B.U.G. Mafia - Între noapte și zi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction B.U.G. Mafia - Între noapte și zi

Între noapte și zi
Between Night and Day
Bunule, bunule mai zi-ne cu Mafia
Hey man, tell us more about Mafia
Intr-o zi a venit Moartea sa-i ia
One day Death came to take them
Cum a venit Moartea sa-i ia?
How did Death come to take them?
Da, Moartea (Moartea), ei au zis asa:
Yeah, Death (Death), they said like this:
Ai venit? Nu te asteptam acum
You came? We weren't expecting you now
Dar sunt pregatit de cativa ani
But I've been ready for several years
Si vreau doar sa iti spun
And I just want to tell you
Ca nu ma supar, stiu ca ai gresit
That I'm not upset, I know you made a mistake
Te-am iertat, intoarcete n-apoi de unde ai venit
I forgive you, go back from where you came
Aici nu primesti nimic
You get nothing here
Nu uita ca in fata ta in primu' rand zambetu' lu' mama
Don't forget that in front of you, first of all, is my mother's smile
Si gandu' lu' tata si tot ce am mai scump
And my father's thought and everything I hold dear
Un frate si o sora nu poti sa imi dai mai mult
A brother and a sister, you can't give me more
Si mai stau langa mine doi frati, ii stii
And two more brothers stand beside me, you know them
Cu ei te-am lucrat deja, sunt sigur ca mai tii socoteala
We've worked with you before, I'm sure you still keep count
Ai incercat cu vrajeala sa ne iei pe toti trei si ai plecat cu mana goala
You tried to trick us, take us all three, and you left empty-handed
Asa ca stai linistita, nu-ti vine sa crezi ca nici acum
So stay calm, you can't believe that even now
N-ai reusit, incearca sa te resemnezi si hai sa stabilim de-acum
You didn't succeed, try to resign yourself and let's establish from now
Ca nu mai vii pe-aici decat peste cativa ani, o suta, ce zici?
That you won't come back here except in a few years, a hundred, what do you say?
(Adriana Vlad)
(Adriana Vlad)
Mai tot timpul sunt intre noapte si zi
Most of the time I'm between night and day
Si tot ce-as dori, e sa mai pot trai
And all I wish is to be able to live more
Mai tot timpul sunt intre noapte si zi
Most of the time I'm between night and day
Si tot ce-as dori, e sa mai pot trai
And all I wish is to be able to live more
Lasa-ma sa-ti spun acum ce cred eu despre tine
Let me tell you now what I think about you
Esti decat o ta care vrea sa-i fie bine
You're just a b*tch who wants to be well
Care vrea sa ma ia din lumea mea, dar stii
Who wants to take me from my world, but you know
Eu mereu m-am gasit intre noapte si zi
I've always found myself between night and day
Stiu, niciodata n-o sa scap de tine
I know, I'll never escape you
Dar mai stiu ca acum nu poti sa te pui cu mine
But I also know that now you can't mess with me
Am 29, la apus si rasarit mi-ai zambit
I'm 29, you smiled at me at dusk and dawn
Insa eu nu ma las pacalit
But I won't be fooled
Ia mana de pe mine sau o punem parte-n parte
Take your hand off me or let's put it side by side
Tot ce am acum n-are inca moarte
Everything I have now is still alive
O mama, o fata si doi frati ma asteapta
A mother, a daughter, and two brothers are waiting for me
Am Mafia pe viata sa nu uiti niciodata
I have Mafia for life, never forget
Lasa-ma in pace ca nu cad in gheara ta
Leave me alone, I won't fall into your clutches
Mai am de trait si tu stii ca imi place viata
I still have to live and you know I like life
Daca nu te-am lamurit iti mai zic inca o data
If I haven't convinced you, I'll tell you one more time
Sigur nu sunt omu' tau asa ca pleaca
I'm definitely not your man, so leave
(Adriana Vlad)
(Adriana Vlad)
Mai tot timpul sunt intre noapte si zi
Most of the time I'm between night and day
Si tot ce-as dori, e sa mai pot trai
And all I wish is to be able to live more
Mai tot timpul sunt intre noapte si zi
Most of the time I'm between night and day
Si tot ce-as dori, e sa mai pot trai
And all I wish is to be able to live more
Ma vrei pa mine, huh, chiar pa mine, huh?
You want me, huh, really me, huh?
Dute-n alta parte fiindca n-am sa vin cu tine
Go somewhere else because I'm not coming with you
Ia pa oricine, in Bucuresti, Pantelimon
Take anyone, in Bucharest, Pantelimon
Am sa raman intotdeauna, am sa dau un microfon
I will always remain, I will give a microphone
De ce sa vin acum cand viata mea deabea incepe
Why should I come now when my life is just beginning
De ce sa las ce am si din suflet zic ca am
Why should I leave what I have and say from my heart that I have
Am doi baieti adevarati, am o mama si un tata
I have two real boys, I have a mother and a father
Am o casa-n care stau si dosaru' meu cu pata
I have a house where I live and my file with a stain
Am o fata, doua, mai multe stii
I have a girl, two, more you know
Nu am deocamdtata, vreau sa fac si copii
I don't have it yet, I want to have children too
Am opt albume scoase si baietii tot mai vor
I have eight albums out and the boys still want more
Pentru ei raman aici, n-am sa vin, n-am sa mor
For them I stay here, I will not come, I will not die
Stiu, sunt multi care vorbesc urat de mine
I know, there are many who speak badly of me
Nu toata lumea ma iubeste da' oricum nu vin cu tine
Not everyone loves me but I'm not coming with you anyway
Am strazile cu gropi din Romania mea iubita
I have the streets with potholes from my beloved Romania
Strada m-a facut, ei sunt dator, nu mi-e frica
The street made me, I owe them, I'm not afraid
De nimeni si nimic, nici macar de tine fa
Of no one and nothing, not even you, sis
As mai avea multe de zis da' nu mai zic
I would have more to say but I won't say anymore
Pentru ca ti-as da prea multa importanta, bai zdreanta
Because I would give you too much importance, you b*tch
Nu vin nicaieri, raman acasa
I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying home
(Adriana Vlad)
(Adriana Vlad)
Mai tot timpul sunt intre noapte si zi
Most of the time I'm between night and day
Si tot ce-as dori, e sa mai pot trai
And all I wish is to be able to live more
Mai tot timpul sunt intre noapte si zi
Most of the time I'm between night and day
Si tot ce-as dori, e sa mai pot trai
And all I wish is to be able to live more
Mai tot timpul sunt intre noapte si zi
Most of the time I'm between night and day
Si tot ce-as dori, e sa mai pot trai
And all I wish is to be able to live more

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