B.U.G. Mafia - Ziua Independenţei (feat. Magic Touch) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia - Ziua Independenţei (feat. Magic Touch)

Ziua Independenţei (feat. Magic Touch)
Independence Day (feat. Magic Touch)
Ma adresez dumneavoastra in aceasta zi in calitate de cunoscator al fenomenului si pot sa spun ca,
I address you today as an expert on the phenomenon known as,
Dincolo de cuvinte vulgare care deranjeaza doar pe cei ce nu vad in departare,
Beyond the vulgar words that disturb only those who cannot see into the distance,
E adevarul despre tot
There is truth about everything
Si doare...
And it hurts...
De la golani la politic,
From thugs to politics,
De la sex la credinta
From sex to faith
Si de la violenta la suferinta, doare...
And from violence to suffering, it hurts...
Doare pentru ca este vorba despre noi...
It hurts because it's about us...
Despre ei, acum ca au la dispozitie tehnologia pentru a-si trasnmite mesajul nealterat de limitele
About them, now that they have access to technology to broadcast their message unaltered by the limits
Impuse de societate direct catre mase,
Imposed by society directly to the masses,
Cred ca au devenit prea mari sa arda in atmosfera,
I believe they have become too big to burn up in the atmosphere,
Prea de strada sa cada si, ca niste bucati imense de piatra si gheata,
Too street to fall, and like huge chunks of rock and ice,
Vor lovi cu o forta de neimaginat si
They will strike with unimaginable force and
Cu consecinte devastatoare pe care le vom simti cu totii in anii ce vor urma...
With devastating consequences that we will all feel in the years to come...
Doamnelor si domnilor...
Ladies and gentlemen...
Cea mai tare trupa.
The greatest band.

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