YEAH
About 3 boys trying to be tough, G-YEAH
Unu e Uzzi, Pantelimon, capat 14
One is Uzzi, from Pantelimon, 14th district
Ciordeli masini, smenuri marunte
Stealing cars, petty scams
Aveam 16.
I was 16.
Eram un pusti gaozar, pentru cel mare
I was a cocky kid, looking up to the big guy
Imi doream atat de mult sa fiu la fel ca el de tare,
I wanted so bad to be as tough as him,
Era baiat, niciodata nu intra in cacat,
He was a real man, never got into trouble,
Banii curgeau garla avea femei, avea cap.
Money flowed like a river, he had women, he had brains.
Ma'ntrebam ce pot sa fac, sa fiu la fel
I wondered what I could do, to be like him
Sa vorbesc ca el, sa merg ca el, sa arat ca el
To talk like him, to walk like him, to look like him
Sa am bani ca el.
To have money like him.
Il supara cineva, il impusca, nimeni n'afla,
Someone crossed him, he'd shoot them, no one would find out,
Gaborii erau degeaba, el era deasupra.
The cops were useless, he was above them.
Intr'o seara, eram baieti dupa ciordeala
One evening, we were out stealing cars
Trei masini odata, insa ca unu s'a ginit.
Three cars at once, but things went south.
Au venit cativa in cartier sa ne rupa capatana,
Some guys came to the neighbourhood to beat us up,
El era acolo in colt... ca'n totdeauna
He was there in the corner... like always
I'a vazut pe baietii cu scandal, 3 gloante'n cap,
He saw the troublemakers, 3 bullets to the head,
Au cazut toti pe asfalt la fel, nimeni n'a aflat.
They all fell on the asphalt, no one knew a thing.
Pentru noi 3, a fost o seara mare,
For us 3, it was a big night,
De atunci eram baietii, celui mai tare.
From then on, we were the toughest guy's boys.
Mr. Juice, Tataee, acum baiat bazat
Mr. Juice, Tataee, now a respected man
Stiu povesti de cartier cat sa scriu si un roman,
I know enough neighbourhood stories to write a novel,
Am stat cu ai mei langa nr 1 in zona,
I hung out with my guys next to the #1 in the area,
Smenari de cartier, cu pumnul de o tona.
Neighbourhood hustlers, with fists of steel.
Am invatat cum sa facem smenu' bine,
I learned how to hustle well,
Cum sa'i faci pe huseni sa aiba tarsa de tine,
How to make the cops fear you,
Auru' atarna greu acum la gatul meu,
Gold hangs heavy around my neck now,
50 50 multe mai multe aliniate in portmoneu.
50s and 100s stacked in my wallet.
Am avut profesor, nota 10 bengos
I had a teacher, a grade A gangster
Ne durea pe noi in pula, banu se facea frumos
We didn't give a damn, the money was flowing
Imi amintesc cum, hai la munca spunea tata,
I remember how my dad used to say, "Go to work",
Radeam shi'i raspundeam: Intorc banii cu lopata,
I'd laugh and reply: "I'm making money with a shovel",
Faceam de toate furam, dadeam shi'n cap
We did everything, stealing, fighting,
Teava'n ceafa, omu mort dus departe shi'ngropat.
A pipe to the back of the head, the dead man taken away and buried.
Zi si noapte nu conta, scandal sau bairam,
Day and night it didn't matter, fights or parties,
Legea'n cartier, noi o faceam.
We made the law in the neighbourhood.
Imi aduc si'acum aminte de zilele de atunci,
I still remember those days,
O frecam prin cartier si le luam banii la fraieri.
Hanging around the neighbourhood, taking fools' money.
Nu ne pasa de cine erau ce faceau,
We didn't care who they were or what they did,
Banii, doar bani ne trebuiau.
Money, we just needed money.
Eram smecheri de cartier, bazati pe cel mai tare,
We were neighbourhood hustlers, backed by the toughest guy,
Toti ne cunosteau, nimeni nu statea in picioare,
Everyone knew us, no one dared to stand up to us,
Pana intr'o zi, cand totul s'a sfarsit,
Until one day, when it all ended,
Lacomia, asta l'a dovedit.
Greed, that's what did him in.
A vrut sa traga un tun, sa'l faca pe cel mai bun,
He wanted to pull off a big one, to make it big,
N'a stiut sa se opreasca, s'a ales c'un glont in teasta.
He didn't know when to stop, ended up with a bullet in his head.
Suntem pe cont propriu nimeni nu ne protejeaza,
We're on our own, no one protects us,
Politia ne cauta, dusmanii ne vaneaza.
The police are looking for us, our enemies are hunting us.
Si ma'ntreb daca'i bine s'o tinem tot asa
And I wonder if it's right to keep going like this
Pentru borfas conteaza banu' mai putin conteaza viata.
For a thug, money matters less than life.
D'aia n'o sa ma opresc, continuu jefuiesc,
That's why I won't stop, I keep robbing,
Azi sunt bine da' s'ar putea sa o mïerlesc.
Today I'm good, but I might die tomorrow.

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